Jan. 2, 2024

How Unleashing Your Entrepreneurial Spirit Can Elevate Your Corporate Game - Nadia Carta is RightOffTrack | Anya Smith

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How Unleashing Your Entrepreneurial Spirit Can Elevate Your Corporate Game - Nadia Carta is RightOffTrack | Anya Smith

🌟 "If we don’t do it for ourselves, no one is going to save us." This powerful mantra from Nadia Carta, a Google leader with an entrepreneurial heart, sets the tone for our latest episode. Join me, Anya Smith, as we delve into Nadia's inspiring journ...

🌟 "If we don’t do it for ourselves, no one is going to save us." This powerful mantra from Nadia Carta, a Google leader with an entrepreneurial heart, sets the tone for our latest episode. Join me, Anya Smith, as we delve into Nadia's inspiring journey from corporate leadership to sparking a purpose-driven movement with "Spark Your Zeal."

🚀 Nadia's story is a beacon for anyone in a 9 to 5 job dreaming of igniting their passion and creating something meaningful. It's a testament to how embracing our entrepreneurial side can enrich not just our personal lives but also bring a fresh perspective to our professional roles. This conversation is not just about finding your path; it's about the courage to walk it.


🔥 Discover the value of pursuing your passion, even within the confines of a traditional career.

💡 Learn how engaging your entrepreneurial spirit can enhance all aspects of your life, including your work.

💪 Embrace the mindset: "If we don’t do it for ourselves, no one is going to save us" – and see where it takes you.

🌈 Understand how purpose-driven efforts can lead to profound personal and professional growth.


00:00 Preview

01:43 Introduction

05:43 Nadia’s Journey from Google to Spark Your Zeal

09:23 The Entrepreneurial Spark Within

14:16 Leveraging Passion in a 9 to 5

19:15 The Synergy of Personal and Professional Growth

22:45 Nadia’s Advice for Aspiring Entrepreneurs

29:03 Embracing Challenges and Opportunities

39:47 Key Lessons for Life and Career

44:03 Final Thoughts: Taking the Leap


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so I'm not pouring all my expectations into the job
but I am diversifying all that I'm doing in life
it makes me a better colleague
it makes me a better um
client partnership person
you know so we need to remember that as humans
we our multi facet
if that's the word right
we we have so much in us that we can vibrate towards to
right and finding a way to keep our vibrations high
it's our biggest responsibility into this planet
because the highest of the vibrations is love
and so if we need to bring love into the
work that we do
if we need to bring love in our relationships
if we need to bring love in our families
we need to first generate love in ourselves
yet if we don't do it for ourselves
no one is gonna save us
it's our only responsibility
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and let's go on this adventure together
right off track
enjoy this episode
going off track is taking a chance on yourself
following your polls of curiosity
it's making your own decisions
the most wonderful adventure
hey friends
in today's episode will delve into how challenges
can be the catalyst for transformation
and how to turn your aspirations into
impactful realities
our discussion will be packed with insights on leading
the purpose and passion
especially in the high stakes world of tech
joining us to share her unique perspective
own through her leadership role at Google
and her inspirational spark
you're still movement is our special guest
Nadia Carter
Nadia I'm so excited to have you here
hi hello everybody
such a great community
thank you for having me on here
I love that the intro and the topic
it's uh absolutely a pleasure to be here
oh I'm so inspired by you
just before we started
like I've been doing so much this year
right from podcast to like growing your movement
and you also have a full time job outside of all this
so can you unpack maybe like
how did you decide to dive into this crazy world
of starting this movement while working full time
oh my god thank you for the question
I also have two kids that are age 7 and 4
so for everybody listening
if you're a parent
a lot is going on in our lives
yes it's uh
such a good question
and I'm coming off from recording
another episode on my own show
Anonymous Humans
where we spoke about purpose with our guest
and our guest Craig
he's amazing
and how did I came out
how did I came to this
now that I'm reflecting
I'm gonna I always use the podcast
interviews that I go to as a reflection moment for me
because it's actually you know
a space for
a further introversion
and so sparkles you was born last November
it's been one year
little bit more than one year
that I came out with this movement
and it was born from a very dark place
because it was born out of a frustration
that I was experiencing in my corporate world
and it was born from
me looking at all of my life
and which were the things that were pulling me forward
and I believe that the gift that I received
in creating spark your zero
is the manifestation of the biggest purpose that I have
into this life
into this planet
while I'm very good at my corporate job
and I'm very good at succeeding in a tech environment
as a woman and as a professional
and as a leader
I've always felt that I wanted to do something more
and I wanted to have more scale
and I wanted to impact people deeply
beyond selling
ha ha like I love selling
advertising and I
I love to be able to do that at Google
but I've always asked myself
what is the biggest thing that I can accomplish
and how my nature
and my skills are being
into this world to accomplish that
and so I'm happy to dwell a bit more deeper
into that space
and all it all came to believe
but eventually
Sparky Orziel gave me the vessel
gave me the language
and gave me the
archetypes and ways to channel
all of my passion and fire into something that was
helping others to thrive
I love that
and thank you for touching on the point
and you as you mentioned
you know you were you are Google
you are doing things really well
and now you started you know
this movement is bringing to life
what was the catalyst is like hey yes
I feel like I wanna do more
I wanna do I wanna do something purposeful
but then a lot of us have the feeling
but they don't do anything
so what's next
final straw
like I'm gonna go for it yeah
such a good question
you know last year I went for my next level
a next level role
so uh ambitiously
I put my hand up for this responsibility
and for the first time in my life
I didn't get something that I wanted
which is um
which is an interesting reflection for me
I'm very type a
I dig myself out of the hole where I grew up and I
everything that I got in my life
is because I went after it with great
with courage and bravery
thankfully I had people on the way helping me
and mostly think the universe
always brought me what I needed
at the moment that I needed it
and myself with my mental fitness
was pushing for this things
like I've always navigated
with this fire inside my heart right
so when last year
this frustration
materialized in front of me
I said okay
what are some of the ways that
have proven effective for me in the past
that I can redeploy to help me
in this moment and make me see a brighter future
so I'm a big fan of having a coach
having a mentor
of having even a therapist
have all of these things in my life
and I remember sitting down with my coach
venting out of this event
that had left me a little bit unsatisfied
and I said I have all this fire inside me
I really really need to find a way to channel it
like it was a need
if I didn't have spark or zero for this past year
I would have probably exploded
I'm a big fan of channeling energies
because when you keep
energies and frustration inside your heart
they're not good for your body
they're not good for your spirit
they're not good for anything
and I said to my coach
I need a creative space
I need a movement
I need something where I can pour and inspire myself
like I literally wanted to be that inspiration
for me so that I could use that to scale
and this is how that conversation went
and I mean mind you Anya
it's not perfect
uh I'll be very honest
in the past month
I couldn't work on Sparky's yield for either a minute
because I was either grinding and pushing at Google
or I was exhausted in my couch
or I was looking after my girls
so there are moments that is more challenging
but only knowing that I have it gives me soulless
that's so beautiful and again
there's so much to impact your so now you
you had the sense of hey
I wanted to have a creative outlet
so how did you come about and create like
what spark your seal is now
and then behind you I see also your book a lot better
it looks beautiful
so if you're on YouTube
check that out
but maybe if you want to share how that also came about
I'd love to hear all of that yeah
I can I can get pretty tactical so
I mean to be very simple
Last February
I launched my website
the sparkyresil
com and uh again
I believe in surrounding
yourself with people that can be helping you
and I'm so fortunate
every time I ask the universe to send me what
I need in that moment I get it
and so I wanna give a big shout out to ushi
uh my my I I don't even know what to call her
I call her my fairy
because who she really showed me the way
I'm packing in each of our sessions
on how to bring forward my executive presence
how to bring forward my um
power and how to really
believe in myself
I truly believe Anya
that a lot of it is around the self confidence
that you have something to say in this planet
a lot for me was believing that I had something to say
and believing that my voice mattered
and what happened after launching my website
is that I put into the universe the desire of
being out there
being on podcast show
doing interview
I love public speaking
for example
it's something that I'm really passionate about
I've always been very passionate about
since when I was in my 20s
and I've been doing it a lot and I said
I really love to bring this word in this narrative
to more people
and so invitations starting to pour
and opportunities starting to arrive
and in this year only
I touched with my message
more than 3,000 people
on live shows
and my LinkedIn following started growing
I'm gonna close at sixteen uh
thousand people this
this this year
which is not a lot for me
I mean for many
but it's a lot for me
because I started
that's amazing
that's amazing
why do we put ourselves down like
like it's never enough like no
that's amazing
celebrate it
aw thank you
and thank you for catching
when I fall back into the trap
right I think we
we often are in this um
corporate environment where it's never enough
it's never enough
so accepting
very good point
accepting that I was enough
and accepting that I was worth it
and enough for myself
that that has been a very big mental
transformation for me
and then lastly
look what started happening
the the real message from people
reaching out
people from all over the world are telling me Nadia
thanks to your interview
I was able to navigate a very tough
personal situation that I was going through
random people sending me messages on LinkedIn
people finding me in real life
in New York
or in France
or everywhere
last time happened in London
where people said
oh my God I recognise you from social media
I wanna tell you that thanks to your content
I was able to
get on that project
and last person that messaged me out of uh
after my keynote
she said I was so energized and passionate
after hearing you speak
that I went and I painted my nails in the spark
your co colour
so you know
what I'm saying
for me the validation and the energy that I
started receiving
from the people that
were saying Nadia
for from any of your word
I'm getting more motivated to go and
and leave my life
that for me
what was he rated
the catalyst for
everything oh
I love that
and I can hear that passion in your energy
so it's energizing
our listeners too
so thank you for that
and what it reminds me is that
it's interesting how
even though
like you know
you have all success
corporate and like
I was at meta for almost seven years
I think it teaches us to limit ourselves right
that we think of our
as being limited
by what's around us
like here's the next promotion
and what is my manager look like
what is the next salary pay grade
and that's a very um
that limits yourself
there's a sense of the scarcity
that my opportunity
what I'm valued at
is based on this external thing
and what I seen for myself is that
when you go out there
and you think about hey
I'm gonna open myself up to the world
your limits
then become much faster
so I see that playing out for you too
and what else I want people here
is that here you are
you know a leader in your space
rightfully so
you've earned it
but here you are
also learning about yourself more
because you've taken this path right
and you're also
seeing that you had
maybe putting words in your mouth
like limiting
like sense of like
how you show up
and you were practicing that
and then like
that helped you attract
these bigger things
so anybody wherever they are on their corporate career
even if they are
you know far along
could have this
opportunity to uncover
themselves more fully
by taking on
you know whatever
that energetic
pull is leading
them towards
I love how you summarised it
I'm gonna tell you a little story back in 20
I think was 2018
maybe it was 2018
I've been a Google for 15 years right
so I covered
so many roles
I cannot even start
I worked in
and lived in four countries
I did regional national
I've seen it
all right and
uh as I said
I've always been very
successful uh
I'm very driven
and I've I've I've
I've always had
big emissions
so one day I'm sitting in my performance
review around this time
because that's when all these big corpse
they do the performance reviews
and I'm sitting with my
manager back then
a fantastic man
one of the best managers
I've ever had
an extremely
candid person
very direct
and he's giving me
is giving me
feedback about my performance
he goes you know
was all like
the business
results and
the more hardcore
things were amazing
and then he goes
but I have one item that I want you to work on
and I'm like
oh my God what
what is that gonna be
right you know
I I was really trying to grasp it
and it goes
I would really love for you to work on your self
confidence and in that moment
he really hit me
like he hit me so badly
I cannot even tell you
I started crying
probably wasn't my cycle part
where I was very hormonal
but he really hit me because
until that moment
I never investigated the
relationship that I had with my self
confidence and
I didn't know where to turn my head
I said how do I tackle this
like I don't even know where to begin
I'm I'm gonna start
asking feedback
but how do I sell for it
and so I started
going to people and I
someone said to me
hire a coach
like work with a coach on this and um
I never did coaching before
then I I was
I had mentors
I had sponsorship
but I didn't have
uh coaches so
I had a coach for myself
and I started unpacking
and packing
and I've Learned about
what does it mean to deal with
imposter syndrome
and I wanna say to all of the women
listening to this
but also men but women
um primarily
there's a lot of data out there
that we women
were always looking
at what we don't have
we're always looking about
what do we need to do better
and we're always
looking at the
we have a kind of a ALF
Glass empty
spirit and for
a lot of reasons
I'm not gonna
get right now
in the societal reason
you know a lot of
the patriarchy
that was shutting us down
if you haven't seen
Barbie ha ha
that will explain it
a lot of things
and so for the past
probably I'm gonna say
six 7 years
I've been working really
really hard to
strengthen my mental
abilities to
be confident
that my story matter
my contribution to the planet matters
and that I am bigger than myself
and so for anyone working in a corporation
listening to this
I think you said it beautifully
and I'm so grateful that I'm a Google
I love being a Google
I hope that I'm a
stay at Google for as long as possible
because I want to transform the corporation I'm in
that's my biggest purpose
I want to transform it from the inside
and it can be sometimes daunting
because of the way the processes work
and because of the way the bigger system work
and it's up to you listening to spark your own zero
this is the word that I always say
because unless you find your own way
no one is gonna come and save you
you know like
even if you have a mentor or sponsor or manager
they're not gonna come and save you
it's your job to save yourself
and so finding myself
confidence has been my biggest transformation
to be honest
so sometimes I do fall
still in the trap
so you heard me ha ha
and it's very helpful to catch it and
reframing in it and saying well
I am doing big things
yeah what reminds me of is that
often times we think as leaders or you know
somebody trying to do something in the world with us
all external
like what's the strategy
how much bottom line am I hitting
we forget that internally we have this foundation
that we can often overlook that really is
influencing a lot of things
so I'm curious
now that you've put in the work
and I know it's an ongoing journey of building yourself
confidence and then having this creative outlet
um which is not just creative
it's also influential of Sparky Resil
how has that changed you as a leader
in this corporate space
because what I wanna hear is
people can be entrepreneurial wherever they are
inside corporate
outside doing their own thing
um but I think that once you go on that journey
it does change the things around you
yeah beautiful question
I speak about
this very thing with my boss on a weekly basis
and you know
I had this conversation
um with her pretty recently during my
this year performance review
and you know
she looked at me and she said
you're transformed
like even in this only past year
you're a different leader
like the way you hold the space for people
the way you show up
the way you shop for your client it's um
it's insightful because
as a leader in a corporation
you do have the responsibility about inspiring others
and granted
I delivered the sparky Brazil
keynote at Google probably 10
12 times uh
the last time was in Chicago at the end of November
to like 120 people
and it makes me a better colleague
it makes me a better leader
it makes me a better client partnership person
and and that's because I'm not
pouring all my expectations
into the job
but I am diversifying all that I'm doing in life
and it's it's becoming a free will
right where
the energy that I would get from a talk
like the energy that I'm getting out of this
I'm gonna be in such high vibrations after that
I'm gonna do a better performance
if my in my other Google meeting
that is gonna be at one right
like when I need to present to a variety of people
and so we need to remember that as humans
we are multi facet
if that's the word right
we we have so much in us that we can vibrate towards to
and finding a way to keep our vibrations high
it's our biggest responsibility into this planet
because the highest of the vibrations is love
and so if we need to bring love into the
work that we do
if we need to bring love in our relationships
if we need to bring love
in our families
we need to first generate love in ourselves
and so for everyone is different
for some people is community work
for other people is
whatever it is right
find your own I
I call it your own zeals a source
your own uh
catalyst for zero
because then thanks to that
you will be able to consistently raise your verbation
be a source of love
be a source of zero
and that will attract the people
do you so when I was saying
I always get magically what I asked for
well it's because it's magnetic
you attract it
and so that for me is the free will
like I'm a better Googleer
I'm a better leader
I'm a better person in my own family
because of how I manage my own vibrations
oh my gosh okay
this is like
my favorite heart topic right now is energy
like no joke
it's something that I've heard about before
and I was like
that sounds nice
but literally the last couple months
it's become so just deep in my heart
like I've taken it a much deeper level to realize like
I have the agency to think about how I show up in life
it's not just like this happening to me like oh
this is gonna suck
oh it's Monday
Today is gonna suck
and we're just like
oh I can't wait till it's Friday
and then next week it's
I can't wait till that's Friday
and then we just get to a point like
where's the life happening
as if we had no agency to show up to survey
because we're always chasing in those low vibrations
and that's more we're attracting
and now to your point
I'm realizing like
if vibration is like
how is the state of
how do you feel
it's not just like
you know like
it's like um
although you can say like hey
we charge our phones
but we don't think about charging ourselves
and we're functioning from this depleted change
like we're like an iPhone that's like on that 1%
and we're like
we're downloading a
a huge movie
like it's just such an unbearable
challenging pass
so the energy part to me has been really interesting
how when you start changing
you also think about
what's actually created energy for myself right
you have to reflect and like
and that gets to a point of like
if I'm constantly looking at
external things to bring me energy
it's such a fleeting
like temporary fix
it's like having like
a very cheap
triple a battery that you're trying to like
powers I do
and try and source for
and then we think of what can actually
then create a more sustainable source for myself
and this journey has recently LED me to think about
why am I doing a lot of things that I'm doing
is it because everybody else is doing it
is it because of the money
is it because of the fear
and all of that is also coming to like
the external validation
like the constant hustle
is because I think that I'm only worthy
if I am achieving something
but again that's not a long term energy source
it's a very fleeting like oh
if I hit five things
then I'm worthy of
it's a little spark
it's a little spark
but it's not like the spark of the true seal
um that I've been coming
so that's just
it's been an incredible journey
for anybody listening
that's even remotely interesting
I sincerely
I hope that you honour that
like curiosity for it
and lean in
and just wonder
like what's truly serving you
and what can be a long term form of
building your energy to be sustainable
versus fleeting
external but here
I'm going off of it yeah
no I wanted to piggyback on something you said about
Aving Agency
for everybody listening
I wanna be very real
we all have bills
that we are responsible for
we all have a lifestyle
we all have families
I'm definitely not encouraging
everyone to take
weird and uh
sudden decisions
right I am encouraging everyone though to
to stop and reflect on
what is it that you're building towards
and look it's hard
it's so hard
the past month
I'm telling you
I swear to you
even finding
half an hour to journal for me
as being a real challenge
I was so exhausted
that I was going to bed at night
with the only
desire to close my eyes
and keep going right
there are those moments in life
there are but
what you said
we have agency
to take control of our mindset
we have agency
to take inventory
and to create
space for us
sometimes that requires
taking tough decisions
and sometimes
that requires
in identifying
what serves as well
and what not
serves as well
from a mindset
the way our brains
spiral is unique
uh the the the
constant self talk
there's a wonderful
book that I encourage everyone to read from
Michael Singer
is one of my favorite
spiritual writer
it's called
Untethered Soul
I might have to reread it myself
I read it from time to time
unless we find a way to quiet
the voice that we have in our mind
that is always thinking about the worst
case scenario
is always thinking about what can go wrong that looks
so much of the stress that we have in our life
is because our mind
spirals and so
part of taking agency is
take agency
over your mindset
take agency
over your thoughts
because the moment you do it
is the moment that you can point them in the right
direction reframing
like you just did with me
at the beginning of this show
if you catch yourself
saying something
or when you catch yourself
because you will catch yourself
saying something
that doesn't serve
you be graceful
and rephrase it saying
I am doing big things
I continue to give myself Grace
I am aligning
to my biggest purpose
takes a lot of work and intention on it
I'll tell you
it never ends
but at least you're on it
100% you know
what's funny right
this morning
before this interview
randomly I saw this
interview on Yap
um with Ben
Doctor Benjamin Hardy
I believe his name
if I'm butchering it
forgive me and he was talking how
we have this psychological
you know um
we just position to like
live in our past right
we think that our past
dictates our future
and our present
and he says
like actually
our present
dictates how we see the past
and I thought that was really powerful
and as a reminder
was that we can
choose to look at our past like
is it serving us
to look at it that way or not
you know and I know
like some other people
I've had challenging
things in my past
it's it's it's something
to grasp like
oh but that was really bad right
um I'm sure everybody has chosen
but we do have the agency
to look at it in the way
like you know
our past is
that is my way of looking at the past serving me
and that also
gives you the
opportunity to say well
if I look at the past
and then look at like
in uh sorry
his second point was also to say hey
instead of looking at like
assessing yourself
uh based on what you're gonna accomplish
in the future
what if you assess
yourself based on how far you've grown from the past
thought that was so beautiful
because like
two point like
you were mentioning hey
it's only this many followers but like
I'm sure there's a point where there are zero followers
right and if we look at oh
I went from zero to this number
how amazing
like last year
I wasn't even doing this
and now I'm around the world
inspiring people
how amazing
I thought that was so powerful
for all the
people who are hard on self type
and personalities
content creators
were so focusing
but I'm not there yet
but I'm not there yet
but this is not happening
and I was always
like oh yes
you celebrate
small goals
but what if we actually
measure ourselves
based on our past
even like yesterday
like today you're doing this podcast
and that's one additional
learning like
I thought that was such a beautiful thing
for everybody
and um I'm sorry
tracking a little bit
but I was all on cover
if we talk about spark your seal
what is the key thing
people could be doing
to spark their seal
oh I love this
question well
there are couple of things
and I've wrote an entire
manual for it
it's gonna come out in 2024
it's called
the 11 Ways to spark your zero
but I mean I
I can mention
some of the 11
and even now
the number one
I always say
take the time to sit down
and write a love letter to yourself
and the reason why
this is important
is because as I said
love is the highest vibration
and unless we are
deeply madly
in love with ourselves
how can we even start
following and thinking
that we're worth it
of everything
that we want to achieve
so for me the step No. 1
that probably
I should even write
being step No. 0
to be honest
is to take the time
to sit down and
and write a love letter
to yourself
start saying
dear Nadia Dear Anya
whoever you are
in that moment dear self
how fabulous you are
how incredible
is what you've done today
and how marvelous
is what you've done
as a mother
as a father
as a colleague
as a individual
on this planet
so if you don't know
where to start
you can buy one of my love letters
and it's it's um
it's not simple
I'll tell you uh
all of the people that get it
they first tell me
it's so hard
and I say lean into it
lean into the being hard
light a candle
if you want
a cup of tea
or if a glass of wine
is your thing
find the space
to give yourself the gift
of self love
and once you've done that
keep it next to you
I even invited
people to put it in a big frame
you need to reread it
you know myself
today you know
I'm so exhausted
I might have to reread my own love letter
and remind myself
what it what is it
that I'm doing right
which leads me to the step No. 2
which is bring
awareness to
how is your seal doing
because we are
in a economy
and in a world
where we run
all the time
there's a lot of
myself included I
you know today
I wanted to record the
podcast before days
I have another
big meeting after days
I wanted to
see you now
I wanna do big things
and and if you wanna do big things
you'll end up running
there's no other way
so there's good stress
there's bad stress
but you're gonna have
good stress
if you wanna
do big things
you need to accept it
at the same time
bring awareness
ask yourself
how's my zero
doing today
when I want to 10
how am I doing
I'll be very honest
this morning
my zero was
a little low
I was a bit
on a 2 to 3
and probably
you know until tonight
it's gonna still be a 5 to 6
because I'm tired
like literally
I'm physically
and mentally tired
it's not because
I'm not happy
about my life
I've been doing so much
but I need to rest
and so I know
that my zields
gonna be higher
and because
I know that
I'm a little low
I need to be extra
graceful to myself
I need to create more space
and then I'll say
the step No. 3
which you can
go into my website
and download
the free guide that I
did for everyone
is what I say
is called The
Wheel of Zeo
it's a very nice uh
you you you
draw a circle
you cut it in 8 slices
if you don't wanna
do it again
you can go download um
the one that
is free and
ask yourself
what are my
8 priorities
right now so
to give an example
creating space
for me is our
priority right now
it's gonna be
in one of those eight
and I'm gonna ask myself
how am I doing
in creating
space right
I could do better
I said yes to
a lot of things
and I'll say
well I'm doing
probably a 4
and I wanna be a 7
by next week
otherwise you know
the holidays
with the kids are gonna
be a little
stressful so
what am I gonna
do to create
space for myself
I'm gonna decline
some meetings
next week I'm
gonna postpone
some of the
things that I
can do in January
so keep yourself
so these three
things are some
of the ways
that you can
spark your 0
on the go again
I've wrote 11
so there's a
whole thing
I do share a
lot of days
in my LinkedIn profile
and it's in my
Instagram channel
um we're thinking
about launching
a membership
next year so
there's still
a lot that I
need to build
and I'm confident
that by starting small
like what's
what's the next
activity that
you can do right
to spark your zero
that will make
you happy it
it's all work in
progress so
this is how I face
life right now
you're amazing
it was and I'm
so grateful
you showed up
I know it's sometimes
it like with
so much energy and
even though
as you mentioned
that it was
not maybe like
one of those
energetic mornings
one thing I heard
you'd mention
is this like
reflection space
and slowing down
and I'm realizing
as an entrepreneur
in the more
interview is that
often times
you think we
have to just go
faster and harder
when really
the beauty isn't
slowing down
and having a reflection
and as you point out
there's always
gonna be a need yes
if you have
ambitious goals
you will have times
when you have to go
and express
yourself right
but you need that pause
to reflect on
like what's
serving you
and the second thing
I wanna bring
to mind is that
self love right
that love letter
the core of this
often times
we think like
especially as moms
I've three kids
three boys we
think that being
ourselves is
so selfish right
there's this negative
you tell somebody
hey you know
what I'm a mom
and I'm putting myself
first thing right
there's an instant
like little
what are you doing
but I'm really
leaning to the fact that
that is how
I'm showing up
the best of the world
and for my kids
and for everybody
and that me saying
for example
like to tell people hey
I'm gonna cancel
this meeting
because I'm
actually burned out
like I did that
this week I've
canceled two podcasts
because I'm like
I'm just gonna take
a break fully
and you know
it wasn't in the world
and then I question
like why is
it in my head
so difficult
to tell people
I'm gonna reschedule
to something else
for them while
my own needs
is like ugh
you know it's
not for like
this such a
funny thing
that we get
in our head
that's difficult
to displease others
but it's so okay
and easy to
let ourselves
and our needs
be put down
and I'm realizing
how that's really
not serving the
world and that
what I see is
you're honoring
the intention of like
loving yourself
because that's
really truly
for me the way
you make the
world better
is by being
your best self
I mean amen
as they say
because here's
what happened
like I'm packing
this in real time
if I don't take the time to recharge
and if I don't take the time to increase that level of
even physical and mental
zero that I'm developing
how am I gonna have the time
when my daughter is gonna ask me hey Mommy
can I read a story for you
this happened in real time
yesterday was nine PM after a very long day
and my daughter wanted to read me a book
I was like Mommy
I wanna show you how better I got into reading
I swear I was so exhausted
and then something in my head was like okay
one more book and I said
okay sweetheart
read me your book
it was really hard for me to say yes
read me that book
and what I know today is that whatever it takes
I'll have to pause at 4 and go out for a walk
it's beautiful weather here in New York
it's so glorious
I need to go out for a walk and I need to
I've realised
this is so crazy on you
I realised that for the past two weeks
I haven't taken any natural sunlight
because I was grinding so much everyday
and today I I said to myself
you gotta get out
you're gonna walk to Soho
you're gonna go to the airdresser
you're gonna be by yourself
have to say phone
consumption for me is a big one because I'll say it
I say too much on my phone
so I need to work on that
because I need
I need that head space
and so look
it's it's hard
I don't want
I don't wanna come from a position of preaching
of being pretentious
or I wanna be very real
it's bloody hard
yet if we don't do it for ourselves
no one is gonna save us
it's our only responsibility
and so it's extremely
rewarding to be around people that are like minded
I encourage everyone to find your anchor
I I call it the board of zero
this is another of the 11 ways
find your board of zero
um again I've realised in the past two weeks
I didn't um
invested in my
in the relationship with my own husband
it's almost like I haven't seen him
or my girlfriend
like find way
and it's okay to have time frames
that are incredibly hard
we know Q4 December is tough
accept the toughness
and commit to yourself
to get out of it
and invest in your own well being
by be ruthless
you gotta be ruthless absolutely
one thing I wanna
bring up is that recently
I saw a post where he said hey
I'm gonna charge what I'm worth right
you're reflecting on
hey this year
you've done incredible things
but a lot of it was you know
maybe pro boner what not
and that's great
you know it has a time and place
but can you talk about like
what you have Learned now
culminating this year
here we are
ending 2 2,023
and this episode is actually gonna come out right
at the beginning of 2,024
so congrats everyone
but what are some of the key
learnings that you have this year
and things you wanna kinda honor
looking ahead
yeah beautiful question
I wanna say I wanna say three things
No. 1 my No. 1 learning is to trust your intuition
I I Learned
I Learned that I was a very intuitive person
and I also Learned that to trust your intuition
you need to create space because
intuition is very quiet
it's inside you
and so if you don't create space for listening to it
you're gonna miss it
and it's interesting
because the moment I started creating space
I even recognized how intuition speaking feels like
like I I have physical signals and tell me oh my God
that's my intuition talking
so that's No. 1
I really Learned about my intuition
No.2 what I Learned
is this big
big gift of the self confidence
like at least for myself personally
I Learned that I had a big space and a big role to play
and that gave me energy
and that allowed me to
remove some of the external validations that I needed
and to revert into inner validation
and that allowed me to push right
it allowed me to be out
to pull myself out and to say
okay say yes
right be there
the universe got your back go for it
and then the third one
is that I Learned is really the power of yes
this is fascinating
I LED this year with yes
I know that you might be thinking
is counterintuitive to what I said about saying no
but there's space for both
and what I mean about saying yes
I mean say yes to your intuition
like the moment you create
space to listen for your intuition
your intuition will talk to you on a daily basis
every minute
there will be signals
say yes when your intuition speaks to you
and celebrate the yes
because magic happens
when all things are in alignment
and the universe will bring more for you
you'll be you'll be magnetic
and when you're magnetic
it's very rewarding
it's you flow
for me in my 20
since we're talking about 2024
my 2024 word will be flow
I wanna be in a flow state
and you flow
when you listen to your intuition
you say yes
and magic happens
uh absolutely
I I love the distinction of saying yes
with our hearts and not our minds
right not saying yes
because we wanna
people please
and be like
oh yes of course
I'll do this
and this this
this and you feel like
but you feel yes
like that inner voice like oh
maybe I should text a friend
or maybe I should go for this
like there's something that's like
pulling you in that direction
quietly subtly
and you embrace that trust
and there's something kind of guiding you
so that's very beautiful yeah
and not it um
I love this whole conversation that a lot of the time
I was just like nodding profusely
because like that oh my gosh
this so aligned to who I am
and I hope that everybody listening just can see that
what we talk about is gonna help you like you
you're you know
a serious tech leader for a global company
and so we talk about energy
it's not the fluffy thing
it's a real thing that people underestimate
and also again
here you were at the top of the world
you know a paper
and yet self confidence was an issue
and you're sharing was like
how practically
you can create the space for yourself to build that
so if you're struggling
take that to mind
take that to heart
that creating space for yourself
starts with not getting better externally right
you can have everything on paper
but it's an internal process of self love
and creating space for that reflection
honoring those yeses that are deeper
than just like the external noise
um so just like all the secuaries
I was like ah amazing
is there any final thing that maybe we missed
that you want to share before we wrap up
three rapid fire questions
yeah I mean look
uh what I say
life is a Marathon
I know a lot of people say it's very cheesy
I don't think that when we hear it
we pay much attention on what does that mean
and it means that you gotta build the stamina yeah
you gotta build that resilience
and you gotta build that for yourself
no one is gonna come and gift it
this is my biggest
my biggest thing and
you are the author of the cathedral
that you're gonna build for yourself
and it's your decision right
it's your decision
and it doesn't matter
not everyone has to be an influencer
not everyone has to build to write books
not everyone like what
what is my cathedral
should not be your cathedral if you're listening
but whatever cathedral you are building
define it for yourself
take the time to look at it
and take the time to honestly saying
how can it be my best
at this that I'm doing in building
because that eventually what life is
I don't believe that life is accumulating Wells
I don't believe that life is um
I mean mind you
I love money
so I'm all for accumulating wealth
me too me too
and and losing money I you know
don't wanna give the wrong impression here yeah
but ultimately
it's about being in alignment with yourself
being so satisfied and being so generally in love
because at that point
even wealth will come to you even money
even abundance
it's all connected
and because then it's the moment you start giving back
that's the moment you start attracting
attracting and that's the moment you start healing
healing yourself and heal all of the others around you
so for me this is the ultimate goal in life
yeah absolutely
it's so beautifully put
money is also energy
at the end of the day
it is energy
so imagine if you embrace something
your passion about how differently
or maybe how you currently are
you gonna show up in the world right
just like from a practically
even if you don't like the whole energy concept
just imagine if you just like
imagine your best self
in that vivid colour to the fullest extent
the smells the hears
like how do you dress
and then you just try to show up that way
imagine you do that every single day for a year
you know even on like a logical or even to that
your life is gonna change
and you know
the more opportunities are gonna come up
there are financial in nature as well
so like even like
no matter if you're logical or intuitive or emotionally
all of this plays in
because no matter if you argue or not
we are all energy um
so thank you so much for summing that up here
right off track
we wrap it with three rapid fire questions
so let me know when you're ready do it
I'm ready okay
so morning routine that fuels your day
morning routine that fuels my day
hmm shunting I love curtain shunting
okay what what does that mean
is it is it chanting or shunting
yeah I mean
it's um it's a
it's a practice you can Google
it's called curtain with the K okay
and one of my favourite artists is called Krishna Daz
okay and it comes from the Indian practices
um of the Krishna
of repeating certain mantras that are associated
to certain spiritual meanings
and it really puts me on the right track for the day
it's a very meditative state
and um it's um
there's a lot in there
really allows me to center and go back to my present
I love that
that is beautiful
um chanting yes okay
so what is one skill you currently learning
or wish to learn hmm
oh my god well
I say I continue to refine my public speaking skills
it's something that I'm incredibly passionate about
both virtually and on big stages
and I continue to learn how to get better at it
because it's a never ending journey I'm so
and I'm so excited for what's ahead for 2,024 you
marveling the world of your presence
your spirit
your energy
and last but not least in the positive sense
going off track is
going off track is be authentic
ah I know podcast shows get
gets edited because I also have mine
but what you got to today is the real me it's
it's not any different than the one that you would get
if you were to meet me at Whole Foods
or if you were to meet me at the park
be authentic
be off track
there's no there's actually no need to be on track
like off track for me is a mindset
so um some people like it
some people don't like it
I have my client that she calls me an unconversional
speaker because you know
off track is my way of leaving
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
I sense that
and that's why I feel we're so aligned well
I did thank you so much for spending your day with us
sharing this wisdom shining in the world
I hope you also take a time to unwind
and 2023 on a positive note
just because you so deserve it
and for everybody listening also
I hope you start your year 2024
this comes out with more energy
as you hear Nadia's story
please take it to heart
and share with us anything that stood out to you
anything you took away
a love letter idea that came to mind from this
and as always
let's take over the world together
right off track
see you next time
and thank you so much
thank you I love this conversation
Anya bye bye bye
it makes me a better leader
Anya Smith here