Aug. 28, 2024

The Intersection of Science, Miracles, and Energy Healing - Jeffrey Allen & Dr. Larry Farwell are RightOffTrack

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The Intersection of Science, Miracles, and Energy Healing - Jeffrey Allen & Dr. Larry Farwell are RightOffTrack

In this special episode (co-hosted by Amy Lau), the hosts interview Jeffrey Allen, a Mindvalley trainer and speaker, and Dr. Larry Farwell, a Harvard-educated neuroscientist and the world's leading expert on the Science of Creating Miracles. They discuss their journeys into energy healing, higher awareness, and the intersection of science and miracles. Jeffrey shares his experiences with unusual phenomena and the importance of letting go of preconceived beliefs.   Dr. Larry explains how quantum physics and neuroscience can be used to create miracles and shift our perception of reality. They emphasize the power of tuning into our true nature, trusting the universe, and quieting the mind to access intuitive guidance. The conversation explores the power of intuition and its role in discovering profound knowledge beyond the intellect. The guests discuss the concept of time and how the universe does not adhere to the same concept as humans. They emphasize the importance of tuning into intuition and following its guidance.   The evolution of science aligning with the growth of human consciousness is also discussed, highlighting the shift towards spirituality and higher awareness. The guests share insights on approaching mindfulness and consciousness in business, focusing on being of service, creating a positive impact, and aligning with one's true nature. They also emphasize the need for patience, surrender, and resonance in business endeavors.   Takeaways

  • Letting go of preconceived beliefs and being open to new experiences can lead to personal growth and transformation.
  • Tuning into our true nature and trusting the universe can create miracles and shift our perception of reality.
  • Quietening the mind and accessing intuitive guidance can help us make better decisions and create a more fulfilling life.
  • Science and spirituality are not mutually exclusive; they can intersect and provide a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us. Intuition is a profound way of knowing that goes beyond the intellect.
  • Tuning into intuition and following its guidance can lead to a deeper understanding of oneself and the universe.
  • The concept of time is different in the universe, and it is important to attune to the present moment and trust in the unfolding of life.
  • The evolution of science is aligning with the growth of human consciousness, leading to a shift towards spirituality and higher awareness.
  • In business, it is important to be of service, create positive impact, and align with one's true nature.
  • Patience, surrender, and resonance are key elements in approaching mindfulness and consciousness in business.
  • Clarity of vision, depth of experience, and alignment of intellect, emotions, and intuition are crucial for manifesting a fulfilling life.
  • Science can provide validation and confidence for those already experiencing higher states of consciousness and can help awaken others to the possibilities.
  • The foundation of all personal and business endeavors is inner development and self-awareness.
  • Having fun and enjoying the journey is essential for success and fulfillment in life.


Keywords: energy healing, higher awareness, science, miracles, quantum physics, neuroscience, trust, intuition, intuition, time, consciousness, science, mindfulness, business, service, impact, resonance, patience, surrender takeaways  


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so the good news is that
that unified field that vibrates into the continent
to the quantum phenomena that make up the universe
Einstein trying to train the train unified field
by the way that's what's viral
that is our essential nature
the essential nature who we are
the assassins of who we are
the essential conception of you and me
is the same as essential constituent universe
so we can tune into that
allow our awareness to go within
settle down to a state of quietness
experience who we are within ourselves
and then create that resonance
and that shows up in our lives
that's from the quantum physics area level
and oh yeah it's uh
it's really fascinating like what I
what it made me think of is that
when I look at how people are creating their reality
people probably underestimate how much
what's happening up here
their beliefs about what they can create
what's possible how much that's shaping
you know what
what's manifesting for them
or even shaping what they notice
what's manifesting for them
because like you mentioned everybody
you know we're just
um energy moving
and what I found is that
if we can bring ourselves more into coherence
meaning that we don't have lots of different energies
going many directions rather
start kind of feeling like we have more things
kind of lining up with you know
the universe
or kind of maybe what's true rather than what we
what we think is true is here
and you know what's actually possible is here
when we're able to come into resonance there
and just sort of listen all of a sudden there's
opportunities that are better than we can imagine
happening all the time around us
and um
we don't have to try to create them
yes it is it's exactly spot on Jeffrey
it is coming into coherence
and in fact in terms of brain waves
we actually have mathematically defined coherence
and it has to do with
it applies fundamental principles of neuroscience
of how your brain learns and evolves and
and develops
welcome back to another exciting episode of Right
Off Track the podcast
where we dive into the deep mindset of purposeful
for creating their own unique path to success
today we have a very special episode like that for you
not only do we have two incredible guests
but I also have the pleasure of co hosting the Amazing
Amy Lau Amy is the founder of the well Factor
and expert in sales strategy
and author and aesthetic speaker welcome Amy
thank you Anya
I'm thrilled to be here
co hosting this episode with you
let's dive right in and introduce our incredible guest
today Anya
would you like to start absolutely
our first guest is Jeffrey Allen
Jeffrey is a popular mind value author and speaker
a powerful energy healer
and a pioneer in online energy training
through his online program with Mind Valley
he has introduced more than 1 million people worldwide
to the exciting world of personal energy healing
to improve their relationships
deepen their spiritual connection
and increase their personal presence
happiness and the impact in the world
Jeffrey's mission is to make energy
work and higher awareness available to everyone
helping us to burn ourselves from needless conflict
and pain and embrace happy
fulfilled lives of true passion
purpose and meaning welcome Jeffrey
thanks Anya
that's great it's so fun to listen to that by
I'm like hose
is that me I guess so
to me I'm just a person living my life
and trying to share and help people
but it's kind of fun to see that context to you
thank you great to be here
grateful to have you here
and our second guest is Doctor Larry Farewell
Doctor Larry is a Harvard trained neuroscientist
and the author of the No.
1 best selling book The Science of Creating Miracles
Quantum Physics and living the life of Your dreams
now time magazine selected him as one of the times
a 100 top innovators of the century
likening him to the Picassos
and art of the 21st Century
he's consulted for world leaders
including the FBI the CIA
the US Navy and the president of the United States
he's been featured on CNN
ABC News CBS News
BBC Good Morning America
60 Minutes Time Magazine
The New York Times
The Washington Post and major news media worldwide
welcome Doctor Larry
well thank you
Amy here with you on here
I'm with Jeffrey on this
if all of that stuff all of that stuff is not really
if you recognize
all that stuff is not really what our life is about
and we're human beings here to connect with each other
and to connect with whoever's listening
then we're in the right group here
I love it we're making a little miracle happen here
so thank you both I'm well
all of you actually
for being here on this very special episode
and I'm really excited
how we take this broad range of experience
and passion and purpose and we'll find like
some overlap and some share learning
so let's dive in
I have a warm up question for Doctor Larry 1st
can you share with us a defining moment in your career
that shaped your journey into neuroscience
and quantum physics
well yes
and it depends on what aspect of my my journey
if we're talking about the the scientific research
the scientific publications
presentations and scientific meetings
it would be getting my PhD graduating from Harvard
academic things talking about the political aspects of
it would be
meeting with the president of the United States
director of CIA
and working out programs to use my technology overseas
counter terrorism and other things
however for me personally as a human being
where this all started was I was 13 years old
and I had a near death experience
I was drowning and I got down
by drowning I don't mean
I'm always wondering about my life with the father
I love the water and I couldn't breathe
that I was out of air I was out of time
and I realized I had only a few seconds to live
so realizing it was over at age 13
I constantly I let go of everything
all my desires all my attachments
all my intentions all my plans
and at that moment several things happened at once
that really transformed my life forever
one was my whole life flashed before my eyes
and I've read about though
you're crowning your life flashing before your eyes
but it was was more than that
it was just as clear as this
just as detailed as this but everything all at once
and at the same time
I experienced myself as this unbounded
infinite being beyond time and space
and I felt as though I saw my life for the first time
where really was it was what it was
there's nothing fixed nothing to change
it was it simply
it was what it was
and I realized if I could live my life this way
if I could have this level of consciousness ongoingly
my life would just flow exquibit
and then then I realized well
wait a minute having seen myself
experienced who I really am
having seen my life or what it really is
I'm not ready to leave I'm not leaving
I need miracle and he broke a really
really quickly here because I've only got seconds left
so I got that miracle from that level of consciousness
from that level of abounded awareness
I was able to have a attention desire
an impulse and that created that result
so then I got this so I got the surface
I did not drown spoiler alert
and I thank god then that was when I became a seeker
I realized that enlightenment is what we're here for
what I'm about is to discover miracles
discover enlightenment
and help other people to attain that in
and I grew up in a scientific household
my dad was a physicist
that always been interested in science
I wanted to connect that with science the
the ancient wisdom
the eternal wisdom of consciousness with science
and to do that you really need to study the brain
so I I got my degree in neuroscience
it's also very valuable to study quantum physics
that's the fundamental of creation
and my dad is a road renowned quantum physicist
George Farwell so we work together on that
on that so that was really the beginning of my
my life in this realm
oh amazing
thank you so much for your heart
well Jeffrey
you also being a scientist as well um
which you know
had and Doctor Larry have something really in common
what was the pivotal experience that LED
you to dedicate your life to energy healing
and higher awareness
sure yeah
I'd say um
I'm more of a scientist at heart than professionally
I don't think I can compare straight up with you Larry
but I can relate because when I was in college
I was studying computer science and mathematics
that's the that's the three degrees I was going for
but I started having these unusual experiences that
I couldn't explain
things that didn't really fit inside my belief system
and so for example
I had an experience with my
my girlfriend at the time where I was
I was sleeping I was just having this dream
and my body kind of jerked a little bit
like it does sometimes and then the
it's kind of like my dream
the curtains just sort of parted
and she was there and she said
are you okay I was like
oh yeah I'm just sleeping
she said okay
and then the curtains sort of closed to get in
my dream resumed
and then I I opened my eyes and I looked over
and she was looking at me
and I said
why didn't you just talk to me
and she said
well I just thought it'd be easier to go where you were
and I'm like
okay I don't really understand what happened
like I don't even know that that's possible
and so you know
early on you know
just in college I got this sort of
having these experiences that didn't fit inside my
but that scientific part of me wanted to know more
I couldn't just discount my experiences
cause I didn't fit in my preconceived beliefs
so I kinda you know
at that point
I figured I've got to two paths to follow
I mean in retrospect
I think it at the time it just all happened right
but in retrospect I kinda had two paths
I could either double down on my beliefs
and just discount my experiences and say
that didn't happen that was crazy
I'm just gonna keep going this way
or I can say what I did
which was where did these beliefs come from anyway
and the way that I understand the world
so I started kind of
asking that question about all my beliefs
and I realized they didn't really come from anywhere
that I could verify
they came from what my parents told me
what I Learned in school and church and for my friends
and and it's like okay
I can't really claim that these are all credible
so I'm just gonna sort of let go
of this idea that I know how the world works
and I'm gonna dive in and just seek out anything
no matter how kind of strange it seems at the time
and just start having experiences
because those are things
especially reputable experiences
with me and other people that that's data
that's information
that's like the scientific part of me like that
like that's stuff I can deal with
whether I understand it or not
I I can trust that
and so that kind of took me down this dual road of like
like continuing to study
all these interesting things about energy
healing and intuition and
and even I got into channeling for a while
and kind of all these
these sort of new age things at the time um
but I also had my career path
you know 15 years as a software engineer
and working for the department of energy
which is you know
different kind of energy and working
working for Carpet America and and
and sort of kind of living these two lives
I was a little bit afraid to tell people about
the spiritual part
cause I thought I'd lose credibility
you know and maybe at the time was just probably true
no not so much now
I think people can get away with having
both aspects themselves and it's kind of
people embrace that and enjoy that
rather than feeling like they should hide one part
yeah so that was kind of the kind of the start
and then I'd say that the
the moment when I
decided to go full time into energy healing
was years later in a really simple moment
I was um I was meditating and tuning in
I've been practicing kind of talking to my guidance
and I asked a simple question of why am I here
and the answer I heard really shocked me
what I heard was you're here to be of service
and at the time it is like kind of all at once
I felt this feeling of like excitement
and also a little bit of embarrassment
cause to me service was something that I received
it's like I go to the restaurant and I get service
I go to the gas station
I get service and I was kind of embarrassed
like I can't believe I'm just I'm so self centered
I didn't even know you know
I just had no idea
so it kind of really just blew my mind open
like I'm here to be of service wow
and then is that happening in my current job
not really I'm I'm writing software making money
I can pay the house bills
everything looks good
but I don't think I'm serving anybody
I don't even think I'm serving the company
I'm probably just mostly warming up the chair
sitting in the late meetings
deleting emails
this probably isn't why I'm here right
and so that's that kind of was the
the moment where it's like something else is coming
I don't know how it's gonna transition
but I'm I'm ready
and for me
it was a little easier cause I had at that time
I had many years of experience in training and energy
healing and intuition so on
it just was this weird hobby
you know but that's the moment where I decided hey
this weird hobby might be my thing actually
you know as you found your your way
your center is actually by being of service to others
and even even realize that
and in the now you're just affecting so many people
because of something that you discovered
and this is really you know
contributing to the life path
and then what you hear to do and hear a lot of speakers
you know talk about um
their experiences of being like
you know
having stage fright when they get onto stages of work
until they realize that he is not about them
but it's more about
somebody needs to listen to and hear that message
and that's what you're doing
and so thank you for doing that yeah
it's totally ready me
when you're in when you're on stage
if you're if you're feeling nervous
then you're thinking about what other people are
how they're perceiving you
but if you really just tuned into your audience
and like how can I help them
there's no nervousness happening there
there's excitement enthusiasm and connection yeah
absolutely you know what this also made me think about
I think about the dynamic where we're looking at AI
we're looking at innovation and technology
and a society there's this kind of pull to think about
it's natural to innovate and look for the next app
next tool next technological innovation
but I'm always thinking
what if we go back to seeing ourselves
and our brains as being the super consciousness
and tool like
you know like the higher capacity
and what would be the potential
if a society actually prioritized our inner potential
versus just the technological aspects
I feel like this is a really cool place where actually
it seems like more and more people
successful people working at Google
you know Harvard graduates
are talking about these things that would like
people like oh
that's a little out there
but now it's becoming very mainstream
and I love what it feels like
there's this intersection of consciousness
just as a society that's rising around this
and with that in mind
like you wrote a book about miracles
and here you are on the physics
you know neuroscience
can you talk about like
what did you find that where the
where the science meets miracles
how can we bring more of those miracles into our life
and anybody chime in on this
all right
well first of all
science and miracles science of creating miracles
you have to come up with a scientific definition of
of a miracle
and it used to be thought
a miracle was something impossible
according to laws of science
somehow it happened well
I was sitting with my dad
quantum physicist at lunch
we're in a restaurant and I said
hey dad
anything is possible he said yes son
any imaginable configuration of quantum particle
phenomena is possible some are probable
some are important some are highly improbable
anything is possible
and that's the case in quantum mechanics
anything is possible
and some things are just probable or improbable
and it functions according to the mathematical laws of
probability in being a fellow of Math Con
I'm sure Jack will appreciate that now I said okay
so it's possible that the elementary particle
the makeup my body and yours
plus enough air to breathe
will tunnel from here to the other side of the moon
and we'll carry on this conversation there
and tunneling is a known phenomenon in
in climate mechanics that's can be demonstrated
left said yeah
you're right in fact
he got out of paper napkins in a restroom and he
he wrote a quick formula
he calculated the approximate probability
that was gonna happen
and it actually it was low probability
it actually didn't happen
we stayed in the restaurant
but the point is actually
that's the first point to take home message I'd have
is that those impossible dreams that you have
that some people are say are just not possible
they are indeed possible and then the question comes
can we create not impossible events
cause anything's possible
but can we create highly improbable events
and we showed in the scientific laboratory
that we could create highly improbable
one of mechanical events
we've all had an experience like GID
literally like to hear from Amy
and just then phone rings and say me
maybe we brought that about
but but you can't say it's an experiment because
a scientific experiment
because we don't know the probability
but we do know the probability
of alpha particle emission
by plutonian
which one of the major ingredients of atomic bomb
my dad was one of the guys who developed atomic bomb
in the Manhattan Project so we took platonium
we tested in the laboratory
using standard quantum physics apparatus
see if we could shift the probability of distribution
to an extremely improbable
to a miraculous level
off the charts in the statistics book
we found that we could so that
that's actually the second thing I say
is that all of the wise people throughout the ages
including Jeffrey and including many people
in the last 10,000 years or more
who said
we create an impulse on the level of our consciousness
that moves nature in that impulse
it's like you pluck a guitar string in it
it resonates in a resonant frequency
other instruments in the environment pick that up
we create an impulse and level our conscious
that moves nature for what we would call today
the conscious unified field
and then that shows up in our life
all the wise people have said
that's how we create our lives
they were in fact right
and we showed that the scientifically
wow that's fantastic yeah
it's amazing
I really appreciate the work that you're doing
of bringing it into tangible science
because I think
that's probably one of the things that's gonna help
move more people
you know invite more people into that reality
like some people are like me words I can just you know
I'm okay with my reality doesn't jive with most people
like I'm happy with it I mean
I have that kind of mindset
but most people feel a little more comfortable
if there's some kind of
you know they can point to something say okay
there's there's some backing here and so that's great
I think what you're doing is really
gonna help kind of shift this little movement into like
or is helping shift this little movement into a
very big movement trading
I'm curious obviously
we have your book and like you
people can maybe have to point it out for and say
how do you increase the likelihood of miraculous
outcome like is there something besides outside the lab
the common humans can just start doing
as they're listening to this
let's get miracles happening yes yes
well all right
in in order to in order to answer that
I have to speak out for I'll make this brief
about the quantum physics involved
and about neuroscience involved
with respect to the physics
in front of me is this table
you can hear me knocking on it
perhaps it looks brown and very solitude
but if you look at it more scientifically
not more woo woo but more scientifically
you see it's not solid at all
mostly empty space
molecules moving around very quickly
you look within those you see Adam
you look within those
you see elementary particle protons
neutrons electrodes
look within those you see quarks
you go down to the
the string theory level it's vibrating strength
so the whole universe is just vibration this
this table is not some solid object
different from anything around it
different from the air around it or from my body
it should be a pattern of vibration
so the good news is that that cut
that unified field that vibrates into the continent
to the quantum phenomena that make up the universe
Einstein turn the
trying to turn unified feel by the way
as what's viring that is our essential nature
the essential nature of who we are
the assassins of who we are
the essential conception of you and me
is the same as essential constituent universe
so we can tune into that
allow our awareness to go within
settle down to a state of quietness
experience who we are within ourselves
and then create that resonance
and that shows up in our lives
that's from the quantum physics area level
and I'll talk about it in a minute from the
the the level of neuroscience
and how we apply the neuroscience
but I'd like to hear what others of you have to say
what Jeffrey has to say in the group you have yeah
oh yeah
it's a it's really fascinating
and listening to your talk
and then I'm kind of receiving all this kind of um
probably the same information is coming into you
I'm just sort of seeing it and feeling it and um yeah
it's great like what I
what it made me think of is that
when I look at how people are creating their reality
people probably underestimate how much
what's happening up here
their beliefs about what they can create
and what's possible how much that's shaping
you know what
what's manifesting for them
or even shaping what they notice
what's manifesting for them
because like you mentioned everybody
you know we're just um
energy moving
and what I found is that if we can
bring ourselves more into coherence
meaning that we don't have
lots of different energies going many directions
rather start kind of feeling like
oh we have more things kind of lining up with
you know the universe
or kind of maybe what's true rather than what we
what we think is true is here and
you know what's actually possible is here
when we're able to come into resonance there
and just sort of listen all of a sudden there's
opportunities that are better than we can imagine
happening all the time around us and um
we don't have to try to create them
it's like
it's like just sort of it's a way of sort of noticing
oh there's a
there's a river flowing and I've got a boat and like
it's actually flowing somewhere
that's even better than I'm imagining like
I don't have to paddle like a maniac
like sometimes I can just sit back and enjoy the ride
and I'll get to somewhere even better than I imagined
but I'm curious in your experiments
you know
when you're talking about shifting things into that
seemingly low probability of things
suddenly making those happen
it said it sounds like that to me
it sounds like coming into coherence in some way
yes it is
it's exactly spot on Jeffrey
it is coming into coherence
and in fact in terms of brain waves
we actually have mathematically defined coherence
and it has to do with
it applies fundamental principles of neuroscience
of how your brain learns and evolves and
and develops
you're crawling around on the floor
you're 2 years old you touch the
floor you check the wall
you check the table like not much happens
there's not much to notice there
you touch the hot stove
uh well
now you have a high experience
you you
this a high experience
brings your awareness into the present
when I certainly had that when I was drowning
and it opens your brain up for reprogram
so now over you touch that aha
there's something
there's something here that's worth learning
there's something here that's valuable
something something here that
I need to create a shift in my internal
state and I have to create shit
there's something that I can take advantage of here
so these are haha
experiences are how the brain learns and developed
and one of the major things I've worked on in the
neuroscience realm is a
brain response that I've discovered with
called a
you will not be test by this later
memory and encoding related multitaste electron
cellphographic response and oh my gosh
we are
and these murmur moments are how the brain learns
they open the brain up for reprogram
now if we have a situation where some something
something happens
somebody does or says something that really is
gets to you that's triggering
well here
one way that we can do that is to react
to shoot the messenger punish the messenger
make sure they never do that again
or take it internally or maybe I really am horrible
however a more productive way in this murmur moment
this a high moment your brains open up for reprogram
so why not take advantage of that and and tune in
that's just this time
tune into that quiet level within ourselves where
where we're
in tune with our true nature
where we sense where we know
where you experience that
as we have some impulse there
it very powerfully radiates out into the environment
so use that
use that what might be a negative experience
to create a transformation
or transmutation within ourselves
and in the way the brain is functioning
and then the brain becomes more
a tune to that more powerful
more harmonious state of function
that's how we take advantage of neurosensus
that's beautiful it's really um
it's really powerful just that simple thing of saying
this is an opportunity
if my brain's gonna remap itself
should I reinforce all the things that I'm
not enjoying right now should I
reinforce the beliefs that something's wrong with me
or that other person or should I tune in
and like
I start building a foundation inside like an actual
you know foundation my brain for new experiences
that's fantastic yeah
yeah and we carry around within ourselves and inner
and inner blueprint of who we are
what our life is
usually when something seems to be an attack on us
it's either on our value power or safe now in reality
we're 100% safe hundred percent powerful
hundred percent value you are that conscious
unified field that creates the whole universe
but we carry around a
a blueprint that says we're only 78% safe and 40
42% powerful and 65% valuable
and then we resonate with that
and then we create in our environment
all these events that prove that we're right
and now we have objective evidence
we can point to that oh
I'm not really 100% valuable
when we take advantage of these murmur moments
to tune into the level which were 100% say valuable
the the level of our true being then at that moment
the brain has been open for reprogramming
we reprogram ourselves
so we more and more tune into our true blueprint
which is hundred percent safe
hundred percent valuable power
hundred percent powerful
where we can create anything and we're miracles
I like what Jeffrey said earlier
miracles come about spontaneous
you don't have to you don't have to try
you simply be who you are and resonate whoever
who you truly are in your life flow yeah
you know what's funny tomorrow
is the anniversary that I got laid off from meta
I was there for seven years and then I got laid off
and it's awesome because to your point
there's a murder moment
we like what is happening with my life right
and then before that I had a little bit quiet
but it focused me on like how am I thinking
what am I creating in my life
and more recently I've been realizing I've been
I have a little tattoo I got for surrendering
and I just like
I've accepted that I have this distrust in life right
and this distrust in life makes us worry
makes us wanna be in the future
makes us wanna control what happens if we dare sick
I actually don't need to control my life
I don't need to control everything external
that I can't control what happens
if I actually say I trust the world
like I trust that I'm a consciousness
that the world is consciousness of
there's good things happen
like yes it's easy like
you know things in the world are sometimes are scary
doesn't but there's like
there is still a level of trust I can have in the world
that things are gonna work out in the best way
even if in the moment they seem like ah ah
they're still in the best way
so um
and even as a parenting just like a case point
as a parent
I have that two year old that's crawling around
and I have an almost five year old and 11 year old
but I realize when I start surrendering
I just day to day practical
I'm not reacting to everything all the time
instead of feeling except the agitation
and like classic ah
if I just like accept things
like not to say I like them or that I'm just gonna
not parents but if I don't react everything
I give pause and I more calmly respond
I just noticed how much energy of saving
so even from a practical like if you like
oh this might be a little bit out there for me
I'm not following the neurosides like
but if you just practically
think about how much time of your day
you spent not liking something
reacting to something stressing about something
what if you did it what do you imagine this
one of those elements left your life
how much more energized would you feel
just imagine that
yeah totally
that's funny that kind of remind me of a story um
that that sense when you said kind of reacting
to things had to me if you
if you learn to kind of be present and tune in
and kind of slow down the part of your mind that's
just trying to reinforce your beliefs
telling you like you're right
you're right
you're right don't change the change the change
you know if you can quiet that down
and get tuned in with that party
it's lined up with everything
that your perception actually expands
what my experience of it is that the present moment uh
you can change the the width of that if you will
so my present moment can extend further
and further into the future
and past what I'm experiencing
I'm understanding all the information uh
in this moment and I think
I think the this idea of linear time is
is mostly a side effect of being in a physical body
it doesn't mean it's the only reality
it's just the only one that's obvious to us right
um but it when you said getting laid off
it reminded me of that so I
I also got laid off from us on Microsystems
you know hey apple
yeah and why what
because I was tuning in every morning um
I was in the field before it happened
so a couple weeks before that happened
I was tuning in I was um
asking I wanted to get a new car
so I was driving a lot out to California
I wanted to do a good gas mileage
and I was tuning in asking my guys about my guidance
you know and they're saying oh
today you can drive over
even though there's no prius available anywhere
they're all sold out
if you go over to this place today
you can get one and I was like
that's kind of weird so I called the dealer
it's like an hour away oh yeah
we've got two on the lot oh
cool so I drove over this I got there they're like
we just got a third one on on the line I'm like okay
the whole time I'm there
my guidance is like by the car by the car
by the car and I'm like okay
this is a little bit much
but I was in this phase of life where I was saying okay
I'm gonna anyway I'm gonna experiment with my life
I'm just gonna say yes and just try all the
the things that seem um impossible
I'm just gonna
just say yes to everything that's coming from within
not yes to everything that's coming from outside
that's good I know right
and so I said okay great
I'm gonna play this game which car do I buy
they've got the top of the line
they've got the basic model
and my guidance is really clear to said well
which one do you want
I said okay okay we're playing this game
I want the top of the line model so I you know
and my guys are like don't worry about the money
don't worry about the money at all
so I'm like okay
so I finance the whole thing
I drive home I'm feeling great
the next morning I wake up
and it occurs me that now
I've got a car payment that I didn't wanna have right
and so and and I was like
I tuned in my guidance was kind of calm
I said I need a little more information about
don't worry about the money
cause like now I'm kind of worried about the money haha
um and this really fascinating clarity came in
so down okay we need you to talk to your boss
you're working half time right now
I cut back half time so I wanted to move to Sedona
they said you're getting laid off in two weeks
so you're gonna get a half time Severance package
because you're working half time
but you work full time for you know 10 years
so we want you to call up
ask your boss to go back to full time
you have a reason you bought a car
you need to make the car payments and they'll say yes
I was like what okay
so I called my boss or I emailed her said
I'm thinking about this but I didn't really want to
I didn't want to work full time
so I'm like I'm just thinking about it
and she emailed back right away okay
I'm making the change then I called her
I'm like what what wait
I didn't mean do it I'm just thinking about it
is it okay if I go back to half time afterwards
you said Jeff
let me make this change
let me make this change I was like okay
haha and so at that point I went
I took all my vacation time
I went on vacation um
at the end of that vacation
two weeks later I just called my boss
he said hey
I'm at Manchester relaxing at this retreat
and I don't have any vacation time yet
but it kind of feels like maybe like
to stand there a day or so
it would that be okay kind of make it up later
and she said that no problem
no problem just take the time
two days later I get home
she calls I'm really sorry to tell you
but you're getting laid off
haha I just started laughing
I was like oh
thank you so much oh
it's beautiful I can't believe it haha
she said
you're the only person that said that to me today haha
oh but the reason was um
I'm listening to the
to the wider moment and everybody can do this
like you start to notice others
there's information coming to you from all these future
possibilities from the past
and it's very different from what used to turning into
it's different from your you know
like I didn't think about any of that
I couldn't have made any of that happen
through planning or process
or meditation or anything
I just I was receiving information
because I let my mind calm down
and and then I was brave enough to take action
even though I had no idea why
why it was right I could feel it was good
but it didn't make any sense to me at the time
it only made sense and made a good story later
yeah one of the things
one more quick thing I should mention
the extra Severance package
like I got a double Severance
that was exactly the price of the new car
of course of course
you lucky you lucky dog
that car with three because I listen to my games
I love it
something I often say is the intellect shouts
emotion scream and the intuition whispers
and when you as you allow your mind to start
who is saying quiet down
you can hear that subtle whisper
and you pick up on information
that's much closer to react
it's much closer to the conscious unified field
and so you're actually picking up information
this may seem
seem strange for a scientist to be staying
but you're picking up information
that's more profound than what you get
on the level of the envelope
and Stephen Einstein talked about that
said he believed in in intuition and inspiration
cause that's how
that's how you actually discover how nature works
is on the intuitive level
then you use the intellect as a secondary tool
to systematize at an experiment
and mathematics and language and all that stuff
but the intuition is really
the most profound way of knowing
and when as Jeff was saying
when you allow your awareness to tune into that
quiet whisper of the intuition you
you you get great guidance
yeah it goes beyond a great moment
takes into account past present
future all time and space
and I love that because I feel like time is just
you know
something that we have a concept of in this world
but really
the universe does not have the same concept of time
and it could all things can happen simultaneously
and in terms of what Doctor Larry saying
in regards to intuition whispers
um it is
has been a real lesson to me to like
learn to turn down my analyzer
as Jeffrey teaches and just really um
attuned to what my intuition
intuition is actually whispering
and in my Ted talk I actually
you know discover that
and I say that
every single time that I ignored my intuition
then my whole life kind of turned sideways and
you know there's all these twists and turns
really leading me back to the original
intuition that I already had
that I did not follow so that is really interesting
one of the things that um
you know tying in um
both Doctor Larry and and Jeffrey Jeffrey
your mission is to you know
make this energy work and
and both of you are
to make this energy work in higher awareness
accessible to everyone so I would love to see like
you know how do you see this evolution of science
aligning with the growth of human consciousness
and that's a question to both of you
thanks sure
um well
I think in the in the long arc
not that my life's that long
I'm in the mid 50s
but the the the arc of of time that I've seen
things are already shifting
globally in a really powerful way
so when I was when I was young
you didn't see you know
you didn't see people exercising outside
if somebody is running you thought is there a fire
did they steal something haha
like you know
it was just kind of a strange thing now totally normal
right so we went to that kind of phase of
that physical fitness became like an expected thing
rather than a weird thing
same things happening with
you know
what was called like kind of spirituality or some
it's some time was kind of called new age
was really out here like
we're shifting
the way that's becoming kind of a normal consciousness
I think we're just at the at the beginning of that
but it's nice to see that it's happening
and I think you're pulling from my wife
you saw me a little bit she talks
a lot about this and I think that
shift is really
the only way that we're gonna get out of
all the big challenges that we have
on the planet right now so
and the challenges with separation and war and
and fighting for seemingly scarce resources and
and power and and
you know
all these things really come from a misunderstanding
or an outdated understanding of what's
really happening in the world
and so right now we're
we're all being pulled in the direction away from that
sort of
separation and and sense of lack
all being pulled into this
sense of fullness and connection
whether we like or not
everybody's making that transition right now um
but we're not all making it a way that's graceful
or beautiful you know
I'd like the more we resist that
the more we cling to like
what used to work in the past
like what I was I was so good at this thing
when I controlled the world
it doesn't really matter
cause we're not in that world anymore
you know now we're in a different world you know
it's shifting and and it's a world that requires us to
let go a little bit and
and flow more than drive
for maybe a nice way to think about it is
you know
if you if you love to drive the car at some point
there's a transition in your life
where it's suddenly realize okay
a GPS actually helps me
like that's helping me a little bit
I can still enjoy driving
but I don't have to pretend
I know everything about the road
but then there's also another ship to get
come where you're like
this came from in Tokyo when I started writing in taxis
I didn't have a car for almost 10 years
and it's like something really nice about being driven
about being in the backseat
trusting that this person knows what they're doing
they're taking me somewhere
I don't even have to I don't have to drive
and I'm like I started realizing
maybe I didn't love it as much as I thought
because this is actually this
the sense of being on on the journey
but not controlling every step of the journey
I really felt more comfortable to me
so but it takes a little bit of letting go of
you know this
this old world as we move kind of move into here
but I think it's yeah
that's kind of my abstract perspective
but I'm interested in hearing Larry's perspective
from a more science perspective
yeah she seems to me like um
as what she said and then um
I'll let Larry also speak to this
is that consciousness to me and the
you know are awakening um
into a more collective consciousness
um and into a world of collaboration
it really starts with a connection that we have
with ourselves
and then that we are part of this universe
where we're connected with others
and so when we connect to ourselves
we're actually connecting with others
and then that brings more collaboration
and more into the consciousness
and so Larry
I'd love to hear what your take is on this
both of you and you both put it very Elokovy
Jeffrey and Amy
that well
conscious unified field
which we now can describe mathematically
in terms of quantum mechanic
it's a field of infinite harmony
and that's the nature of ourselves
so as we tune into ourselves
we're tuning into that level of life where we're one
where we're tuned with the universe
where we're tuned with each other
and I think my observation
similar to a Jeffrey said years ago
very few people were involved in
enlightenment spirituality
developing the higher states of consciousness
now has become much more mainstream
and I think there's a major awakening
taking place in the world
and I was driving down the highway the other day
and I saw a billboard
this was a billboard advertising United States Marines
and it was a recruitment
billboard for United States Marines
and said battles are one within
not even the Marines are getting
getting there there's
the inner is the cause of the outer
we've made some progress
and I think that the real science can play in that
is that people
some people go with their experience
and they don't necessarily need to have a
scientific explanation for it and
and I I honor and respect that that view because I mean
if you're having experience that self validate
some people want more of the intellect involved
they want to more scientific proof and then
and then there are people who don't think that there
really is a such
a such thing as
as higher consciousness or enlightenment or intuition
and science can help to bring people
to give more confidence to people in their experiences
who already having those experience and enjoying them
and know that they're real and it can also
bring people along in this awakening
who otherwise might not
take a look at the solar realms of life
another thing that's useful for
is talking to
friends and relatives
who haven't quite tuned into where we are yet
those of us who are on a path of development
of enlightenment sometimes people that are close to us
or relatives or friends
or whatever business or so it gets
are aren't quite there yet
it's useful to be able to say well
this is scientific proof that this stuff will be
so in all of those ways it can help
I think science can play a major role
and breaking together I mean
truth is truth and fortunately
science is getting down in neuroscience
and in quantum hands to the level
we're coming up against
the same truth that the ancient wisdom has always said
the inner field of pure consciousness is the same as
the field expressed in different
times and places in different metaphors and language
that field that creates the whole universe and that
that's the that's the truth that we're approaching
both from science and from the field of our experience
that's a great way to say it yet it's like um
I think you're right that
that science kind of in a sense
maybe it's a little bit uh
it's both ahead and behind the group consciousness
depending on where you are in that group consciousness
so there's people that are out on the edge leading
you know consciousness work that
where the science hasn't been able to catch up yet
but most people aren't there and then there's
you know science this kind of feeling in this part
but it's also quite a bit ahead of most people
you know where most of the
you know most people are
so it's
it's a great way to sort of stabilize that make it
make us safe comfortable
uh and even repeatable and validatable experience
for people moving to
cause not everybody's excited about innovating
especially in their personal consciousness space
a lot of people are more focused on um
you know things that are closer to home for them
you know like I'm taking care of my kids
I'm going to work I got to pay the bills and you know
and so it can feel really safe when now there's like
in a scientific body that's saying okay
this is there's something real here
and we could explain it to you
even though most people
I won't dive deep enough to want that explanation
they just wanna know that there is one yes
they wanna know there's there's people smarter than me
that have figured this out
and said it was okay
yes and I love that where we're going of that
can I I know I wanna look at the time guys
let me know if you have anything to run to
like I wanna be mindful of that
but I wanna spend the last part of this
talking about this topic of closer to home
all of us are innovating
all of us are creating our own businesses
I wanna talk about
how can we approach this topic of mindfulness
and consciousness in business together
like how can we think about holistic conscious business
and where's the value at
and what are your thoughts about
how you're approaching your business perspective
from that mindful conscious standpoint
good um
so something came in mind
I'll jump in so for me um
a lot of people they talk about business
they talk about making money and so um
but I got to go back to my answer earlier
what am I here for why am I here to be of service
so if I center myself
my business around being of service um
money is something that that just comes naturally
it's money is a it's a circulation of energy
so if I'm if I'm helping and providing value
so people more and more people than naturally
that energy is gonna come back to me
and if I if I stretch things well
it can come back to me financially right
and so
but if I focus on like
how do I make more money with what I'm doing
it's pretty easy to lose track of that
that inner guidance
and just listen to like other experts said
post these five things on Facebook
do these things on social media
you know structure
you know you need these price levels
like those are
there's nothing wrong with all those systems
but they're not necessarily for every person
so the main thing is in business
is being able to tune in and say
hi is that advice I'm hearing
does it feel good to me because I'm insecure
and I need somebody else to tell me what to do
nothing wrong with that we all have that
or does it feel good to me
because it resonates with that
what's already inside me and somebody articulated
in a way that I wasn't able to
somebody like
made a plan out of it in a way that I was unable to
okay now that's feeling really good right
so that's
that's a person that I'm feel like in resonance with
in harmony with and uh
there are a couple steps ahead of me
and sort of materializing it in the
in the material world
um but if it's so that
that's why the same business is follow
mostly you're trying to follow within
but also
including the other people that are on the same
vibration as you
and the same kind of frequency as you after that input
and for all the people that you just think
know better than you
or maybe they think they know better than you
I think just you know kind of like don't listen so much
there's so many ways to be successful in business
and you're gonna feel better
if you're successful in a way that aligns with
you know your true drive within you can
you can make lots of money in many ways
but if you get there in a way that doesn't feel like
you you kind of um
you know it's kind of like what's the point right
I still agree with that and also since you're in Japan
I'm gonna mention can Honda and happy money um
and I I really believe in that there's the money
there's energy in money money is energy
but when you're looking in your wallet
and you're spending money
is the money well spent in terms of like
is it giving you happiness
and is it giving others happiness
in terms of serving others
um so is there a resonance
and Doctor Larry
and I talk about resonance quite a bit
in terms of the people that we come across
the people that were collaborating with
are they in resonance with who we are
and so that we can you know
maximize and serve more together um
and and make more impact
a positive impact to the world
and that's you know
you can make a lot of money
but like how much impact
and positive impact are you going to make
are you going to leave this place
you know better than what you know when you were there
so Dr Larry you have anything to add to resonance
in terms of business sure
well yes very
very much with respect to resonance
we have our own like a guitar
it's use fucking cartoon
it vibrates or protect your resonant frequency
we have our own resonant frequency
and there are people there are paths of
of action there are environments
there are all kinds of experiences
that truly resonate with us
and then there's some that don't so much
it doesn't mean one's right and one's wrong
but go
I agree with what both of you have said different in me
when you're tuned into what truly resonates with you
you're going to be resonating with nature
and you're going to be resonating with what
where you're putting your awareness
and that's going to result in that
you're supporting what you're doing there
there are several factors with respect to business
and this applied to personal life as well
there are several factors that really make a difference
in terms of manifesting life
you like create
one of them is clarity of vision
and clarity of vision is not the same
as specificity of result
because life is a series of experiences
it's not a series of events
it's not a series of objects
it's not a series of things
the universe has experienced
life is a series of experiences we might think okay
I really want a million dollars well
do we want a million dollars
so that so that we can have freedom and
and give money to support the things we love
and help the people that we love
and have more self expression
to make a big difference in the world
you want money so we can breastfeed
with how important we are
do what do we want
with what's what do we think that million
what experience is that million dollars gonna bring
let's say we get the million dollars
but you get it by robbing a bank
then you use that million dollars in the bank
you spend the rest of life in jail
it's not the million dollars is the experience
so clarity of vision means
what experience of life would I like to create
and you resonate with that experience
on the level of your consciousness
and you create that also with respect to resonance
it's important to have your intellect
your emotions
and your intuition pulling in the same direction
often when we don't get what we want
we may think okay I do this do this
I have this water this way
and on the intellect level in the hearts
pulling in another way
and it's so intuition may be falling in another way
so when we become when we opened our awareness yeah
okay clearly the intellects exist
the emotion is saying it
allow the mind to quiet down to that subtle intuitive
all this is the this is the deeper guidance
putting in this way that allows us to
to focus in business and personal life
on what is really resonate
all the parts of ourselves are resonant
within ourselves and what resonates with our
our true nature
and then we have a very powerful impact
a very powerful impact is it sounds to concrete a word
we have very powerful resonance with nature
which brings us about so it's in business
it's it's as in personal life
it's critical to have inner resonance
it's critical to have depth of experience
it's clear critical to have clarity of vision
depth of experience
if we're experiencing something on a oh no
it's a superficial level we're trying hard uh
then actually it's not moving nature very well
very effectively
when we experience a resonance on a very
very deep level it's moving nature on a deep level
moves people on deep level
when people see deeply within you well
that's what this person is really about
and they're more inspired
so all of those are cracked
that's great yeah
I I did one one word to that list for a business people
I would say um
patience is really important too
so when especially
when you start tuning into this inner guidance
you're gonna get inspiration and visions and stuff
you like wow
this is great I can I can
I can feel that
I'm gonna be able to touch million lives and do this
and you know and it's not that those visions are true
those are all great possibilities
but they're not necessarily true for tomorrow
and next week right
so so when when you start tuning in
you have to have a little patience with that
the sometimes
seeing something that's a little out in the future
and moving toward it
and you're moving toward it
whether you're
whether you're actively moving toward it or not
so like you don't have to like jump in
try to make that happen next week
reform your whole business and then be disappointed
cause it didn't happen
you know can it also tune into natural timing
like not just what what's the possibility
but what are likely time frames for this to come about
in um
I mean you have that second element of
a little bit of patience suddenly like oh
it's okay that my dreams aren't manifesting today
we want it all today but that's not um
that's improbable I guess the way to say it
that actually um um
I wanted and like highlight a little bit of August um
mission right now is that she has this big vision
and a dream and um
and she's bringing that about with herself full out
and you want to talk a little bit about that and how
like you're bringing consciousness into your business
and also she's a super super mom and superstar uh
when I talk to her a lot her kid is like
sitting there
and he wants to play and do all kinds of things
she takes it all in stride
and it's as if
she's handling multiple things at the same time
and I'm not sure how so thank you my dear friend
and you know what I found
I'm gonna after this
I'm gonna do something simple random
I'm gonna have Doctor
Larry and Jeffrey ask each other one last question okay
is that okay
and then we'll do a lightning round for both of you
and I wanna be totally time
I just wanna add what I found is like when I surrender
when I decided
I am just gonna stop trying to control the universe
that more serendipities happening to the journey right
like more cool things are happening
more people are supporting my startup um
I'm finding something to your point
that's not about like I wanna make money
it's really like I wanna get to what motivates me
get at in the day and night
is it
I wanna live from a place where I have so much love
in my
heart that I'm giving from a place of not meeting
that's what's in my heart
like I wanna get to a place where I'm cleaning up
all the junk inside me
that's like oh
you scared and I don't like this and I like that
and I have a very narrow like acceptable range of like
if I get away from being narrowly focused on what's
acceptable what I like and don't like
and expand my energy and clear up all my junk
then what inspires me is to live
a place where I'm so overwhelmed with love
that I'm serving from that place
not because I need something externally
so I'm really driven
to think about what is happening externally
if I'm
I can't fix my internal state by external things
and that's what's on my mind right now a lot
so this is what's funny
that this inspiration is happening
exactly as a building a startup
and I'm
I'm like creating this second surrender experiment
I'm like what will happen if you just surrender
and see what the things and so
so far has been incredible
uh I'll keep you all posted on the podcast
so follow it but thank you Amy
thank you for being a friend
also a serendipitous guest on the podcast
that turns this journey
and just maybe like one last question from each
each one of you
maybe to each other and then we'll wrap up
does that sound good instead of our preferred question
let's actually first break up your time
just do one last question and we'll wrap up
all right poultry Larry
you want to start
I'm better at answering questions than asking you see
that's why I gave you time
that's why I gave you a moment
if you had if you had one
one journal of wisdom one take home message
that you could say to
the people who are listening here
just briefly what would that be
yeah that's good one um
one take on message yet
that things are not as you believe they are
and that's a good thing
so take like if you're listening to this
like take any inspiration that we shared with you
that resonates with you and then anything that didn't
feel free to just leave that on the side and
but please open your mind to that
that understanding
that there's so much more that you don't understand
that I don't understand
that none of us understand that
then there is that you do understand
and let that be okay like your your ego
I should say like my ego doesn't necessarily like that
it wants to believe that I'm smart and know everything
and and in some sense can control things
but that's a very
stressful way to live so you know
I'd encourage you to say it's
it's okay that I don't know everything
it's okay that I um
I feel like I'm making it up sometimes
and enjoy that part enjoy uh
that aspect of view and just like for me I
I have a love of being here in this life
in this form where it's just not really possible to
the speed of which things are really happening
I mean this kind of like tiny
kind of slow moving concrete body
like pretending I'm moving later
at least your time
and pretending I'm separate from everything
you know this is like a really fascinating experience
but that that's all it is just an experience
so like
just don't try to understand and know everything
it's okay that you don't and um
I think having that that um
openness will suddenly allow so much more to come in
so let's see yeah
that's that's a good question
maybe I'll maybe I'll put the same one back to you like
so I was just curious I was gonna ask Larry like um
what else is there what's
what's probably the same question actually
what's what's the one little nugget
the one little thing that's on your mind right now
it's probably already there that um
that you would share
as a summary I would say know yourself
be yourself and love yourself
and in doing that
allow nature to take its course
be aware that the intellect shouts
emotion scream
and the intuition whispers and tune into that
so whisper
thank you so much I love
I love this episode this was so much fun
I for one would love to hear from both of you um
Larry and Jeffrey on what you're working on now um
in business that is
connecting all of the knowledge
and all of the things that you want
you both have um
service in mind and um
and so I
I'd love to hear what you were currently working on and
and what your vision is for them
sure yeah
I can dive in yeah it's easy for me to talk
yeah yeah
what I'm working on right now is
is kind of fascinating so um
most people know me for teaching intuition
energy work and my work through mind daily cause
you know that's uh
they're so fantastic at reaching many people and um
but right now I'm actually working with my wife
he saw me on a project called Spirit Mind and it's
it's really her
teaching that she's been sharing in Japan for
many years and um
it's blowing me away so it's sad yeah
I knew when I married her
that she had something really special
like she was
tuned in a way that I never even dreamed I could be
but she didn't do
any of the things that I thought were necessary
to be tuned in she didn't meditate
or read books from spiritual teachers
or she didn't do any any of those things
she didn't use any energy tools
so like okay
here's a person that's already to the place
I'm thinking I can get to
if I diligently apply my tools
but she isn't diligently applying any of those tools
so yeah it doesn't mean mine won't work
it just means they're not required right
and so so I've been diving deep into what is her world
her vision of of how things work
and it's um
it's fascinating
because it's taking me on a new journey
and it's a journey that
really is in parallel with some of the
the science that I have looked into
like the diagram she draws
everything just comes to her from oneness
is completely lined up
she's a really a genius in a way that it amazes me
so that's that's what I'm doing right now
it's like okay
I'm getting new information from somebody that's
steps ahead of me I'm just lucky that it's my wife
was that the girlfriend
was that the girlfriend that tapped into your dreams
was that no
no actually no
the girlfriend I did
I did marry that girlfriend but but it didn't watch
gotcha Got just to clear up okay
what about you
yeah I
I love your love story
so I know that you didn't tell it today
but I love the love story
because it was
that the form of communication in different languages
but without actually like
it was a nonverbal communication in
in energy that was that you had
that's true yeah
we um
we still don't
either of us is fluent in the others language still
we've been married 14 years
but I guess the
even though that has a lot of day to day challenges
the the good part is
I never pretend that I understand what my wife's saying
I'm not under the illusion that I'm
I'm always getting it
makes me slow down a little bit listen a little harder
I love it and definitely what about you
I love to hear your thing all right
well I talked a bit about the scientific research
I know a very little bit about my own explorations of
light but in higher states of consciousness
it was actually 20 years ago that we did that
that research and by that time
I'd actually
I Learned transcendal meditation from Maharashmashno
being Harvard when I was a student there
a lecture I Learned from him
I spent years with him
and as I started to connect this with the sciences
it was 20 years ago that I did that research
and I spent the last 20 years
developing techniques to apply
the science of creating miracles
and people who lives to create miracles
me with my book science of creating Miracles
Neuroscience Quantum Physics
and living the life of Your dreams
is actually about what it was title says it's about
so I I I do individual consulting
I do retreats for people comment the main focus of it
and I love what Jeffrey said in the very beginning of
this whole podcast he was talking about experience
experience experience
experience the whole focus although I'm assigned it
the whole focus of what I do in
in my work of people and
individual consulting and retreats that I have
is focused on the experience techniques
to open the awareness to these solar levels of creation
within that we've been talking about
and then bring that out in your life
I'm also involved in some specific projects
and one is
using brainways to evaluate performance in athletes
and also in in high pressure business situation
working some people who are experts in those fields
your brain really is
how well your brain is functioning
really has a tremendous impact on everything else
and all these techniques that involve
returning to the similar levels of thinking
incorporating these murmur moment experiences
tuning your brain to a
more effective style of functioning
they have very practical outcomes in terms of
of hitting home runs or hitting home runs in business
so I'm involved in
in working on that in those particular arenas
and I'm also just beginning a project
using brainwaves to
evaluate and communicate with
children who are on the autism spectrum
because a lot of them
I developed the first brain computer interface to
communicate directly from a vein brain to a computer
using electrical brain activity
now there are thousands of laps around here well
that's it but that time there was only one
and a lot of these autistic kids are non verbal or
or non vocal and yet some of them are brilliant
and so I I'm involved with some people in autism world
in developing programs
to allow autistic kids to communicate
using their brains
when they can't do so well with their mouth
of course
what I'm also very much always involved in is my own
my own inner development
I think that's the key to everything
and that's that's that's the focus
I'd like to think
I have something to offer to other people
and yet the foundational I think all of you agree
who said is really our own inner development
our own inner attoonment with ourselves
with our own unbounded conscience
so that's
that's really what we like and hope and having fun yes
there's a big world out there
there's a lot that we can do to help people
and yet
I mean the purpose of life is expansion of happiness
it's got to be fun it's got to be thrilling
it's got to be enjoyable
if we're gonna make a real success of what we're
what we're all out there to do
and this is awesome and Doctor
did not mention that he's a black belt in Kung fu so
of course he is of course he is cause why not right
well this was delightful
I'm giving all of you high fives
like thank you so much for making this possible
I just want everybody listening
to feel just like the realm of possibility
or you think about
if everybody here decided to honor their intuition
to get curious about like what
what is the inner game happening
how does that affect their life
and incredible things happen for everybody here
so if you just wanting that little kind of push
the little motivation
it's like no matter if I'm in business
no matter if I'm in like my own spiritual findings
no matter if I'm an athlete
there's something to gain to get curious
to get quiet to follow that inner voice
and to make your own miracle happen
thank you so much for joining us
right off track
let's take over the world together with love and Amy
thank you so much for hosting
and Doctor Larry Jeffrey it was a pleasure
thank you so much for having us
my pleasure