April 22, 2024

Top Tips from a Renowned Peak Performance Coach That Can Change Your Life - Brett Baughman is RightOffTrack

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Top Tips from a Renowned Peak Performance Coach That Can Change Your Life - Brett Baughman is RightOffTrack

In this conversation, Brett Baughman, a peak performance coach, shares insights on unlocking peak performance and finding joy in the journey with RightOffTrack. He emphasizes the importance of breath work and time management in achieving success. Bre...

In this conversation, Brett Baughman, a peak performance coach, shares insights on unlocking peak performance and finding joy in the journey with RightOffTrack. He emphasizes the importance of breath work and time management in achieving success. Brett also highlights the significance of aligning passion with peak performance and overcoming barriers to success. He shares success stories of clients who initially doubted the effectiveness of inner work but experienced transformative results.

The conversation concludes with a discussion on trusting intuition and simplifying tasks to prioritize what truly matters. In this conversation, Brett Baughman shares his insights on peak performance and the power of authentic connection. He emphasizes the importance of putting one foot in front of the other and staying present in the moment. Brett also discusses his personal journey and the role of surrender in his life. He highlights the need to trust your heart and purpose, and to find the gift in every moment.

Additionally, Brett explores the power of breathwork and shares his daily habits for success. He concludes by emphasizing the importance of authentic connection in creating a better world.



00:00 Introduction and Background 02:10 Differentiating as a Peak Performance Coach 05:20 The Power of Breath and Time Management 07:47 Finding Joy in the Journey 09:17 Overcoming Barriers to Success 11:55 Starting with Simple Breath Work 14:48 Transforming Lives through Inner Work 17:39 Aligning Passion and Peak Performance 24:16 Trusting Your Intuition and Embracing Joy 26:06 Simplifying Tasks and Prioritizing 27:44 Putting One Foot in Front of the Other 28:44 Brett's Journey 30:25 The Power of Surrender 32:25 Trusting Your Heart and Purpose 35:36 Finding the Gift in Every Moment 37:15 Being Present in the Worst Times 42:35 The Power of Breathwork 46:16 Habits for Success 49:18 The Importance of Authentic Connection 50:24 Going Off Track in a Positive Sense



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a lot of times people think of time management
most everybody's inefficient and disorganized
or overwhelming themselves with time
they say I don't have enough time
but the real shift in thinking about time management is
don't take all the time that you think you don't have
and all the things you have to do
and try to put them into blocks or boxes
instead say
it's my relationship with time that needs to change
if you tell yourself
I don't have two minutes to slow down to perform better
this is a mindset problem
not a time problem and I tell people like
so you wanna spend your whole day running around
not getting results
you want feeling anxious and performing poorly
or do you wanna trust me and take two to three minutes
and do what I'm saying
try what I'm giving you and you go
I feel so much better
and now you're gonna perform way better
so instead of 12 hours of anxiety
you spend two hours and accomplish this goal
hey there friends it's Anya Smith here
and today's episode is going to light a fire
under your audition
imagine having the keys to locking peak performance
make decisions that lead you straight to success
and find you in every step of your journey
our guest is none other than the powerhouse
behind the Ideal You coaching technique
and the Action Mastery Coaching system
he has been voted No.
1 Top Business Coach of 2,023 by Apple News
and has repeatedly been recognized as the No.
1 business and Life Coach in Las Vegas
his insights have also illuminated the screens in
I feel the geology and the gratitude experiment
with so much to learn
I'm thrilled for the opportunity to speak to
Brett Bauman today
welcome Brett so grateful to have you here
Anya thank you so much
really a pleasure to be with you
congratulations on everything you're doing
in your success you as well
you as well there's so much to talk about
and before we dive in
I wanna mention the common buzzword that I think
I think there's a common buzzword around this topic
which is like mindset you know
how do you differentiate yourself between the buzzword
and what actually works
to help us on this growth journey
yeah it's funny you say that on you because
you know doing this as long as I've done
24 years now there's a lot of buzz words
and you know
it's kind of like everybody tells her babe
I love you I love you
now to become so numbed out right
you know mindset coaching
all these things so really what I do to differentiate
number one
people come to me through so many different doorways
I'm like you can call me whatever you want
counselor coach business coach
life coach therapist executive
it doesn't matter to me I just wanna help you
but so really what I look at and what I consider myself
cause I think it identifies it clearly to people
is I'm a peak performance coach
and what I mean by that is what do you best at
like how do I get you to your peak
whether it's in your career
your relationships your health and fitness
I wanna help you chart a course to be
your best to be able to not only get there
but to measure it yourself
so that you can have a routine
a strategy you can say oh
I'm off that's okay
I Learned this I can go back and do step 1
2 3 and get right back on track
it's not just about cheerleading
and motivating you to feel better
it's about actually
having tools and disciplines that measure your success
and can repeat it wow
I love that in because all of us are performing right
whether we if you think they're performing
to something that happens on the sports fields
but really in life we're all performing
we all have goals and so if somebody say okay
I get that but how um
how can somebody start so they may be like okay
I'm not where I wanna be
how do I aspire to have this peak performance
yeah you know
I think the first thing the most important thing
obviously when people start
we're going through a lot of emotional stress right
so there's a couple different ways you can start
No. 1 really is you gotta get yourself some hope
you gotta get to a place
where you're feeling better about yourself
so I do a lot of techniques with meditation
or breath work now and I teach people simple
simple easily digestible
techniques that you can do to make you feel better
cause if you can't get out of the pain
if you
can't get yourself to where you're feeling hopeful
and have a clear mind
you're not gonna make the progress you want
so the first thing is
getting to a place where you're calm and
and your stress levels are low
I do this little technique with people called take 5
and come back better
and I teach them this as a discipline
it's really simple because when you do this
what you do is when you feel overwhelmed
whether you're frustrated with yourself
have a negative health uh
negative yourself talk
or whether you're talking with someone else employer
a loved one when you realize
you're not being the person you wanna be
step away and take five get out of the environment
you gotta change the environment
go someplace and just breathe for a couple minutes
you don't have to know a special breathing technique
just calm your breathing down
you'll realize your breathing is the key to everything
your breathing is off you're being panicked
stressed and when you calm your breathing
it resets everything inside your body
including your parasympathetic
which produces your adjoinin
your cortisol
and makes you relaxed and your mind clears
like people say let me get my head straight
give me a moment so you take five
you breathe
and once you finish that breathing technique
you ask yourself how is this helping me
and what am I supposed to learn from this experience
and what happens is it not only helps you
calm down but it changes your mind
from being in an anxious mindset
to moving into objective mindset
where now you have a clear action step to take
and that behavior starts to get you go wow
you want that was really simple
I just did a little breathing
I calm myself down and I ask myself
what am I supposed to learn from this
and now I have an action item
and all of a sudden you can start making progress
and that's a great way to start
what I love about this is I can hear people saying well
stress how do I how do you avoid stress
I'm like I'm running
how do I find even those five minutes
but to your point I think if we really start thinking
I am important enough to invest
five minutes in the situation
makes a big difference I've noticed for myself
like I noticed more when I bubble up
like we know when there's a guy
your body starts tensing up
and just even the attention
if you don't have five minutes
but you just start paying attention to yourself
and those come like I used to be so prideful like oh
I can handle the stress bring it on
let's see how cause my body can haha
and this is so powerful
like our breath really dictates everything
and if we just start spending a little bit more time
on that connection
big things can happen
the other thing to Anya that's so important
you know talking about breath and time management
a lot of times people think of time management
most everybody's inefficient and disorganized
or overwhelming themselves with time
they say I don't have enough time
but the real shift in thinking about time management is
don't take all the time that you think you don't have
and all the things you have to do
and try to put them into blocks or boxes
instead say
it's my relationship with time that needs to change
if you tell yourself
I don't have two minutes to slow down
to perform better this is a mindset problem
not a time problem and I tell people like
so you wanna spend your whole day running around
not getting results
you want feeling anxious and performing poorly
or do you wanna trust me
and take two to three minutes and do what I'm saying
try what I'm giving you and you go
I feel so much better
and now you're gonna perform way better
so instead of 12 hours of anxiety
you spend two hours
and accomplish this goal without collateral damage
and so it's a shift and like you said
the breath as well
a lot of people think that they breathe anxious
or heavy because of the way they're thinking
and it's not it's the reverse
the way you breathe
causes you to think and feel a certain way
so when you learn how to manage your breath
you manage your thinking and that's the trick
otherwise it is difficult
if your mind is really busy and you're going crazy
it's hard to sit down and meditate
of course your mind's too busy
but if you breathe and calm down
your mind calms and you go
now I can actually take a moment and think clearly
so it's these little
tiny shifts that make dramatic changes in our lives
yeah it's beautiful
because it talks to the inner and outer process
that we have like
this success isn't just like
this external thing that happens when we chase it
it starts from within
I think that's where you and I really connected
around this present you're just very authentic about it
and reminds me one thing that's a big for me around
like this approach to time is
instead of saying I'm so busy
I that was I have all the time I need exactly
I have all the time I need
and whenever I'm starting to rush
like I have all the time I need
and I'm like I also think I could tell myself
I'm like choose the right weapon
you know you're going into battle for the day
choose the right weapon I make this joke
but it's really truthful it's like
every different attitude we have
is a different version of ourselves
the angry version of Brett
is different than the happy version of bread
or the sad version of bread
so most of us wake up when we're angry
we're frustrated we're anxious
and that's the Anya or the breath that goes out
this is the super anxious
stressed out Anya that's going out today
would you ever hire that person
in your right thinking mind to do anything for you
never so then we go out in the world and think
I don't have enough time I'm getting things wrong
I can't I'm like
that's cause you got the wrong person for the job
so breathe again take a moment come back and say
how do I get the bread that I want to be here
doing this day how do I how do I hire the Anya I want
and go that's the weapon I need to be using
is the Anya that is focused and centered
and grounded and passionate
not the one that's fearful and doubtful and anxious
because all you're doing is creating a world
that that person would create
which is not the world you wanna be living in
ha ha yeah
this so beautifully put in can it be a photon spell
one thing that intimidates me about breathwork
I know it's powerful
but it aligns to that intimidation
to have sometimes of meditation
where when I'm like okay
I need to be constantly present with my breath you know
and and it alludes me and I come back to
what advice would you have for somebody who's like
I want to be using breath work
but I'm intimidated by just how vast that seems
I can do me constantly paying to your breath
how do you start great
great question so
and the nice thing is
there's really simple ways and simple things
I've established for people to move into this
you don't have to be doing it all the time
but a really great practice that I do
so we all have smartphones now
inside your smartphone we have like
you know the
the counters are the clock
where you can set timers and things like that
so I have a reminder of my phone
I get up and do a morning routine every morning
when I finish that morning routine
I have a reminder that says check your breath
and I turn it on
and I set it for four hours later in the day
so four hours later in the day
what I do is it goes off
it's like no matter what I'm doing when it goes off
I stop for a second
and I just observe how I'm breathing
most of us
like I have to clients do this all time and say yeah
I did it the first time I was so anxious I was so busy
my mind was all over but it stopped me and it said
you first check your breath
and then you stop for a minute and do breathing
like I said just do a minute or two
just let me calm my breathing
and you just become consciously aware of it
and then go back to your day
but you set the alarm again for four hours later
and you just keep doing this
so you do it maybe 2 3 times a day
and after three or four days of doing it
you go I'm already feeling different
I'm not paying attention to it consciously
throughout the day
but those moments of stopping and saying
I mean how many times we stop a day and say hey
how am I doing it's been six hours
I'm having a crazy day how am I doing
should I be doing what I'm doing
we don't but when you check in and say
let me make a little conscious adjustment
maybe I'm not focused on the right activity
maybe I've got a bad attitude
maybe I need to slow down and you get a moment to reset
all sports teams have a huddle
they have breaks they do things like okay
come back and collect your mindset
you don't just play a game forever
not stop you do a little bit
you take a break
do a little bit and take a little break
there's time outs whatever
we have to have a time out life
and if you don't
you never get to check your performance
and so this becomes a habit of discipline
and very quickly you go every time I stop
I feel better and I come back better
and after two or three days you go
you know what this
you're the cool thing about our unconscious mind is
it wants to do the best for you
it has a blueprint of of of perfect health for you
but we're fighting it but once you start
once it starts to pick up the something works
it adapts that behavior
and so two or three days and you go
you know what
I'm gonna start paying more attention to my breath
and you didn't have to work harder
your body will do it for you
that's that's brilliant I
I love that a common sense
like where we stop usually when we're like
I just can't handle it anymore yeah
they're like where did I go wrong
and this is so simple so if you have a smartphone
which I'm sure it's probably like
a couple of feet away from you right now
go to it right now set a 4 hour reminder
if it works with your sleep schedule
and just try that like
these are such simple things
that you can start thinking about it
because then
your mind looks for the things that it likes right
imagine how much more awareness is
than checking a social post
it doesn't do anything for your life
which is like here's just a couple of minutes
that will enrich your life
and build this powerful habit
and Brett
you are just no stranger to this specific performance
what are maybe the most common barrier
success around this
maybe in a work that you found and how have
what would you recommend people to do around those
you know the No. 1 is the time management
you know people say
I don't have time for this is funny
cause a client will start man
I always say
what would make our relationship successful for you
how will you measure success
or getting where you want to go
and they'll tell me oh
you know all these things they want like
I don't like my career I'm unhappy
I'm unhealthy all this stuff
I say great
let's start with two minutes of meditation
like I don't have time for it haha
like haha
they're like let's tell me
I don't I don't think if this doesn't work
I don't think I can go on
but yet they still fight that pattern
so the first thing is is
you know making time for the things
cause you will become way more efficient
and within 7 days
your performance is gonna improve so much
that you're gonna dramatically see a change
in your emotional intelligence
the way you respond to stress
um your uh
your health the way you feel
the way you sleep so No. 1 is that time management
No. 2 is discipline biggest thing is discipline
it's hard for people
to get in the habit of doing something
and so but like I said
these little techniques I get people's like
look I'm not expecting you to say
you should be doing these things every day
for your life for the rest of your life
you should be yes
but I'm not asking you to start Day 1 and do that
all I'm saying is start adding a little bit
like a little bit of flavor to your life
add this little bit of this thing
maybe once today
put that thing in there and just check your breath
maybe one time this week when you're stressed
step aside and do the take 5
and think about it
and ask yourself how that's helping you
you go you know what
that was probably the best part of my day
or the best part of my week
and then all of a sudden you go
maybe I'll try it more I'm not saying
get to the gym every day
and spend eight hours of saying
go once and all of a sudden with these techniques
you'll start believing so for me
it's getting over that humping
giving you a taste of the medicine
and then you go okay
I believe so
I think most of us don't believe it can work for us
they think yeah
sure it helped you on your breath
but that's not gonna work for me
I'm so passionate about helping people understand
and you really can transform your life
another buzzword unfortunately gets thrown around
I don't like that it gets thrown around
cause I really do work with people and transform them
I won't say it if I don't mean it
but you really can make these dramatic changes
if you have the right formula and the right guidance
one thing that reminds me is a habit stacking
so in your analogy of a going to the gym
maybe you start just do something when you're
you go out the door every day
maybe you start putting something by that door
so you just have it makes it that that much easier
so you we all do something like brushing your teeth
like do something around things you do everyday
and just add like
one little thing that you wanna do to it
whether it could be like this reminder
or just catching your breath again
make it super easy
one thing that has also been on my heart
for full time experiences
I realized that
what was missing in my drive for success
was joy you know what I mean
we have this element of the
I'm gonna be getting to this place
where I'm successful
but really I'm not joyful right now
and I had this like
for me now I'm realizing I am worthy of enjoying now
like that to me
a success is when your life right now has joy in it
and it's been profound because again
it's completely against everything that I thought
success was before
and just now like I'm just enjoying life
cause if I even when I'm successful
I am in fact enjoying life
and I realized um
this is my found like when I'm
when I'm not enjoying life
I'm telling myself I'm not successful
I'm telling myself I am not successful right now
if you are in the moment where you wanna be successful
you're pushing it away
by imagining what it would be like
unless you're living it right now
how you'd feel to be successful
that makes sense yeah
there's a great thing in a mantra that I live by
that I love I heard many years ago
I think this was from Robert on Shark Tank um
but he said as you build it
so shall it live
and what that means to me is so much
so much so much deeper
so much more depth that understanding what it is
if you're stressed and if you're upset and angry
and you're going out and you're building something
whether it's your health your life
your relationship your career
your you know clients
whatever it is that's how you're building it
I'm building anxiety and stress and doubt into it
how could it be something else
that's the ingredients
like you're cooking with those ingredients
so you have to cook with the ingredients
you want to taste in life
and so you have to get to a place of having the joy
or the passion knowing like
what I put into it is what I will get out of it
and I know people can say well
that's easy to say
when you're happier on that side of it
that's why I do the two things
my my coaching is focused on two things
helping you create what the ideal you is
and discovering your passions
because you have to have why am I doing this
what's out there what am I working towards
what are the unconscious drivers that fulfill me
and it's not just like oh
I'm passionate about playing the guitar
why do you play the guitar
how do you play the guitar
when do you have to play who's your audience
what's the music you play
when you get very specific and granular
you know exactly how to fulfill it
and why you're not feeling fulfilled
cause something specific about
that bucket is not being filled
and then
the peak performance is how you show up each day
to get there
cause if you don't show up as the best version of you
it's gonna take you longer to get there
or you go off on a branch instead of going up the tree
and so it's all about meeting that like
here's my vision and I show up my best each day
knowing that I'm building inspiration
I'm building momentum I'm building health and you know
prosperity for the future so we'll put you know
one thing that also makes me think is that
when people think that oh well
if I'm enjoying the moment
then I'm gonna be like losing all my traction
like I'm gonna become soft
here I am compassionate and enjoying life
like what am I gonna achieve then
and to that I've actually found like
it makes you more resilient
when you're grinding it out
thinking I'm just gonna overpower it
like next promotion then next promotion next goal
then like finally when I get there
like that
actually is a very unhealthy way to achieve anything
when you're enjoying the process
when you're being kind to yourself
when you're being just um
compassionate to every challenge
you know
but you're just remembering what matters in the moment
then you become really resigned
cause you like that step every step you're
you're doing with joy like I wanna do more of this
no matter how long it takes
I'm in it
like I'm gonna do it because I'm just enjoying the ride
so I think that's something very powerful
hmm I also say it's very attractive on you like
you know people talk about law of attraction for me
the most important thing about law of attraction is
being attractive
and what I mean by that is
when you see somebody that is
you know
so you see like a high powered person working in there
just you know
cut throat and razor sharp
and going all the time and busy and yelling at people
do you think I really wanna work with that person
haha okay
no or if somebody's
depressed and complaining that you're like
and you're trying to stay away
unfortunately you stick away from people like that
but when you see somebody that's moving along
getting things unhappy calm peaceful
their energies nice they're smiling
they're joyful they're kind
you're like I wanna spend time with them
and so when you show up as the best version yourself
when you use that stuff what happens is people go
how can I help you how can I support you
of course you have a problem
of course I'll listen you know
but nobody wants to hear the person that's complaining
all the time
and nobody wants to be yelled at or barked at
so we don't realize that how you're behaving
would you wanna work with yourself
would you wanna be managed by yourself
would you wanna be married to yourself
and so try to be have you know
a positive objective awareness of your experience
and do your best to be the best version of you
I say never never look at something negatively
it's always opportunity for growth and that's beautiful
means you're already here and succeeding
and there's even more you can do to be even better
more you can do to be more abundant or more peaceful
and speaking of something like this
and this sounds all nice
but let's talk about real stuff um
can you maybe share a story where somebody came to
maybe they weren't feeling super like oh
breath is gonna change my life or oh
this inner org is gonna like exist
but you know I've seen breath
I've seen his credentials
I'm just gonna give it a go
but can you maybe share a story of success
where somebody wasn't knowing or trusting all of this
and what in fact has had by just going on it
yeah absolutely
I've had as many as
I would say probably 80% of my clients
they come to me and they tell me
they don't have time to do this stuff
they're like look
I wanna work with you I don't have time on my schedule
so they're like almost uncoachable at first
cause they're like not following things
don't have the time um
they're like look I've meditated in the past
and meditation doesn't work for me
I've tried it doesn't work um
so therefore breath works out
cause you're basically
they're just mixing all that and they're like look
I want you to help me do this stuff
I'm like you look
you gotta surrender to the process
number one what you're doing and you're thinking
those people they're doing
is you're thinking that
everything has to be a certain way
and that you know everything
and it's like if you knew it all
then why aren't you doing it the way you wanna do it
so you gotta be open to trying something new
and so the quick shift like I said
I give people a couple things to start with
but really
something that I tell people about meditation
cause here's the first thing
there's a lot of misnomers
a lot of everything becomes so popular
that you get generic information
you're not guided to something that really works
I've done a lot of research into what really works
and like meditation most people say it's so hard for me
I sit down I can't quiet my mind
I can't find that time to be peaceful and I'm like
well listen
there's two things you're doing incorrectly right away
No.1 you do have the time
cause you always have the time to do better
because when I show you what you're gonna do
when you go through it very quickly
you're gonna perform better
so something took you eight hours to do
will take you four hours to do guaranteed
and you will be like wow
you're also cause the thing is
you're approaching with a clear mindset
we're either in an emotional stress mindset
or in a clear creative mindset
the clear creative gets things done
and doesn't make more damage
so No. 1 you're gonna get more momentum to finish
but the other thing is is by understanding that
number one you're not supposed to quiet your mind
you're not supposed to turn your mind off
it never does that
what you're supposed to do is understand it better
our mind is always working
it's brilliant and so when I teach people to meditate
like you're not supposed to sit down
there are monks that spend 30 and 40 years
up in a temple on a vow of silence
trying to have one minute of transcendence
you think
you're supposed to sit down and do it in your busy
hectic life immediately
I'm like come on
what you're supposed to do is sit down
and allow your mind to process
I tell people think about your smartphone
think about your computer
when it says I gotta do an update
your phone doesn't say please
open 5,000 apps and go crazy on Instagram right now
while I do an update
says plug me into the wall overnight and leave me alone
and so that's what your mind needs to do
but you have to be there cause you're part of it
so you sit down to meditate and rather than thinking
your mind's gonna quiet
what I took people to become the observer of experience
imagine sitting down in a movie theater
and all your thoughts are like trailers on the screen
and you just watch them you don't have to engage
you shouldn't engage with them
let them happen like oh
I gotta do this here's this busy thought
I gotta call dad crazy thing
and just notice what's happening
and before you know it all of a sudden you go wow
that was fascinating like in the past
I would have felt like I needed to do something answer
engage every one of those thoughts and you do not
what's cool about meditation is and why we need this
we move through the different brain waves
this is biological this is not some woo woo
you know we're in Alpha
Beta right now talking to each other
you gotta get down into Delta and Theta
when you want to process thoughts
and so you have to upgrade your thinking
most people never sleep or rest
so you never update your system
so the things you learn don't integrate
so you make the same repeated patterns and problems
you're not reducing your stress
and you're not organizing your thoughts
when you allow your mind to do this
through setting and observing it
it does the work for you you have to do anything
our unconscious mind is also very small right
like 5 to 7 bits of information at time
versus millions and billions of bits
so trust the team that's back there
in the unconscious mind and watch them go to work
and you spent two three
five 10 minutes and all of a sudden you go
I feel clear because they took
they did the job of getting the garbage out of the way
and bringing you clarity and saying
now here the things are important to focus on
and that's all meditation is
letting your unconscious mind do its work
it's like your heartbeat you don't get to get there
kind of make your heart beat
you consider right now
I can be present and notice my heart beating
and my body taking care of it
that's what your mind needs
but we don't give it the break
my my challenge
everybody listening is to charge yourself more
at least as much as your phone
exactly every time you look at your phone now
think about how often am I charging myself
and should I close off
some of those 1,000 tabs that I've opened
or apps to recover for myself
that's a beautiful analogy on you too
like how inherent like when we take time to breathe
just even if you take a minute right now
you just take a couple breaths and just
you do that two or three times
everything else shifts somehow
you don't have to have the answers
but all of a sudden like okay
what I was dealing with is maybe it's okay
I can step back maybe I have a second more
maybe I was thinking about it
there's another way to look at it
and so when you do this stuff these habits
doing a little breathing doing a little meditation
before you open your phone and do things
you go maybe
I don't wanna go into my Instagram today and scroll
maybe there's something better I can do
maybe I'll take a walk with my dog
or maybe I'll just get out in the sun
and it's incredible
you don't have to have somebody teaching you
there's no PhD you have to have it's inherent
but we don't slow down
so we don't have a chance for that ever to happen
for us yeah
it makes me think you know
one thing I think about is like
I really want to trust my intuition
and I read of the people
like they talk about intuitions
like how the heck do you do that
I think starting
if your breath is a really powerful tool
because you think about it
you are not consciously thinking about breathing
and yet that's what's keeping you alive
if you had to consciously think about breathing
you die like so quickly oh forgot
but when you when you erase your breathing
you erase this relationship with yourself
and like there is some higher wisdom
you know that
you know keeping you alive without you awareing
without you being aware of it
so there's kind of this trust that happens
that there's trust in your intuition
in yourself and you listening outside of all the noise
that you can do something
that aligns what you really wanna do
versus just following the stimuli
that is external to you
I think that's a very beautiful process
another thing to
you kind of mentioned this earlier in this
this goes with everything we're talking about
but we've talked a lot about like physical stuff
right like breathing and meditation
things like that
but to talk about something else that if you feel like
I don't wanna do that I don't believe in that
here's another really simple thing for you
we overwhelm our minds with tasks
I can go to almost every single person
nine out of 10 I can almost guarantee and say
what's your task list for today
and it's either gonna be zero
I don't know what I'm doing
or it's gonna be 50 things
and it's been growing every day yeah
and here's an extremely powerful and very simple thing
every single person can do
and I
I guarantee you absolutely this will work for you
ask yourself right now
what is the most important thing I should be doing
most important thing I should be doing
that either for my health
cause like I need something
cause like I'm
I have a client I talked to this morning
he's going through some serious health things
and he's got business and kids and stuff
and he was focusing so much on the family said look
you're an amazing dad and a great business person
that's a bit right now if you die
you're not gonna be here for them
so your health is No. 1
you gotta take care of your health right now
so I gave him some instructions
some health things to do today
and another client that has been confused
on motivation trying to figure out
cause I have a lot of projects
I said what is the one
most important thing that'll make the biggest
dramatic impact in your life right now
and so one thing so look at your list and say
is running and grabbing the groceries
the most important thing is
is picking up laundry the most important thing is like
no like what is the thing like right now
I need to make this one call
they could close this client
that'll bring me $1,000 and pay my mortgage this month
done I can
need to check with my mom that's sick at the hospital
there's one thing do one thing at a time
we really don't multitask
we multi stress we think we're
we're not we're fractioning our focus
so just choose one thing
and don't worry about anything else
be present that's the other problem is
we're never present in the moment
because we're always worried about the next thing
we're doing or fretting over something we just did
so say what's the most important thing I can do
and do your best at staying in the moment of doing that
and all of a sudden you get it done
it changes your thinking you're performing better
and you go wow
now take the next task and the next
that's why I say like those statements
put one foot in front of the other
they don't say
keep putting both feet on top of each other
and tripping like we do in life right
yeah and
and I think we logically
even if we just give it a moment reflection
we sense that weight so if we
if we have this to do list and we're doing one thing
we carry the weight of the 50 other things
and that feels so much heavier
so if you just
even think about this idea that Brett is proposing
just just feel what
what comes up for you does that feel lighter
and if it does try it out
I'm definitely gonna um
try it out for myself
but we talk so much about what you've done for others
I'm curious about your journey
you you obviously know your stuff
you're passionate about it
how the heck did you find yourself under
undertaking this path
is so different from traditional success
tactics and hacks and it's honestly
very different than traditional coaching and therapy
I'm so proud of like you know
it's like it's
it's I've
so let me back up and say this
so No. 1 the reason that I
there's two main reasons why I am who I am
I'm so grateful I have no ego
this has nothing to do with me
I'm so grateful I feel so blessed to have my life
I can't believe I get to do this each day
I really every day I'm like
how am I still doing this
but um
No. 1 my parents are amazing
they're my best friends I was blessed
God gave me the most incredible family
they've always supported me
they've guided me they gave me a voice
they've listened to me and they gave me confidence
they always said try everything once
go for it don't hurt yourself
make good decisions and when something would happen
they sit down and say let's talk about it
we would talk through things
so it helped me be uh an emotionally intelligent
to have a lot of strength and communication
to feel it was okay and you can make mistakes
it's okay to make mistake
that's how you grow and learn
so that's massive and I really feel for most people
because most people don't get that
you know talent is equally distributed
but opportunity is not
and I was blessed with opportunity
beyond that I believe god put me here to do this
I'm a very faithful spiritual person
and the more I've leaned into that
the more my life has opened up to this
I've been doing this 24 years
and before that
I still managed people and did things like that
I just didn't know who I was yet in this coach role
but I've I've had a avid pursuit of knowledge
I never stop learn I always keep learning
I'm learning study in school
I take trainings I'm reading books
I'm always in some new program doing something
and so that's been my path to get there
I've it's helped me become uh
lose my fear I'm fearless about things
other than losing family members
which is painful um
you never wanna lose them
I don't really have fears of other things
because of this drive
this faith I have that I'm where I'm supposed to be
and the support of loved ones
and so I've just continued to follow the path
and I really Learned that in the past eight to 10 years
I really embrace this understanding of surrender
and it happened through leaning more into my faith
and also
experiencing what was happening with my clients
clients would come to me
and I've always had a spirituality
and I've developed it more
learning about Buddhism and Christianity and shamanism
a lot of different things
but I wasn't always comfortable
feel like I could share it with everybody
I felt like we shouldn't talk about this
I'm dealing with high performing executive
don't talk about this but then they would come to me
and they'd have everything you'd want in the world
on paper and felt lost and empty
without passion I started to realize what it was
was they didn't have a connection to a higher calling
that to them there was no accountability
and that's what spirituality is to me
it's not about being athlete or Christian or
but what it is to me is they were all one
that there is something divine to our lives
there's a power that makes this beautiful world
and if you have no one that holds you accountable
when you're alone
that's scary like who is
who is telling you
who's guiding you and making you say I wanna choose
to be a good person I'm not gonna heal
I'm not gonna cheat I'm not I'm not gonna steal
I'm not gonna cheat
that to me comes from accountability
from a higher purpose and a connection
and then once you embrace that
you start to listen to that small
still voice and starts to guide you
and it starts to say man
I've had great opportunities come up and it was like
that's not the right one I'm like
I wanna take it
but I didn't or I had something not work out
instead of forcing it I'm like
I'm gonna trust you God I
I know that it doesn't work
there's something better and you have to faith
that's that faithful big time
and then all of a sudden
it turns out that's really what's help bring me here
and that's why I also feel so called to share this
other people because I've been so blessed
that I'm gonna do work every day
to continue to give my gratitude
and continue to open doors for others
no so and you know what's funny
I looked at your profile and sometimes
it's so easy to have a little bit of that um
you know distrust
when you see somebody
and you see they're super successful
you know like doing also like oh
are they for real and the moment we talked
I just knew you were for real
you know like the moment we call even before this
um happening and honestly
gives me so much comfort and so much heart align me
because I'm also new this podcast is new
this whole endeavor is new for my life
and it's changed my life
and there's been a lot of work that's happening around
trusting my heart trusting my purpose
and just again
the reason I believe in it so much is like
these discussions
I hope more people see it and see that this helps
they feel relatable examples of other people doing it
me imperfectly doing and say hey
I can relate to this experience
I can also find this within myself
I can cultivate that relation for myself and the trust
like what's funny reminds me of Bernie Brown
I was reading her book Raising
Rising strongly from Butchering Up
forgive me but she was saying that
in the point where you're in the arena
head down like
those are the points where we all have to go through
spirituality like see
that's a common element
like no matter what your religion is
I'm not religious I'm vegan
I have my own beliefs
like everybody who has those points
they think of spirituality
is a common way to get through it
because you have to like what's inside of me
um what do I value
what's kind of the core of all that
it doesn't matter what gets it to me
it's love to me
the central principle is like love is universal
and that's what guides me
we're all one rock and that's me too
like spirituality I would say No. 1
I would say
always should be open to choosing the option
provide you with the best opportunity for success
so why not try out spirituality
by spirituality
I mean drive to church and go some place
I mean believe that love is the guiding power
be kind to others we are connected in one
when you empathize with others
when you spend time trying to help others
when I have a problem
then I'm one thing to help someone else
I can help someone else and things start to work out
not only do I feel better and change who I am
but resources and things start aligning in my life
the needs to be
instead of being problematic and stuck in it
cause being overwhelmed won't work
but believe in love believe in kindness
believe that there's a reason for you
you're valuable here
and believe that when you just let go a little bit
and let go I'm not saying like it's an activity
it's stop forcing it
you can tell what's others being forced
when you're in a relationship and it's not working out
you keep pushing and pushing
and pushing the person to love you
or trying to be this person or change them
or I'm trying to get this project to go through
and everyone keeps telling me no
I have a client that I'm working recently to
do this huge project
and they kept trying to get money for the project
and pushing
and pushing all these people to get financing yeah
and they get the financing five
six people they talk to I said look
this isn't a failure this is a setup
I said yeah
it's showing you
there's something right now that you don't know
that you need to learn cause you're not ready for it
and they went back
and looked at their executive summary
and realized there were some problems in there
the way we didn't have the financials correct
and before they even went to the person that was there
so they fixed it
got the person for the funding right afterward
I said wow
this is an opportunity I was like
it's just showing you're not ready yet
just embrace it and understand that there's surrender
surrender is maybe there's something to learn
maybe there's something to do
before you take that step
and it doesn't mean you're cursed
it means trust trust in the process
keep the focus and persist but be flexible
absolutely I like to ask like how they say like um
there's a gift in every like in every storm
there's a gift or every darkness there's a gift
and sometimes I trust like
what is the gift of this moment when things suck
and I'm not saying like things are gonna go for the guy
I'm a mom with three boys shit hits the fan um
but you know
like you have to like just there's a gift and like
if you question it that way
that makes you more resilient
and if it can just show one more example like um
couple weekends ago we went to Vancouver
uh Canada with my three boys
and as we were getting into the Airbnb
like we live on a nine acre farm
so very different environment
um we were offloading
and then we realise like
my almost two year old was missing
it's off and like we couldn't find him and um
for like the two worst minutes of my life
like I didn't know where he was
oh man and here we are on the coup
like there's there's busy streets
and it's the most helpless moment I've had in my life
and I'm not comparing it with anybody
but in the moment all I could do is just like
surrender and just pray that something would happen and
sorry um
and so we a neighbour came out on her phone
she was talking to her husband
and he found him three blocks away
and so there's moments where um sorry
yeah there's
there's moments where like you just have to surrender
and like that experience I'm
I'm very grateful they happened for the best
but there's ones that you can control
and learning to trust yourself and just like surrender
like things are gonna happen how they hand um
and like that was a beautiful moment for me
I couldn't do anything
but I just trusted and things worked out
and may not always be the case
but sometimes you can't control everything
and you have to surrender
and that's the only way to live is like
find that balance of trust and surrender
and enjoying the present that we do have to cherish
um and that's life
I'm so glad that worked out for you
I'm sorry and listen
here's the thing too
you know all we can control
all you can control universe
is your focus and your emotions
and if we are like I was saying earlier
if you're panicked if you're stressed
if you're overwhelmed
you're not making the best decisions
the Anya that's overwhelmed
the stress and panicking is I can think straight
it's like that's why they hire
and train certain people to be EMTs
and doctors and nurses
and people in like our armed forces
they have to get trained to be like hey
when something hits the fan
when a child's missing when there's an emergency
when a building collapse when something school shooting
you can't overwhelm or what
you have to go what do I have to do
I gotta get to that mindset
be the best version of me right now
I have to be prepared at my peak to handle this
and you can't do that by being overwhelmed
it's of course and is nothing to take it away
we have the experience for human
that's what's beautiful about us
but we have to have the strength and discipline
that's why these things were talking about
they're not just about making it through the days
they're about being there in the worst times
for the people you love and for yourself
so you can go hold on
I gotta pull together I know what to do I can breathe
I'm here I'm gonna handle this you know
I'll say um on that on you my whole life
I'm like I said I'm so blessed with my family
they're incredible my mom and dad are incredible
my grandmother on my mom's side
my all my grandparents
my grandmother on my mom's side was my best
one of my best friends her name is Betty
she's the most beautiful angel person in the world
and um I used to say when I was a kid
I never wanna live in a planet where she was not
I was like when she's gone
I don't know if I wanna live on that planet
and then she passed away like four years ago
actually my brother passed away in an accident
four years ago on Easter
and then she passed away a couple months later
if I choked up myself and I was always like
I don't wanna be in that world
but the thing was what was incredible was
because of the work I've been doing for so long
I didn't do this work because of that
I was just doing the work
when these things happened
I became stronger than I've ever been
I rose up
and became somebody that was a patriarch for my family
so instead of crumbling
I became someone that became strong was like
no I'm gonna be here for my mom
this is her son this is her mother
this is my family these people need me
so rather than me being what was me
or getting into something
I'm gonna rise up
I will be the person you come to whatever you need
and I think that's why we do this right
yeah yeah
to show up the best we can to the world
and there's one last thing
and I wanna mention one thing
I just think about people
what also happen with me is like this sense
like we don't trust that we can be great
there's that voice that pushes us
like that I can do everything
and sometimes I don't trust this
and like
your example gives me things like that in words
actually says like you can do so much like this uh
I have a big mission that I'm doing for myself like
and I'm like wow
it scares me like I have this voice that tells me do it
do it you can do this
I'm supporting you and yet it's so easy to dim that
cause we don't trust sometimes our greatness
and yet I remind everybody
listen to that
our greatness makes the world better
so showing up to the world as our
in our best capacity it's not selfish
it's not greedy yes
there's elements of that that could be happening
but the point is
if you show up authentically to your purpose
to honour your inner self
then the world becomes better through you
through the richness and abundance
you bring to the world through people looking at you
looking at Brett and saying wow
if he's doing something like that
I can do something like that
so if you're hearing the inner voice and it's quiet
like just dare cause it's there for a reason
yeah and two things on that on
you know like
number one
our world is beautiful
because we become a global society
and we're connected to so many things
but unfortunately
what it does is it creates a lot of stress
and it changes our perspective
and our expectations of ourselves
a lot of times people look at something like oh
I wanna be like him or be like her
I've accomplished this let those things go
that is not success
success is your fulfillment in your peace
it's you doing whatever your path is
every single person can be successful in their own life
of what they want
it's not about trying to make the money
or have the thing that person had
that's external when you do that
that does cause stress because that's not your journey
that's not your path
there's enough abundance in the world for everyone
you have to figure out what's right for you right
and that's why like you know
I do these breath work journeys all the time
I do these events
and I do these free online breath work journeys
why have people show up to it
and for me it's because
I want people to experience what this can be like to
lot of people are overwhelmed
they're stressed
they've hit that that fighter flight mode
they're living in it where they have anxiety
and adrenaline and corps all their life
and it doesn't shut off
it's like this anxiety all the time
and it's hard to see and have hope of a better world
but there are tools where you can do things
and they rapidly change this
like this breath work journey stuff
you do it every single person that does that
hundreds of maybe six seven
800 people done it out with me
they'll do this and they'll go
I cannot I've had people that are vets
they've gone through PTSD
they've been wars I have doctors that have been helping
people that are neuroscientist
I've had people to do psychedelic therapy
and they're like
nothing has ever been more powerful than this
experience I didn't realize it with my breath
I would do this like I've had people that said
I haven't cried in five years
my mother passed away I haven't
I've been numb and it's it shows you holy cow
I'm so much more powerful than I thought I was
it breaks through those walls
those barriers that are holding you down in that pain
and all of a sudden you go
I feel like a different person now that this is gone
that wall is gone I'm inspired
there's something inside me that came to life
that was trapped
they want something that wants more than believes
I have that greatness and man
there's nothing better in the world to me than that
and can you elaborate a little bit more
just like where those events are
how to come out I'll do the links below
but what's happening also cool
so one thing is you know so you're gonna have the links
if anybody goes to my website
you can just look up on my tabs
the menu tab that says breathwork
there's Breathwork Journeys of breathwork sessions
so that's where you find this stuff
can find those always on my website
any my social media there's links everywhere
I try to make it very easy for people to find that um
and beyond that I'm very passionate about
I've been doing these retreats
I have a division my company called Action Mastery
and under that I have all these different retreats
and stuff that I do
I do these one day immersive retreats
now called Breathhouse they're so powerful
I have so much passion for
this is everything that I've been
doing comes to this
because it's the easiest doorway for people to have
No. 1 a beautiful experience
great community so much fun
but also do a lot of powerful work
that will help you transform and break through
and so I do them here in Vegas locally right now
but I'm gonna be touring all over the US
and doing them soon so you can go again
go to my website and you'll see a thing
just as Breathhouse if you look for the website for
there's a website just breath
dash house dot com but um
it's a one day immersive experience
where we do group coaching
group coping uh group exercises
we do Kundalini or some type of bath
body work yoga
you know breath work
sorry body work then we do a sound bath um
which is great healing
and frequency against something that heals your body
without you even having to think about it
it's like you know chemotherapy to get cancer
a lot of that that's radiation
that's vibration
so sound Healing is doing the same thing
it's healing you and doing an internal massage
then we do breath work for an hour and then my
my partner Jordan who's in this with me
Jay Handell he's an amazing musician
we do like a two hour deep house tribal music
kind of like dancing Celebration
we have food trucks smoothies
kombucha food and the places are unborty beautiful
beautiful space and we use these headsets
where it's completely immersive
so when you're in it the sound is just locked in
and it takes you on a beautiful internal journey
and so I love this
it's really helping people believe in themselves
and advance to the next level
when they feel stuck
and I feel like I don't know where I'm gonna go
I just talked to a client this morning
who's going through
like a really overwhelmed experience
he's come to the journey night
because he has a point where it's so overwhelming
we're gonna do stuff through coaching and get in there
but it's gonna take time and
I don't want him to have to go through
the time of sitting with it
so he'll do this and tomorrow
he will not experience that trauma anymore
it'll be in a different place
and so anybody that can do it
you know again it's free
I welcome you
I challenge you to show up and do that for yourself
I might choke tonight also
I'm gonna be looking for things that are local
in the Seattle area
just gonna plant that seed over here
come closer
I have a bunch of clients have been asking me
so I would love to do one up there yeah
I will help anything you need in this area
we have a 9 acre farm if you need a place
oh my gosh you just okay
now you're in trouble sincerely
4,000 square foot per house
we have will we'll get fresh eggs okay
just just bribing right there
just right online bribing right here
ha ha um love all of this again
such a valuable resources again
I just hear your passion and sincerely for me
it makes me curious so I'm definitely gonna check out
and as somebody who recently started a big mission
I'm feeling the sense of like just wanting to be clear
feel empowered so all the resources are welcome
cause like what's the risk
you know what else do you have going on right now
you know trade a show one of our TV show for this
and to see what difference your life can
where your life can go with such a little tool
that's beautiful I could talk to you all day
but I know you probably have other things to do here
ha ha ha ha so here at right off track um
I'll include all you research and everything
but we wrap up here with three rapid fire questions
so when you're ready let me know alright
let's do it love em love
thank you quick ha ha okay
what's a habit
you think has contributed to your success
the most
hmm well at this point right now it is is cold plunges
I know it's such a trend thing ice bath
I get up and I go into a freezing cold shower
every morning at 5:30 or 6:00am
I get right out that and go in and just brutally do it
three minutes of freezing cold water
yesterday I woke up and is the same we're human
I woke up so cranky
I don't know why I was so cranky but I can
I'm aware of myself I was like what's going on Brett
you're being a real jerk I was like get in the shower
rose myself and I came out screaming
jumping up pumping playing music
it was great so right now the cold bath
gold punch and my daily routine
I'm sacred
I have a sacred daily routine that I never miss
can you share more or is it a secret
yeah no
I'd love to yeah so my daily routine
I get up first thing in the morning
and I wanna do the cold plan
so I get right into like the shower do 2
3 minutes freezing cold water
I come and I set my temple here
once I dry off I sit down on my temple
I observe my breathing and I observe my thinking
so I don't regulate first
I just where am I witness
then I do some breath work
usually like 5 to 10 minutes of breath work at least
then I meditate for 10 minutes
and then I have a process called QP one
quantum programming
that I developed and teach everybody
where I have passions that I've determined in my life
that are the five most important things to me
I review them
and I really read them and let them sink in
because they're setting the course for my mind
and my perspective
the lens that I'm seeing the world through for the day
that I read a list of affirmations
of the things I wanna be do
and have my life that I need to become
to execute those passions
and then I write a list of gratitudes
I go over the people the place
of the things in my life that I'm most grateful for
um I say prayers
and then I take my dog on a walk
and go to the gym and work out
and that is my day
putting the mask on me first before I give to others
beautiful and I
I have to say if people thinking this takes time
I don't have that time I wonder like
where are you rushing to
like what is what are you rushing towards
like you need to have a
an endpoint you need to have a destination
and sometimes we're just doing
because life is like pushing us away
and like if you wanna be somebody like that it
it shows like
what happens when you focus yourself and you take in
invest that time into yourself
so thank you so much for sharing
like noting it on your like
thank you like you're talking about rushing
this is this is just to tell you about like
how you can have this time
I've got 15 executive clients three companies
I'm running two events
I'm doing a training on man a 12 person marketing team
an executive assistant I've got my dog
I've got my family I've got my life I work out
I do all this and I do all myself
except for my team doing the marketing
and I'm like I find the times there and it's like
because I'm able to show up as my best
so when I do everything everything I'm doing
I'm inspired by doing
and I am showing up as my best at it
and so it's really can do so much more to think
and this is just
just to have everybody have a healthier
more prosperous life yeah
it makes you think if you're an investor
how much are you investing yourself
yeah that's a question like you have to ask
how much are you investing yourself
like not just financially but timewise
amen and how much you invest in yourself is gonna wait
it's gonna you know
all the dividends are gonna come from that right now
if you're spending no time
then the dividends are probably aligned to
how much investment you're making so that's hmm
okay okay
I'm getting sidetracked one out really back in there um
so one thing I mentioned a little before is like
I recently feel like was calling to
his mission of empowering
1 billion people to connect more authentically
and to me the reason is like
I've seen how much my life has changed
just like people like you
I had no clue we're out there
and yet like
these connections just really have changed my life
so in that in mind like in one sentence
uh why does the world need more than the connection
in one sentence
why does the world need more than the connection
because it brings us inner peace
that will help us create the society
we really deserve to live in
beautiful okay
and last but not least in the positive sense
going off track is
oh the positive
going on track is being unique
trusting you have your own journey
following your calling running your race
because nobody is running your race against you
just your past self
beautiful but I really appreciate your time
and to all of our listeners
I just want you think like
that peak performance is something that is relevant
in your life in your life
there is a state of like
aspiration that you can achieve
by incorporating these little steps
these activities these free resources
so if this resonate if you check out Breast Resources
and if not just find your own path right
it's not a one size fit all
but embrace the journey invest in yourself
and let's make the world better and more connected
and as always let's take over the world together
right off track with love
take care thank you Anya my pleasure