How to STOP Being a Hot MESS and Find Your POWER - Patrick LeRouge is RightOffTrack | Anya Smith

Ever wondered how slowing down can actually speed up your success? 🤔
Dive into an enlightening conversation with Patrick LeRouge, where he explores the art of finding alignment and the power of listening to your inner voice. Learn how the synergy of ...
Ever wondered how slowing down can actually speed up your success? 🤔
Dive into an enlightening conversation with Patrick LeRouge, where he explores the art of finding alignment and the power of listening to your inner voice. Learn how the synergy of mind and body can revolutionize your energy and relationships. Patrick shares his journey, offering practical tips and habits for personal growth.
🌟 Key Takeaways:
- 🛑 Discover why slowing down and aligning with your inner self is crucial for growth and success.
- 🧠🤝💪 Understand the critical role of the mind-body connection in enhancing energy and nurturing relationships.
- 🔄 Learn how reflecting on your past can unlock insights for a brighter future.
- 🌌 Embrace the present and trust the universe for profound personal fulfillment.
📚 Chapters to Explore:
- 00:00 🗣️ Preview and Intro
- 04:28 ⏳ The Importance of Slowing Down
- 13:48 🛤️ Trajectory of Your Life
- 18:48 🧠 Fear of Turning the Brain Off
- 21:53 🚶♂️ Detachment from Our Bodies
- 30:14 🌞 How to Get Comfortable Being Present
- 38:08 🔋 Unraveling the Mind-Body Connection and Its Impact on Energy
- 43:09 ❤️ The Influence of Physical State on Energy and Relationships
- 45:09 🚀 Balancing Success and the Need to Slow Down
- 48:48 🌐 Lessons from the Past: Shaping a Bright Future
- 53:29 🕊️ Finding Peace in the Present: Trusting the Universe
- 56:33 🌅 Embracing the Day: Patrick's Favorite AM Routine
- 57:40 🏋️♂️ Strengthening Body and Mind: The Reverse Cross Crawl
- 01:02:56 🛤️ Going Off Track: Finding Your Happy Place
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why this is important
why even bother
right cause for years I was not super comfortable
but I was really not prioritizing
stopping chasing
you're now scratching on
one of the hardest things I had as a career
as a person
I work with these high performers
that say that same exact thing
when I talk to them
at first they don't know why it's important
to deal with their stress
when they're managing it very well
I call them a hot mess
they can make hot mess work
because they understand the ins and outs
and their payouts
yeah and I bring this analogy to them
waiting true
had something fall off your body before
you have to take it
that's the legitimate person I work with right
they don't call
don't do something
until they literally can't deal with their life anymore
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going off track is taking a chance on yourself
following your polls of curiosity
it's making your own decisions
the most wonderful adventure
hey friends
and today we're unlocking the secret of
for Patrick Larouche
get ready for some eye opening insights from a man
who's redefining holistic healing
welcome Patrick
I'm so excited to have you here
hello everybody
how are you doing
oh I hope they're all doing great
I mean how are you doing
is the bigger great
I'm doing really well
I'm really diving into
my own explosion as an entrepreneur
and I'm finding
I'm sure to no surprise
is that it's really inner journey
and to a favourite topic of ours is not just
you know your
your mind right
it's a holistic thing about how are you feeling
you know how is your body feeling
what is my energy level
all that aligns
and so that's a little bit about me
but Patrick
let's talk about you
what got you on this path of exploring
this holistic approach
so one of the things that I love talking about is
what got me here
because that's what everyone attaches to
but before I even get into that
I want everyone to think about
we're already on this journey
we've already done this
and we know what's happening
so like you said
it's all about what's happening inside your mind
what's happening inside your body
I want everyone just to feel your heart real quick
touch your heart
your physical heart
touch your put your hand on your heart
and tell me if you instantly start to feel your heart
and if there's a slight glitch that's happening there
that means you're not in your body
and it took me a very long time in my career
do you feel your heart right
did you feel your heart right away on you
it took about what
it took about what
yeah it's fair yeah
uh did you feel it right away
is it gonna be the
the kicker like
would you feel it
I think it took me a moment
it took me a moment
so the longer that you be surprised
some people can't get it
and that's what I Learned as I was going through
cause you can do all the things
all the techniques in the world
and you'll be doing the work
but you're not really doing the work
and that's because you're separated
your mind and your body yeah
connecting the two
and that's where my
where my career started to really take off
once I realized
I Learned all sorts of techniques in my 24 years
but when it really did matter is what
when it really did work
it's when I placed it all together
so I started to heal my my carpals
I started healing my eyes
I started doing all these massive transformations
with these people
in the common denominator
is when I got them to actually slow down and calm down
not just I'm relaxed
it's like being able to look
internal and say
this is my issue
this is my outcome
and this is how I'm showing up
and actually being okay with that
that's how I started
so every time I fix
fix something big
something that people say you can't do
like healing dislocated carpals
where no longer hurts anymore
fixing all my body pains my eyes
every time I get uh
an internal issue inside myself
whether it being
Candina got issues
whether it being
um losing fat
losing a lot of weight
going through that fluctuation of life
having kids
and blowing up
and then going back down
losing that really
really quickly
all comes with the
the fact that I was present
and the only reason why I'm able to say that
is because every single time I've
done it or seen it happen
it's because I sink up my mind and my body
and then you can trace that with any
high performer out there
you can see that moment is when
when the shift happens
is when they
actually connect their mind and their body
that's what I've noticed and that
that's what got me here
absolutely Patrick
how did you come to that being the path
because as you know
there's so much noise about what you should be doing
especially when we talk about the physical side
like you know
I should be
working out
and doing all that
and supplements
and eating and nutrition
like everything in the world
what LED you to that sense of inner intuition
as being the healing path
oh now this is a fun question um
so what I heard you say was
how did I get onto this journey
on this path being the right path for me yes right
I didn't do what normally people did is chase the money
I actually chased my heart
and what felt good in my heart is what
made it all happen for me
and as I started to
this is starting way back in high school
I start to realize I had a problem with authority
I couldn't take answers
which then hardwired me to be an entrepreneur
I couldn't take any direction for anyone
I had to make it up my own way
but then I had a series of events that happened
that seemed hard
but it was the easiest pathway
it was my flow
so because I was so angry
let's say as angry teenager
don't tell me what to do
the easiest direction was
was to combat someone saying
I can't do something
and at that point
it was a massage therapist
a dean at a
my massage school saying
I would never be a good massage therapist oh
so my flow of easiest direction was to combat somebody
and say oh I can do it
and that's what I wanna share with everybody
it's not what the right thing to do
what makes the most money
what makes it's like
what makes you flow the easiest
so whatever comes easy out of you
is what you need to learn how to do and lean towards it
not necessarily the thinking right thing to do
but what makes it really easy for you to do
and this is your state
what makes you happiest while doing it
now don't get me wrong
you also have to make money doing it
but once you realize you can make money
with the thing that you love
that's when you have the best of both worlds
in that way
and that's also things up with
how you heal
how you get anything little
manifestation is when you sink both of those up
that's how that happens
and that's what I've been teaching people how to do
and Patrick
how did you turn that
how do you have that reflection that this seemingly
you know challenging thing you know
traditional viewpoint where some of it well
that's your
that's a negative side of it
and you said like
that's actually a strength
that's guiding me in the right direction like
were there people in your life who
gave you that support
or did you have other examples
that's like
you know actually
this is my strength and I should follow that energy
alright so let me see what I heard you saying
who who help me get that recollection
yeah is that the question
yeah or yeah
or how do you get
maybe it could be who
it could be how
it could be like just you know
that inner just direction
now that's what it was
Hindsight's 2020 right
yes you don't learn this crap unless you look back
and so many people are so forward driven
as I don't wanna look back
and then you run and run and run
you never learn the things
that's gonna make things easier
so the easy
the easy answer is
as I wanted to learn something
a teacher was there to teach me
but you never see the teacher there teaching
especially the big things
unless you turn around after the fact and realize
this is how far I made it right
and this is what I Learned
so many people judge their progress
based off of how far they're going and how
how they're going
how close they are to their goal right
I want everyone to start shifting that
and that's starting to become more and more prevalent
now as people looking back and judging their
progress was um
once I where I was
once upon a time I was here
and now I'm here
look how much more
progress I am to getting over to my goal
and the more chunks and blocks
you have the better you are
so to answer your question
it came internal
but it only came internal
after I turned around and say
what did I learn from this chapter of my life right
and I took what I Learned there
and started applying it to the next place
so now I take that in the ability to learn now
with the skills I Learned over there
and placed it into this
podcast interview
for instance
so I can actually be here
and speak with you and be excited
but not overthinking
and underthinking
I'm just here with you
because I've Learned how to calm myself down
and the way I do that is
in the very beginning
I I made you feel your heart
and your heartbeat
and the that texture that pays
the more you can be detailed with it
the more you're gonna be inside your body
so if you to feel your heart now
if I spiked your nervous system
I said anything wrong
or you it's supposed to be a certain way
you're gonna start getting heavy
you're gonna get outside of your body
you won't feel your heart
so if you felt your heart
if you feel your heart again
you're gonna feel like
am I getting you in your body or out
now hopefully
everybody's doing it with you
so you can see oh
at different times
you're gonna be present or not present yeah
and that's the key is learning
how to do that
does that make sense
it would then give you the
ability to look backwards
to learn that yeah
that answers your question
yeah I know
this is great
you know recently
I had this realization that I've always struggled
with this concept
you know be present
cause if you
like just all you have to do
is breathe in the presence
I'm like okay
that sounds fantastic
but I've tried
you know meditating
and it just didn't stick
like I would sit
and I would be like
this is nice
but then anytime something stressful
would happen in my life
that practice will like
go out the window
and recently
I had this reflection
that really
like that well
part of is my own inner journey
where I'm really trusting the universe and the
connection um
there but it's just
like that a
I don't have
full control of the universe
you know like
I can't control
tsunamis and whatnot
so like part of is like
having that trust in something higher than you
that's guiding you
in that in a way
gives me this trust
that if I am
and if I am
in the moment
as best as possible
like that really helps me connect
to my intuition better
that helps me
live a better life
it helps me again
have a better
connection with the thing that is guiding me
in the most loving and wise way
which is my own like
oh my own goals can be
like my own
but they're probably not the best for me
overall right
there's a higher wisdom in there
that's guiding
me in a wiser way
and so I had this really
different perspective
on why I should be in the moment
not just because like
it's nice and calming
everybody says that
because that's really
but it became
it's really
the best thing for me
and my future
quote unquote goals
which are wiser than me
and not just my own
head goals um
so that was something recent
and it just became like
this thing that I really struggle to do
and be able to
reframe it now
and actually want to be in the moment
in like the most boring moment
in the most frustrating moment
in the most
whatever but I
having that
desire to be here
is so vivid
because like
that's when I can be
intuitive that's
cause I really
sense my energy
that's when I can really
really be alive
and that's been something recent that's
really changed in me
well that's very important for everyone to hear
but what I heard
is two different
thoughts or statements yeah
I want to ask you a question on
sure OK and
how do you become present
and a lot of people ask me this question all the time
and it's not so much of how yeah
cause it's very simple
so you gotta
just be here
it's more about
you have to understand
are you based off
your past life
more mentally driven
or physically driven
hmm right so
and then once you understand
those two components
to be present
you have to have both of those humming
at the same frequency
of the same links
where one's not overtaking
the other yeah
in that way
so most people are head driven
especially uh
us high performers
were thinking ahead
we're seeing
all the problems
we're seeing
around corners
we're doing all these
different things
which is external
which means
they're in their head
so my go to for
for everyone is
can you feel your heart
which then brings you back into your body
that is how you get into a present state
is feel a sensation
inside your body
whether it is
feeling your hand
being present
and feeling your hand
which you can do
at any moment
yeah the big issue that I see
everyone have is
when do you do it
and like what you said
when shit hits the fan
do you stop
and do it yeah
that is the issue
yeah I agree
that I think
but to me like
it was really like
the matter of why
this is important
you know like
why even bother right
cause for years
I was very you know
it was not super comfortable
but I was really not prioritizing stopping
chasing right
like it was something I didn't like
but I still wasn't prioritizing
enough to change it
and so like
I think to me
it's also like
what's gonna
what's gonna
really push you off the ledge
like this is important to me
to change it enough
and I don't think it's gonna be
the white and plethic
just slow down
I think it's gonna be really
good this is
this is really
the best life
is gonna happen to me
when I do this is my
uh internal
that's changed
so you're you're now
scratching on
one of my um
one one of the hardest things
I have as a career
as a person
I work with
these high performers
that say that same exact thing
when I talk to them at first
they don't know why
it's important
to deal with their stress
when they're managing it
very well yeah
they're functioning
I call them a hot mess
they're functioning hot mess
they can make a hot mess work
because they understand the ins and outs of their chaos
yeah and I bring this analogy to them
because this is
the hardest part
is to teach somebody
that's doing something
pseudo okay
but it's not
falling apart
you're waiting for
you to have
something fall off your body
before you have to take it
that's the legitimate person
I work with right
they don't call
don't do something
until they literally can't deal
with their life
anymore right
and I bring them to a question
I was like alright
you can breathe right now
everybody know
I want you to think about this
the concept of breath
taking an air
it's crucial
you can't live
three minutes
without it or
depending on
if you practice
it 10 minutes
whatever the case may be
put yourself
in a puddle
you're done
a puddle and
you're done
because you
can't breathe
but yet everybody knows
they need to
work on their
breath work yeah
everybody knows
you're not supposed to be
breathing in your chest
but we breathe
in our chest
in our belly
I was like alright
so you know
for a fact that
you're having an issue
not breathing well
you're saying
yes I should
work on that
and that's the
small picture
what you have
to think for
everything about
being present
mind body connected
being inside your body
and doing more things
from that place of
you have to
blow that up
into a big picture of
by the way the
the reason why
you're not breathing
is because of
all the fear
all the trauma
that you had
all the things
but because
you're not taking care of this now
you don't realize
that it's taking
years off your life
so if you were to
change that breath
and start learning
how to breathe deeply
and took that seriously
you're doing it
fine now but
you're doing it
but it's taking away
years of your life
what happens
if you change that
get that breath to
work better
so you're taking
in more air
more air gives you
more oxygen
nourishes your body
you start packing on
years to your life
once a person hears that
like oh that
that is true
I'm not taking that seriously
the reason why is because you have a habit loop of
you wait until you
can't breathe
and it starts getting in your way of your normal life
to take action
we have to get you to realize
you're being preventative and proactive
to now change the trajectory of your life
your longevity of your life
and that happens also with a hurt shoulder
the fact that you can't move
the fact that you can't stand within this
confident posture
all those small things add up to years to your life
that's when you start connecting the dots to those
and that's what I have to do
before I even work with somebody
or else they'll say
I just want you to fix this small
little problem and keep me in this small little bubble
when it's so much bigger
and then you can be so much more productive
as well as live life happily
like get everything that you want
you'll thrive in life
all by changing your breath and locking that in
once you shift that
then it's easy
but that is literally the challenging
thing that I have to work with
every high performer
is showing them their small little thing
that they're not focused on
that will blow things up for them
I was curious
what are maybe somewhat you mentioned breath
but are there some common like
problem areas people come with you with
come to you with that you want to share
like some things that you go through
through practice to help them like maybe
couple of top themes that people come to you for
and how do you go about solving that
now you ask me things that I know is a problem
that they don't know
or things that they actually come in like oh
I have this problem
let's do it from their lens
then how you see it
and then maybe solution
so that's very
very simple
I know for a fact every human body is the same
and I call it the um
The Human Body Chronicles
the Human Body issues
the common Core issue with every human body
and it's going to be the same for every human body
so if I can just solve that
I can solve everything else
that is my lens that I'm looking at
because everyone has the same organ placement
and that's where
the root of
that's the root of your
everyone's issues
because we have something inside that's doing something
and then we flatten up the world
our environments different
now that you understand that
now everybody says
my neck hurts
I always have this thick neck and I
I don't sleep right
I have a stiff neck
my back hurts and my hip don't move
I need more range of motion
my end or my feet and calves
feel really
really tight
but they don't do anything about it
which then something catastrophic happens
where they either blow a knee
or blow a shoulder
and that's what normally happens
so all five of those joint areas is where people say
this is what I need help with
and most of the time
it's just like
I don't move very well
and I asked him about these areas
like oh yeah
that doesn't work
that hasn't worked for years very well
and that's that's the
the key things that need to happen
and that's because
physical points
on the physical
so on the emotional side
the psycho emotional cause
that's where everything
like that's where
my whole practice is going towards
is to bring the awareness
to your psychosomatic world
which things that's happening inside
your head is dictating your body
and your body is dictating your mind
so that's not one
Trump's the other
they both sync up
and they both have the communication
to one another and
and that's happening all over the world like they
they're starting to come along about
there's more neural pathways inside your gut
that goes to your brain
then your brain
that goes on to your body
it's it's bananas
how much your body can communicate now
the body is getting the
the attention it needs
that it actually works with the brain
not brain over body
and that's something that's happening
so the people come to me on those physical things
and then the biggest thing is
I can't quiet my mind
or I'm scared
if I quiet my mind
I'll stop my advantage
they're afraid to turn off their mind
so it's like
I can't stop my mind
but I'm also afraid to turn off my mind
those are the common things that I see often
and then the
I would say
the one that's coming up quickly
now that people are starting to get more in touch
with their bodies
they don't know how to
control their emotions
those those
seven things
I see often
now it changes
with each person
in that way
but I guarantee you
everyone that I talk to
has one of those things or
all of those things
playing a role in their life right now
that they're
ignoring yeah
it's interesting
I see so there's
our bodies like
it's like we're
a body's our car
like we're driving
and we love our car
but we can't take it for granted
like it's working
and we go everywhere we want
and it's working
and that's fine
until there's like an oil change
until something happens
where something needs to get fixed
and go oh okay
I guess this actually needs my attention
so like when it's working fine
we are easily for grant
taking it for granted
we're not even thinking about how
it really works
or just like
okay it's fine
so that's that's
that's the big problem that I'm working
with as high
we just keep on going
keep on going
one because we detach
from our mind
or our body
yeah and we
just keep on pushing
and or we see the
right writing on the wall yeah
and because it's not blowing
up catastrophically
we don't do anything about it okay
and I tell everybody about this
like you never wanna buy a
a car from a mechanic
because the mechanic
takes care of everybody else's car
and not his own right
that's with everything
you talk to
a personal trainer
a physical therapist
they're more likely to have issues
that they know how to fix
but they don't
because they're always taking care of somebody else
and that is the high
performer the mom
high performer
or business owner all
three so you have like three chops against you on that
but that's why it's so easy for us to do it
and I don't want to blame like oh
you should be doing more and should
should have could have wood is
don't play a role in here because you have a life
that you are now
actively not taking charge of and taking responsibility
of your car
and do you want your car the only one that you have
to last for a long time
for instance
if you were to live to 110 years
old and that's you know
let's let's play it safe now right
hundred and ten years old yeah
do you wanna live in a bed with a respirator and like
ah or do you want to live an active life at 110
something yes
which one is it
oh and I hope everyone's doing this in the living room
definitely that you're definitely active
so the things that you're doing now
does that add up to 1 hundred and ten years old
are you doing the best work that you could possibly do
right now that's gonna give you that
hundred and ten years old
and that's your answer
once you start making those small switches
they like oh
we start working on this car a little bit
just a little bit every single day
and that's how you make that small little shift
Patrick and I can imagine that
even for me
like other people listening
especially moms
it could be hard because he sense that well
I'm giving to others
and that's what I should be doing
being like as a mom
I'm prioritizing my kids
I'm taking care of my husband
I take care of the house like
so at the end of the day
how much energy do I have
and also recently for me
I was like that I need to change that perspective
that it's not selfish to prioritize myself
that actually
I need to sincerely
reflect on this hierarchy
and put myself above
because that's like
everybody should put theirself above
like they should be a priority
and not just for like the sake of saying it
but actually like
how can do I recover
what do what's me time look like
what do I want to do
because we're not showing up
we think we're showing up best by taking care of others
but really we're not
I was just talking to a coach that other day like well
how are you showing up
when you are giving
them that you're all
versus say you take that break
and it feels selfish
but you just take an hour for yourself
and then you show up
how do they see you
what energy they sense
like the difference between you being there
but being somebody who's lacking in the energy
and how do they sense your energy then
or you took a break
you felt maybe selfish
whatever you wanna call it
but then you showed up for a different energy
what would they prefer
and I love that
so if you're listening to the big oh
you know what
like wouldn't it feel good to
to do this for myself
it's like challenge that perception
if you have a sense like oh
but how could I do that for myself
is it selfish like no
you're showing up better for yourself and for the world
and for everybody
in the world who you interact
by prioritizing yourself
so I hope that also lines
100% I have um
I work with a lot of moms
a lot of high
performers are own business owners that has
um employees
so I have it
I tell people this exact same thing
in two different ways
but I go deeper
a lot of my work
drives deep into the root causes
so I have the root cause of the body
organ placement
mine in body soak
is based off your inner child and childhood
development in your generational learning
so based off of that
so I bring people into moms No. 1
Isaac alright
so you are the guide
to your family
to your kids
your kids learn by imprinting
especially from the ages 0 and 7
they see something
and it becomes real
yeah the actions that you do now
not the words that you say
the actions that you show them now
becomes their reality
whether you like it or not
so by you not taking care of yourself
and taking care of them all
all the time
with nothing for you
and they see you withering away
what are you exactly teaching them now
what's your first thought when you
when you hear that
um like that honestly
it makes me feel sad
like I don't have a very logical answer to it
but it's just like a sadness yeah
it's a big sadness
like oh shoot
and that's the feeling
that have you back into your body now
that is what's
gonna make you take action on
changing that perspective yeah
if you're a mom
and you resume with that
now all you have to do is say
how can I what can I do yeah
that can now show my kids
I'm taking care of myself
but still loving them yeah
for instance
when my wife needs to work out honey
she needs to leave to work out
so she can come back happier for you
let's see how happy she comes back when
she works out right
so now the kid is happy for
to see your mom leave yeah
take the business owner
business owner
I was like alright
so you have these employees
do you want the employees
for every single question
they have to come to you
because you have been answering the question to the
you see what's happening like oh
no no no no no
I want someone
I want someone to figure it out and do
so I was like
so why don't you start
showing them that
by giving them yeah
the the type of level
task that they can handle
but stretches them yeah
and then step back
and wait for them to come with a problem
and a solution yeah
and that's the only way that you can do that
is by letting that go
and that's what the business owner
letting it go
which is equivalent to
getting more me time
and for us for us
business owners
the more me time we have
the more we go play off
in the thing that's gonna make us bigger
which actually
fills our tank
yeah so by us always answering the questions
we can't fill our tank
on the business side
yeah and that
those are the two examples
I give people
to start realizing
you need your me time
yeah you need to be present within yourself
I was actually thinking about
like you know
I wanna one day write a book
and I was thinking
the arts of
of being slow
in the fast world right
something like that just came to mind
it probably not gonna be it
but there's so much
there's such an
noise around going faster
and doing more
and seeing what somebody's doing on social media think
ugh why am I not doing that
and yet the more I'm doing the self work
the more like
I really am enjoying
slowing down
cause here I'm like
oh this is not working for me
or like hey
why am I listening to this noise
or like that
that's just not possible
for me to reflect and do um
when I'm always rushing
and following
again that speed
and then I'm like
well what why do we even have all this speed
like why is
society so obsessive
doing things faster
faster faster
and I look at that
zero calisthic
there's not an overwhelming
abundance of happiness right
the reason I got the speed
is aligned to something
this is actually not working
it's not actually
not serving
but it's something that's very easy to get behind
because it it seems
sound right
that okay speed
more should be better
more faster
should be even
even better
we definitely live in that society of more
more better um
like look at I
I go back into the health world all the time and say
look at the way that we working out
we're thinking bigger muscles harder
more extreme is better
but you're seeing those people get hurt more and more
because they're doing something that's not
align with how the human body works
number one yeah
human body is not efficient when it's ginormous
but we have this cultural thing
that we have to have these chisel pecs
the six pack ABS and everything looking awesome
but there's also studies that's now
and I'm not a big
it's all about the studies thing
it's all about like
you have to remember the human body
for instance
women women want this extremely thin look
and I have to remind them
your fat is what's going to give you health as a woman
like you need that fat
so I'm not saying you can't have the six pack app
but you don't want to go extremely low
and everyone's
optimal performance is based off their body
it's not always under 10% body fat
especially for women
oh my god yeah
so it's not healthy
in that way
but we have this stigma
inside our head that we have to do it
so we have to do it as fast as humanly possible
and that's why people keep on going
and for business owners
it's because we're chasing that success
we're chasing that next thing
and that that
because it's external
we want to say
if I get to that
I'll be successful
I'll be happy yeah
so we get to that and realize that's not the case
so we chase down the next thing
and we have to get that even faster
because we want it faster
more and more
it's an instant gratification loop that we have
we have to break that and start realizing you're happy
now how do we get comfortable
how do we get comfortable that
how do we get comfortable being present
any thoughts on that
oh now okay
so how do we get comfortable being present
is a fun question
is because the first thing in anything is acknowledging
where you are
so I have something called a GPS model right
I teach people in order
like think any GPS
this is how I came up with
it was so ridiculous
if think about any GPS right
you need to know a couple things for that GPS to work
absolutely great
you need to know where you're going
like where you're going
and then you need to know where you are
when we think about our personal selves
we're always looking at where we're
where we're going
where we're going
rather than seeing where we are
and as soon as you look at where we are
then you can start making some real judgments on
if you're happy where you are
so what is the worst neighborhood in your
in your neighborhood
in your city
worst part just think about it
like Old Town
like maybe closer to the Old Town
Old Town Old Town
let's say you're in Old Town
you're in the best car in the world
right windows down
you have all of your jewelry on
all the money in the back of the car
they can see it
how safe do you feel
I mean not not
less safe in other areas
let's say relatively
so was there the worst area possible
like that is absolutely not good
yes I want you to think about that
and then look at that and say
what would you do in that moment
you like I'll get the fuck out of there like sorry
I'm realizing I'm cursed
I'll get out of there
this is explicit
yeah it's good
yeah like I would get out of there
the only reason why you have that immediate reaction
cause I got you back into your body
I got you present to answer that one question right
I got you present to where you are
so many people generalize where they are now
that they never have any immediate action to
I don't like this
I don't like this feeling
I don't like
always rushing
I don't like how I'm snippy at times
they never put themselves
and look at where they truly are
they generalize where they are
I'm in this general area
which then they have a general
direction to get out of there
to get to their goal
if you get exactly pinpoint
like how do you like that
what is something that makes you feel like that
and then you say ah
this is really hard
and that's one of the reasons why people don't do that
is cause it is really hard to look at yourself and say
I really don't like that about my stuff
I might need to change that
and then you can get a different question
a different action step up
what can I do
to make that action change
and now you have a direct action to now staying present
and becoming back to this present state
because now
this is the ultimate thing
to get present
you have to be happy with who you are and where you are
yeah that is the ultimate answer right there
you have to be happy and present with who you are
and where you are
and once you're there
then you get comfortable
with whatever is happening around you yeah
and that's that zone
that's that flow state too
does that make sense
absolutely and when I hear happy
I also wanna
shine me on
on my birthday
like happy this is me
like you're just like ah
thank you so good
you just like
like content
sounds always like a
a negative thing
but you are just more calm
like you feel at peace
like a peace or happy
as I think what we're going like is so
and I mention that
because often times you think that happiness
has to be like this
sense right
another extreme dipping point
and if you like oh
I'm not there
then that things are not working
that's like
that's not what I hear you saying
I say happiness is a sense
like just like
I'm feeling good
I'm feeling content
I'm feeling at peace
which is like some kind of
extreme agitation
or even that over heightened
sense of like happiness
like those are oh
both extremes
we wanna try to get
to a middle ground
in the moment
is that right
yeah 100% but I want to go a little bit deeper
if you don't mind and say
if you're able to feel still
being still
no fidgeting
just sit here
just like oh
look at this I'm okay
I'm not doing anything
don't need a phone
TV electronic
I don't need to solve a problem huh
answer a kid's question
I'm okay yeah
so those times where people feel bored
and we tell our kids
go outside and play
because you feel bored
and now they're
they're starting to say
you should leave your
kids being bored
cause that lets them be themselves yeah
Anya when was the last time you were actually bored
and you were okay with it
there goes your answer yeah
there goes your answer
but I like I like the quiet pieces so like
I actually really enjoy just sitting in the stillness
so that to me doesn't feel like boredom
so in the sense like ooh
that's actually you're close then
you're close
if you can find more more moments like that yeah
I'm gonna even say
you probably already found your sweet spot yeah
because you can stay in that
in that place for a little while
so I wouldn't say that that analogy will work for you
because yeah
the things that you're doing to be bored
I guarantee you if you look back in the beginning
you'd like fuck
I don't know what to do
what am I supposed to do
when you were doing the thing that works now
is because you found that sweet spot of you linking
your mind and body together
and you don't have to do anything
but if you think back in the beginning
then you'd be like oh
that bored feeling is here
I don't I I need to do something
I feel bad I should do something
yes oh my gosh
100% and what what I do now
when I had that voice
like when I'm saying like
I'm gonna sit down and just relax and meditate
and be quiet first
the ego comes in like
this is just BS
like this is all bullshit
like why are you even bothered
this is just a waste of time like
so your ego immediately goes on alert right
and then it's like
hey you have 700 million things to do right now
that you should be thinking about right
like that's the second thing
and then like
what I've been recently doing is like
really like
how is that going to actually help me
like I would
I just come back that inner voice like
how is doing 1 million hundred things right now
going to help me
how is that ever going to make me happy
it isn't so if you
if you're in that head
if that voice is in that big
how is that really serving me
is it really making me happy right now
or is that something that's gonna make me feel like
that's what I need to do to earn validation
that's what I need to do to feel
because that's never enough
the thing about that voice is that it's never actually
serving you
it's seemingly trying to protect you
but it's just never enough
and once you realise that you like
why why am I even doing that
like it's just there to
is it protect the mechanism for sure
I I don't look at as a negative
but if you start questioning that you like
that maybe not really true
and if that's not really true
like why don't I focus thing that actually feels
right for me
versus just being in my head
you you're like
I wrote a whole article about it
if anyone looking for the article
it's that um
you're addicted to stress
yeah and there's
there's different categories that I
I gave people through my years
like the busy body
and that's what we're talking about now
we always have to be busy
to do something
because that you know
calms us down
thinking that it's better
and it's the easiest way to describe that is
we have nothing to do
and we're having a conversation
and the person is cleaning up
I see this a lot with moms
they're cleaning things like a
ha ha uh huh
they're cleaning
the wiping thing
I have to do it anyway
so I'm just gonna do what I'm talking with you oh yeah
the busy body right
they have to be busy in their body
for the problem solver
they're always thinking of a problem
if nothing's going on
something's wrong
so they have to like alright
so what's the problem here
they think about it that
so you're 100% right
everything that you're doing
everything that you're saying has a
a correlation
and we have to just get used to that
experience in that world
but I got off on a Tangent a little bit
so I'm gonna come back
I love it I love it
please go where you want to
because I feel like we've touched on different areas
but I want to give you the space
to really focus on anything in around your practice
or any service that you really want to highlight
okay so around my practice
no pressure
no pressure
I already talked about my journey about I like game
I've been 24 years
I worked with pro athletes
I got flown out to places
I wrote a book right
I did all the things
but what truly made me happy is once I started to
implement what why I wrote the book
and I wrote the book in 2020
it's a simple path to getting
everything done with energy to spare Yay bro
I love that
I love that
no energy is like that
that's my that's my sexy word right now
like talk energy to me
ha ha ha alright
so energy this is art
so we're gonna go down that rabbit hole
so energy is a byproduct of your body and your mind
working together
you have a lot of energy
it's because everything is in line
and you're in alignment
or as well as some people use energy in the um
the woo woo world
but they're one in the same right
it's just like the breath
how well your energy flows
how well you heal
so inside the book
I talk about a bunch of different ways that you can
identify in a bunch
of different ways
why you have energy failures
and what you can do about it in that way
but all of it comes back down to
you getting back into a mind body connection
by looking inward at yourself
and actually looking at where I am and what I'm doing
in that way um
bringing yourself back into
an ability to turn your
your gaze back at yourself and look at
you are the problem
as well as you are the solution
and it doesn't have to have a good or bad
associated with it
it's just you are the problem and you are the solution
because the more you learn this
the mind learns by making mistakes
mistakes come as bad experiences
so every time you have a bad experience
is a learning moment to have in there
because you made a mistake
which means your brain is trying to correlate something
you didn't do something
aka right right
but that moment
looking back at yourself
now I'm taking the whole um
podcast and
going back is like
the more you can look back
and look and reflect on everything
you can see the AK mistake that you believe is wrong
but it's not wrong
it's the learning
you can actually start to get back into your body
and really focus
and that's some of the book with
the book is talking about in there
and that's what everyone needs to practice on
so they can actually slow down
and get back up
and to now let you talk in a second I guess um
one of the things that I teach a lot
that I want everyone to hear is
think about driving your car
and you're coming around a
a a pretty steep bend
what do you have to do in order to not wreck
you have to slow down
and the more and more you learn to slow down
the more and more you could take better uh
corners safely
as well as halfway through the corner
because you can see around the bend
that's when you hit the gas
and you come out even faster
so you're actually doing faster work by slowing down
and that's another
example that I want everyone to really
really understand
slowing down is not only important
but it's a necessity
if you want to move fast
if you wanna make more money look back
and don't look at how I can make the next buck
but look how I can make a next hundred bucks
and I guarantee you
it's going to look different than what you're doing now
but the only reason
only way you can do that is by calming yourself down
inquiring your mind
and allowing that to show itself
you don't create it
it shows up like oh
so those shower
if I do this
for instance
how do you think about the podcast
besides being annoyed at work
and not doing that
you're just like
I don't like the work
I'm in the shower or
on the pooper or driving
those are the three
that happen all the time
it's like oh
if I do it like this
that will happen
and it's always like that
and then it just poof
things just open up right
so it's a matter of getting to those quiet moments
slowing yourself down
which gives you the best ideas in the world
and that's how
how you get to
your next level
and that's that's what my whole practice is about
is getting someone to the next level
by optimizing
their body yeah
optimizing the psycho
emotional self
but also aligning with their spiritual
their spiritual world
and that's my three process
my three pillar process
I love it sounds like
again triangle
the strongest
shape right
and sounds like again
the triangle that you're creating in those three areas
I I truly believe that
when we're misaligned in one area
we feel it often times
we're probably missing
alignment in some of those areas
so I love how holistic it is
and the element
you talked about speed
right at one
I think it's important to slow down for everybody
but the other thing I think is really true is
realizing that
our need to slow down
is gonna be different from another person's need
so it's like
for my husband
he can he has a different energy than I do
he can work a lot
differently than I can
and it doesn't mean one is
better or worse
it's just different
and so again
in the world where everything is like
it has to be the same and faster
faster faster
we we are burning yourself out and not
showing up as our best
by trying to be like
everybody else was
to say like hey
how do I work best
like when is my energy the best
do I work better in first
do I need to have consistent
there's like
things like
you just aren't even trained to think about
because I love your push
because thinking
like what are
what's important to you
on all these three
important areas
so that you can show up as your best
cause what I Learned 100% is that
entrepreneurship business
is an inner journey
it's not so much an allergy
it's all about the inner
journey and like
if you don't do the work
like that's what's gonna stop you
it's not gonna be
people like
shutting down your business
it's you're gonna stop and quit way earlier
than somebody else
externally is gonna stop you
right like like
so the inner is gonna
stop you a lot earlier than you
actually could stop
so like I love the foundation
you're building
so that's where
thank you for that
thank you because that
that's what I want my practice to be known for
in that way
because like you said
it's not someone shutting down
your business
it's actually self doubt
that actually
messes with every
in that way
it's of doubt that
because we're not connected to what we're doing and not
aligning with ourselves
that's going to
shut you down
and get you
the second guess
in that way
I just see the
sign on the door
says closed
due to self doubt
haha I wish I was well
I don't even know how that would work
but that would be a good way to get people to
acknowledge yeah
that's where it went wrong
it wasn't a bad decision
it's you didn't believe in yourself
you didn't trust yourself
like yeah like
I work with a couple pro
uh athletes
Anthony Kim
a couple pro
athletes right
yeah and the thing
they were awesome at what they're doing
but when they go arise
because they
don't trust themselves
that they can do it
whether it be um
a back issue
like their back starts getting tight
so they don't think they can move very well
because their body is telling them something
or they're just
in their head
I can't do it
it's all the same thing
over and over again
and that's why
the way you work out
and how you work out
and to go back to your husband
um every like
when you work with anyone
please hear me on this
it needs to be a customized approach
to who you are
whatever the case may be
but if you do go into a
a program for instance
and they have
a mythology
you have to remember
that mythology
worked for that guru
you have to take
that guru's
and reinforce it
to work with you
if you're an auditory person
you have to listen to it more
if you're a kinetic person
you have to do things more with it
if you're um
like that's
the things that
you have to
make it yours
so every time I see somebody
I have to understand
where are they
where they physically
where they emotionally
um spiritually
and then create
find out their problem
create a methodology
in something
that's going to get them
to attach and align with their body
to take action
so many people just try to do things
because it's supposed to work
and they never
align it to who they are
so it can work
never slow down
enough to see it
in that way and that's
that's the biggest issue that you have to think about
and I take it
I take everybody
because the first
foundation um
it's a Tony
Robbins thing
this how to change your state
you need you need to understand your physical state
you understand your
where your focus is
and you understand your language
but I always start with the physical
state and say
what's your workouts
and if your
workout and now
going back to
optimizing your body
doesn't align with
the core reason
of the body falling
apart right
once you have that root issue
and you align your
workout with that
then your body's always going to get better
and stronger right
now we live in a world that's
designed to have this
mastered on
body that's all
front driven
big pecs big ads
biceps quads
for all those things
and this is
neurology now
and I'm gonna get
got a little ready
all those muscles
align with the primitive
fighter flight
center of your body
so the more more
activity they have
the stronger they have
the more likely
you're gonna
default to a
protective state
which is gonna
default to you
crumbling over
to protect your
internal organs
it's gonna tighten you up
change your mindset
and you're gonna
start looking
through a world through
negative lenses
but if you start doing more things
with the posterior
chain of your body
and opening your body up
you naturally
become more confident
you naturally
want to improve
open as well as
you have more
access to your frontal lobe
which gives you
more social
more ability
to talk have
and the biggest one
the ability to create
if you know
anything about business
it's all about your
yeah I I hear
it's important
it's it's one of those things oh
that that's where it is
and and like to like throw a dime someplace else
the throw is how to get comfortable with yourself
is I have a
a something I call the shakenship yeah
and it's balancing your mind and body
but the hardest part that people have trouble with
especially as entrepreneurs
is learning to allow it to happen
so you remember when you were like
oh when shit hits the fan
I throw that out the wall
so I created a place that you would actually go to
when shits hitting the fan
instead of going off
and putting your head down and running
and try to beat at it
or try to think your way out of a physical problem
cause that's what
that's a big issue
you think your way out of a physical problem yeah
cause your body's like this
we're tryna do all things and we can't do anything
cause we have these t Rex arms and we're tryna reach
but we have these t X arms
cause your body wants to contract on itself yeah
I created something called the shaken shift yeah
which you have to learn to allow your body to let go of
the deep stress and traumas
as well as change the belief
systems that got you there in the first place
that is the
the process that you do when you get um
lined up um
we are in December now by the way
if you listen to this
I'm actually giving away two more
two more free sessions
of a group session of this
if you wanna try it
and it's amazing December
the next two weeks in December
I don't know when this is gonna air
but hopefully it will
it will air in time
so that's perfect
so if you're hearing this like
and you're in early December
like check out the link that I'm gonna
have in description to
to Patrick's program
so I'm sure it's gonna be amazing
don't miss out
it's gonna be great please
and that's the whole thing I wanna bring in is like
you have to understand a couple things
if you wanna be present
if you wanna do more
you want to start really opening up who you are
you have to learn how to slow down
you have to learn how to stop for a second
and realise that it's not hurting you
if you stop for a second
you can actually
reflect back and look back at yourself
and because you're looking back at yourself
you can actually learn from the mistakes that you did
in the past
that's actually there to get you there
once you learn from those
then you have the ability to feel yourself
being your body
which then you could take proper action
that now you can press the gas
and move even faster to your next level of
your future self yeah
but you have to have these
mechanisms in line
learning how to feel yourself
have the shaken
shift to get you to actually learn how to allow
things to happen for you
no right the
the biggest
example I give to everyone
except for men
this works for women more so um
I'm gonna get
this is real
mature language I'm about to use let's go
let's do it
allowance is a
like an orgasm
you can't force it
the more more you try
the more doesn't happen
it'll lose you
you have to learn how to allow it to happen
yeah which then
you have to get comfortable and safe with yourself
and allow that to happen
and once I get people to recognize that
I put it into the
everyday world
they're like
oh wait that's true yeah
how often am I allowing
success to happen
how often am I allowing myself to relax
to be happy
allowing is everything
and that's what the shaken shift is going to
put you in a process
that automatically
happens because you show up
that's the importance here
that's how you manage Patrick
I love this Patrick
I love your energy
you know what
I would just like
challenge our listeners
if they're like oh
I'm not sure if this is right for me
I just want you to imagine like
if you were just
could like do you
if you intuitively
just imagine just
just slowing down like that
that nothing
like nothing in the future really has to happen
that you are safe right now
like like again
maybe maybe you imagine
you're retired
whatever it gives you that comfort to imagine that
sounds like hey
I don't have to do anything right now
nothing's on me
no responsibility
just like I'm just here right now
enjoying it
and just if you really imagine
like give it a moment
like how does that feel like
does that feel right
or does that feel
scary to you
and like I think that we truly imagine
if we have this inner knowing
that that's something that actually
does feel really right for us
are you getting people to
reflect yeah
yeah but you know
often is like
I want to retire
I want to get all this money
I want to do that
I think a lot of times
really what we want is the freedom
to enjoy the moment
but we're putting it off
through this seemingly
we have to earn it goals
or we have to have the time
but really we can cultivate
that sense of peace right now
by giving ourselves
the time to rest to reflect
that's the same thing
we don't have to earn
the sense of peace
we don't have to win it
we don't have to wait for the future
for our retirement
to get there
we just have to realise
that we are worthy of it right now
and it's the right thing for us
and everyone of us needs it
in our own way
you what you just did was
you got people to reflect
slow down enough to reflect
and if you did it
properly and you felt like oh no
that's not right
and you felt
resistance around it
now you have the absolute
reason why you're not making
success or why you're not happy
and that's all driven
by childhood
what happened in your past that said
you have to keep on going
and it could be your father saying
that's not good enough
could be your mom saying
it's not good enough
something happened in your past that said
you have to keep on moving
at a certain speed
once you go back in time
and get rid of
and get clear on that
it changes things
I saw you had a thought
what was it
can I be very real
for all of our listeners
and this is you know
if this makes you
like feel free to force
forward but I um
I had childhood
trauma in my life right
it is something where
like you know
I thought like
oh it's not
it's not a big deal
like it's not
who I am right now
it's not you know
shaping me up
because I obviously you know
I worked at meta
made everything happen
went to school
got my second master's
degree the other day right
but congrats
oh my God I gotta
stop stop stop
go thank you
thank you oh my God
yeah but but
but that's my point
but my point yeah
humble brag
humble brag
but my point is that
what made it
difficult was
for me to say it well
how can I trust the universe and myself
with something really bad happened to me
when I was a kid
right and so it was
it was just like
hey I wanna
trust this higher energy
I wanna trust this
higher intentions
like that to me
is really putting
me at peace
and helping me with this whole like
work and this
you know honouring
honouring you know
goodness happy month
but I had this trouble
I feel like
how can I really trust
this universe
is all of these things
is like intention and peace
when something really bad happened
like how could I justify that
and I had a conversation
with my dad
which he didn't know about
this actually
we had a first
discussion around this
and he was like
hey in my I
I love my dad
but his point is like
that it's an experience
that taught you
and it made you who you are
and I know that can be uncomfortable
some people to hear
I know that
people have different things that happen in their life
and I don't take the chance to
like judge that
or says that
but what it says
like what he's like
it's not good or bad
although he's like
well obviously
that was bad
but it made you who you were
and it was an
experience where
I Learned something from it
like that a
I don't wanna put myself
in station like
that you know
that I'm gonna be in
it taught me how to be very
it taught me
um you know
things that
made me very resilient
that made me maybe like
a little more
secure than I wanna be right
um but it's
the things that we look at
some things
like that maybe
happen really bad
and we lose our trust
and ability to trust
others and maybe higher
intentions for us
but when you look at as like
it is an experience
that maybe we are uncomfortable
but if we say like
we did learn from it
in some way
we did become better
because of it
and I know everybody's on their journey
that may be
for you to hear right now
but for me it gave me a sense of peace
that I could trust
something beyond me
because it was an experience that
not that I would wish on anybody
but it did make me
stronger and more resilient
and some positive
things came out of it
even if it's
educating me
what I want to avoid in life
so if anybody's hearing this
and just having to like
how can I you know
trust all of this
that something good can happen
that I can trust in
slowing down
and something
higher than me
because something bad happened in my life
like this is just
something that I've been
going through
in my own healing
and it just felt right for me
so I wanted to share well
thank you for sharing
like that's very powerful
and thank you for being vulnerable
um Chris a few things
that I heard
that's absolutely
powerful that
I wanna power
it and like
just because something bad happens to you
you have to remember
that made you
who you are today
to go through
all the things that you've
gone through
yeah and not
but and and
it no longer
serves you now
to get to the next level of yourself
so you have to be clear and okay
with that situation
in order to let it go
so I'm not um
I'm not a a psycho
therapist so
take me with with um
a grain of salt
but I do this
a lot often
I don't need to know someone's
exact trauma
to get someone to let go
I just need them to get
embody it for half
a second and then
because they have it
I can rip it out
so I never go into oh
so what happened
yeah but I don't need to know that
in order to
clear something yeah
but because
you brought that up
all you have to do now
is like oh wait
that thing is
making me stronger
it has made me stronger
and to be very clear
there is levels
to this game
there's level to this
and a lot of people don't realize
there's minor
tree tees yeah
yeah and big
huge tees yeah
I don't need to know which one
because you already
envisioned it
you already had it
yeah but if you're hearing this
you're like
oh my God how can
someone be okay
with my major
big tree tee
it's like we don't need to know that
you just need to understand
it's making you
stronger and better
yeah and now
you have to let it go
by seeing it
feeling it just
for half a second
and saying that
happened back then
it's no longer serving me
to be the best person I can be
I need to take the things
I need to learn from
in that aspect
and apply it
to where I'm going
yeah but you have to let go
of all the bad things
that happen
yeah with it
just take the
good from it
for instance
a a a a hostage
situation yeah
you survived
you were here yeah
that's what
you need to learn from it
and I'm not
cause I don't wanna
go further into it
but that's the
the the the light
that you have
cause you're here
you're listening to this
yeah and once
you say I'm here
I can go yeah
I think for me
it was also like
did I do like
what like how
could something good
bad happen to
a good human
you know like
not that I'm saying like
oh I'm just
amazing human
but it's a sense
of injustice
and so to me
it was like
nothing like
it was a bad
like it's not like
I was doing something
it was just
punishment like
we taking bad
like potentially
punishment or
like injustice
where it's just an
experience that
we Learned from
to your point
like then it
can say hey
how did I change
and what did I learn
about myself
and who I wanna be
because of this
so um thank you
for sharing that
I know we're going
a little over
Patrick any
final thing
you wanna wrap up
I know I know
it went by fast
we were going
a lot over uh
but I wanna
honor this can
ever wrap up
any final things
you wanna share
for listeners
and then we'll wrap up
a three rapid
fire questions
so one of the things I
I tell everybody
and this is the
the really big
humongous thing
that I want
everyone to hear
unless you're clear
about your past
and this is
what I call
about how to
make anyone
move faster
once you get clear
about your past
you can't you can
be certain about
your future
your present
so soon as you
understand your past
get certain with that
you understand
who you are now
once you understand
who you are now
you can envision
and see yourself
better in the future
once you see yourself
in the future
you get the
exact action
steps that you need
to take now
so it's the infinity
loop of time
that I talk about
I want you now
to learn how
to slow down
get back into your body
and be able to reflect
inside yourself
and whatever
mythology method
that you use
whether it's
walking meditation
or seated meditation
to get quiet
do it but now
once you get
into a habit
of doing it
the thing that
I see issue
all the time is
you phone it in
or you no longer
look within
you just do
the action step
and it's very similar to
how often do
you drive home
and you forget
how you got home
right like oh
that was fast
and that's because your brain
your brain has
something called a
a habit loop sensor
it's automatic
it puts it it
hot wires everything
so you no longer
I call it Eco mode
you no longer
are present
on the way home
once you get to a habit
of doing this
and I'm saying
this because
all the people
that probably
listen to this
are probably
done their their
due diligence
they've done the work
but I want you
to look and say
am I phoning it in
or I'm really
still feeling
what's happening
cause there's
a 90% chance
that you're
for phoning it in
and not even
recognise it
because you're
doing the work
but it's not really
doing the work
that's the last thing
I would love
to say to people
is look at your past
it dictates
your future
your future
will give you the action
steps that you
need to do now
so you can become
make more money
do whatever
that you need to do
yeah I love
that Patrick
thank you so much
um oh Patrick
we wrap up here
with 3 rapid
fire questions
so whenever
you're ready
let me know I am ready
okay um what is your favourite daily habit
that you would recommend to others
oh my favorite daily habit
let me see I have a couple that I do all the time
I would say um
I have an am and a PM routine
and I'm gonna go with my am routine
because it changes dramatically
based off of how I wake up
so my best daily habit is my am routine
the fact that I block it off
and it's there no matter what
where I can either sit down here and write
or I can go inside my gym and work out
my life has come down
so many times that I'm in a bathrobe
in my pjs and I'm doing like certain movements
she's like how can you work out in your PJs
it's because it's not the typical workout
I'm just getting my body activated
for what I've Learned inside my body
which makes me stronger and highly
energetic all the time
so my favourite about activity
my daily habit is my am routine
gotta have and second
question for that
what is the favourite exercise you recommend for others
for opening up your mentioning
that's what we wanna focus on
oh wow I have a whole bunch
if you want a whole daily act of morning routine
that would sink up with what I'm about to show you um
just email me
text message me or go to my website
have a chat bot and it goes right to me um
and I'll give you that
I'll give you an exact protocol
but the best thing that anyone can actually do is
feel their body
is get their body to actually move
and the best one that I that I wanna show you is if you
someone who will stand up
I want you to now stand up
bring all your air out
and I want you to kick the back heel
but I want your foot to move
your knee to move past the opposite knee
like so uh huh
so it's bringing your knee all the way back
I wanna can you see me
yeah you bring your knee all the way back
yeah and you see how there's a space between my knee
yeah your body stays straight and here
and all you have to do is touch
just like so
keeping your body straight
and what that's gonna do
is start to open up a lot of channels inside your body
that's called reverse cross crawl
that is one exercise
that one if you do it right
get this to tighten up
you're gonna feel all of your hip flexors open
your shoulders open
as well as your feet start to balance out which is
those are the three areas that every human body
needs to activate
and and work out
and if you're listening on audio
check out the YouTube video to see a little more
detail basically
if you're doing like a
a butt kick
but then you're actually touching
the inners of your feet as you're doing the butt kick
at one hand at a time with your
opposite hand
if your opposite hand
so you take your
opposite hand
opposite foot
go as far back as you possibly can
with your core staying straight
so you shouldn't feel any
back tension whatsoever
your core stay straight
kick your leg back
and feel it
you're gonna feel your hamstrings turn on and your quad
stretch gonna feel your lap turn on and your open
your chest open
and that's the indicator
that you have it right
I have never seen that before
so thank you okay
last but not least
in the positive
context going off track is
in the positive contract going off the track is
going off the track
is is finding your happy place
that's people don't think is the right way
it's never been done before you're being creative
and being who you truly are that's outside the box
I believe that's what off the track is
and that since you
like even your story alone
you found your happy place
that was off the beaten trail
you did it your own way
so you're off the track
Mama go ahead
thanks my friend
I love being here Patrick
I love this time of you
and to all the listeners
thank you so much for spending your time with us
I hope you love Patrick's energy
I hope um you Learned something
feel free to comment and share with us
what stood out to you
what do you wanna take at
what do you wanna take action on
from all these learnings
and any questions you may have for the Patrick
please share them as well and also
check out the details for how to work with Patrick
his resources again
the promo is coming up here
and if if you love this energy
like like I did
I hope you get inspired
and find a way to build more of that into your own life
so again thank you so much for coming off track of us
and let's take over the world together
to fight off track
thank you bye buddy
take care bye
you know like
they're fighting hot mess
I'm your host Anya Smith
transforming health and performance
Patrick Lerouge
founder owner
Who: Patrick LeRouge, holistic health and performance optimization specialist
Credentials: Amazon bestseller of 'A Simple Path to Getting Things Done'
Unique Skills: Healed own dislocated carpals and restored eyesight twice
Media Appearances: Featured in an interview with news anchor Jill Nicolli
High-Profile Engagements: Traveled with pro golfer Anthony Kim, flown to Grand Cayman to train the Ritz Carlton owner's personal massage therapist
Client Focus: Worked on thousands of "unsolvable" health cases; specializes in aiding high-performers
Core Value: Empowering others for peak mental and physical health
Background: over 23 years in holistic field energy master since 2007, advanced training in multiple holistic philosophies
Education Style: Old-school, hands-on mentorship; in-depth study of psychology to tackle childhood-rooted issues
Unique Approach: Uses diagnostic treatments and coaching to provide fast, root-cause healing often referred to as 'magic'