Jan. 11, 2024

How Your WORDS are HURTING You and 3 Ways to FIX That! | Anya Smith

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How Your WORDS are HURTING You and 3 Ways to FIX That! | Anya Smith

Dive deep into the world of words and discover their incredible power. Are your words hurting you? Join me in this transformative episode of RightOffTrack as we explore the impact of our language on our lives and how to turn it around for the better....

Have you ever considered the impact of your words on your life and well-being? This episode unveils the hidden power of language and how it shapes our reality. Explore the fascinating intersection of linguistics, psychology, and personal development in a journey through the transformative power of words.

Key Insights:

  • Self-Talk and Reality: Understand how the words we silently repeat to ourselves can mold our perceptions and experiences.
  • The Science Behind Words: Delve into Dr. Masaru Emoto's compelling study on how words can influence growth and decay, symbolizing their effect on our personal growth.
  • Mindful Language Use: Discover strategies to become more aware of your language patterns and their impact on your mood and relationships.
  • Transformative Affirmations: Learn how to replace negative self-talk with positive affirmations to reshape your reality and boost your well-being.

Join us as we unpack the significant, often overlooked, influence of our daily language. Whether it's the internal dialogue we have with ourselves or the words we express to others, this episode will guide you through a transformative process to harness the power of words for a more fulfilling and empowered life.

Get ready to shift your perspective and embrace the positive impact of mindful language!


Don't forget to follow us on social media for more empowering stories and tips! 💡



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are your words hurting you
no hey friends
I wanna actually talk to you about the power of words
are your words hurting you no
yes you heard me right
words can have a profound impact on this today
I wanna dive into 3 steps to unpacking your words
the impact they're having on you
and then replacing that with a positive impact
step 1 is to start paying
attention to the words you are saying to yourself
step 2 there is a known study by Doctor Masaru Emoto
in this experiment
they showed that the words that you use
or even the vibrations that you use with those words
have a profound impact
plans that were talked to lovingly
grew and prospered well
well the same plans that were talked to negatively
withered away
what can that sells about our own in a world
often times we carelessly use words we don't care about
expressing anger towards ourselves and others
or subconsciously
we repeat messages to ourselves daily
that actually don't serve us at all
so again the first step is you pay attention
I want you to be mindful of
how do you speak to yourself daily
are there things that you say to yourself daily
every hour that actually don't serve you anymore
when I thought about this
I was surprised to realize
how many negative connotations I have in my language
so things that come to mind are things like
I don't have enough time
when I talk to my kids and they want my attention
the first thing says
what is wrong
when I'm speaking to somebody
I usually think I'm so busy
and those may not seem like a big deal
what if you're constantly
telling yourself these same things
what if it goes to things like
I am not worthy enough
I am not good enough
things that we subconsciously
or unconsciously tell to others
what if all of that
can have a profound impact
when we add it up
imagine somebody telling you day to day
that you are not good enough
that you are too busy
they don't have enough time
we create that own reality
and it starts the words that we start speaking
and then the second step is to now create that space
so we realise that we have this habit
next we want to take the next step
and catch yourself every time we do this
so every time you say something
that does not align of how you want to speak or feel
just take a pause
you don't have to start
immediately acting and making changes
but every time you see this action
just take a pause
just like oh
I did that oh
I said that
create the space between your action and desired action
as a starting point
and this is also helpful where we don't just
reflect on our own words
but we also reflect on the words of others
or how we speak to others
because sometimes when we are angry
when we are running all the time
we have shorter temperatures
we say things to others
and how we use our words
externally has the same kind of connotation
so if you're angry in traffic
or if you're short tempered
and you speak something English at your kids
those same words
definitely have an impact on the other person
but they also impact you
we think that being angry hurts the other person
but really being angry is like drinking poison
thinking it's gonna hurt the other person
so pay attention and create space
for words that you're saying to yourself and others
especially the ones that are not serving you
especially in areas where you wanna grow
so think about areas like your family life
your professional life
your physical life
your health life
your spiritual life
like the key areas in the places that you value
look at the common ways you talk about yourself
is it serving you or not
and step 3 once you're paying attention
once you're creating space
every time for pause
and just catching yourself doing this
you then insert
positive language
and what reality do you wanna create for yourself
for me recently
it was example of time
I kept telling myself that I don't have enough time
what happened then
by telling myself
I don't have enough time
I'm so busy
then I was actually
in the present moment
I was always thinking about how
I don't have enough time and how much more I have to do
so I was taking away that precious
time from this moment
and putting it off
with thoughts of what I have to do
I was actually doing more
I wasn't being more productive
I was stealing away that time
and the energy for myself
by creating
this notion that I don't have enough my time
so instead of that
I was catching myself when I had those notions
and replacing that with the notion of
I have all the time I need
I have all the time I need
and that notion
actually made me want to be present
it made me want to slow down
it made me not want to space off into the future
thinking all of things I have to do
because I felt good about just getting things done
right now and I felt like I had more time
because I was not rushing myself
because I was not mentally
creating this time security for myself
so how do you want to feel
if we just get curious and creative
and imagine
their words are super powerful
and can you create the desired action
we wanna see and live
like how do you wanna live
what if you dreamt a little bit
what if you got really excited and curious about our
limitless potential
what if you start telling yourself
that we can do more things
that we have a high potential
that we can change the world
how did I even feel saying it though
this is an experiment right now
if you're listening to
oh I don't know
just imagine telling yourself something that you
repeatedly say that's maybe negative like oh
I don't have enough time
I'm so tired
that just feel the energy of you saying
the things you repeatedly say to yourself
and how it's draining or feeling inside you
and now compare that to something positive
to yourself like hey
I've got this
today's gonna be a great day
I'm gonna rock the presentation
I have everything it takes to make it happen
just those little things make a difference
and you can say
oh that's you know
that's fine and all nice
and affirmations
but the affirmations are powerful
because the words that we use shape
are reality
the words that we use become part of our subconscious
and when we
decide to go for something or not go for something
those decisions are gonna be based on how do we feel
how our subconscious feels
so you're creating that
foundation based on the words they use
and similarly again
it's not just the words that we use for ourselves
it's the words that we use externally
if we think that we're all great
but we negatively talk to people around us
that still limits ourselves
so check yourself
be curious about the words they use in your life
the words they use towards others in your life
and make sure that you don't take it for granted
don't take for granted
the words and the power they have
although everybody has them and everybody can use them
it doesn't mean
that we should use them frivolously and without thought
speak kindness into your heart
speak kindness into the heart of others
and that is what's gonna create a better life
a more fruitful life
a more energized life
and that will help you also drive your potential
so as a challenge to this
take these three steps
and as you're starting perhaps
even take a sticky note or a notepad or even you know
your notepad on your phone and start chatting down
some of the key things that you say to yourself right
are there one
two three the constantly come up
they catch stuff hmm
that is not how I want to be speaking to myself
just start judging it down
and if you take a daily count
I bet you'll be shocked but amount of time
you repeat something like that to yourself
and then again
get get creative and think about what
would you want to place that word that phrase with
that would actually empower you
and then start creating that pause
replace that and let me know
like if you start doing this in a week in a month
how do you feel
how do things change when you
when you challenge that old notion
and replace it for one that's actually serving you
and imagine the power now of taking step by step
breaking them
reflecting them
replacing them
something that is serving you
and the magic that could happen there
so I hope you take away that
words have great power
and often times
we are hurting ourselves
by forgetting that truth
and the final thing you remember is that
so be discerning around what you surround yourself
what kind of speech do you hear
what kind of
things are spoken around you and towards you
if there are negative things that you constantly
surround yourself with
like the news media
whatever that makes you feel negative
take that out of your life limit that
don't just take for granted
that you should be subjected to everything you hear
and I'm not talking about you know
challenging yourself and growing
and opening yourself to new information
but be mindful of the words that you hear
and you constantly are surrounded by
because we also pick that up and internalize it
so be respectful of your boundaries
be so full of your words
be powerful of your words
and 2,024 make it the year where your words really
empower you to the fullest
and I love to hear from you what stood out to you
I love to hear from you
what were some of the
things that you were saying to yourself
that you caught yourself ugh
that's not working for you
and what did you replace it with
I'd love to hear from you
if you listen to this and take the challenge for a week
how does that transform you
and if you have any other tips around
how to empower yourself around with your words
please go ahead and share those here
we love to learn from you
thank you so much for joining this episode
I'm always so excited to share my learnings
and help and power you as well
and as always
let's take over the world together
right off track
until next time
take care love you
welcome to the episode of Anya Smith today
and ignored
maybe every minute
some of these negative things are not serving you
words can have power around us too