Jan. 4, 2024

How to DITCH S.M.A.R.T Goals and Make Things HAPPEN in the NEW Year! with RightOffTrack | Anya Smith

How to DITCH S.M.A.R.T Goals and Make Things HAPPEN in the NEW Year! with RightOffTrack | Anya Smith
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How to DITCH S.M.A.R.T Goals and Make Things HAPPEN in the NEW Year! with RightOffTrack | Anya Smith

Hey goal-getters! Ever felt like setting S.M.A.R.T. goals is as fun as pulling teeth? You're not alone! In this episode, I, Anya Smith, flip the script on traditional goal setting. Let's explore how to make goals that are not just smart, but also exc...

Hey goal-getters! Ever felt like setting S.M.A.R.T. goals is as fun as pulling teeth? You're not alone! In this episode, I, Anya Smith, flip the script on traditional goal setting. Let's explore how to make goals that are not just smart, but also exciting and impactful. 🚀

🤔 Tired of the same old, same old? We're going beyond the mundane and diving into goal-setting strategies that spark joy and effectiveness. Forget about the yawn-inducing methods; it's time for something fresh and exhilarating!

🌟 Inspired by the work of Dr. Benjamin Hardy, we'll delve into the concept of 2x and 10x goals. These aren't your average targets. 2x goals are about significant progress, while 10x goals are about shooting for the stars – the kind of aspirations that get your heart racing!

🎉 Say goodbye to goals that feel like a chore and hello to ones that make you jump out of bed in the morning. We're talking about laying down a foundation that's not just effective, but also fun and fulfilling.

📈 Plus, I’ll share some of my own unconventional goals for 2024. Spoiler: They're pretty out there, but oh so exciting!


  • 🚀 Learn how to set goals that are more than smart – they're thrilling!
  • 🌈 Discover alternative goal-setting methods that add fun to the journey.
  • 💥 Embrace big, bold aspirations that truly inspire you.


00:00 Preview and Introduction To Setting Goals

00:54 2x Goals vs 10x Goals

01:37 Thinking Differently for Impossible Goals

03:18 Setting Smaller Goals

04:09 Creating Space for Change

05:10 Honesty and Boundaries

06:08 Finding the Best Time for Productivity

07:07 Enjoying the Journey

08:47 Having a Strategy

09:07 Making Goals Easier

10:57 Comparing to Past Self

12:13 Sharing Anya’s Personal 2024 Goals


Did this episode add a spark to your goal-setting fire? 🔥

If it did, hit that subscribe button and let me know your audacious goal in the comments!

Don't forget to share this with a friend who might need a goal-setting revamp.

Happy goal setting, everyone! 🌟



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▶︎ YOUTUBE | https://www.youtube.com/@RightOffTrack


I treasure your feedback and comments! Let's connect on social (:


have you heard about the importance of creating goals
but you just dread the idea of creating more goals
and then being smart
and they're so boring
and then you never stick into it
and it's so disappointing
well this episode is exactly about how to go beyond
smart goals and do something that can actually
feel exciting
worthwhile and manageable
so listen to this episode for four steps and some bonus
steps on how to make
practical goals that go beyond just being smart
and also if you stick to the end
you all share my 2,024 goals
and I'd love to hear yours
ha ha
the beginning of the year
everybody's excited about what's ahead
this is such an exciting period
and it could be also really daunting
well here I wanna offer four
other ways to think about goals
that are beyond the smart method
so first off
I've really been enjoying the work of Doctor
Benjamin Hardy
who talks about the difference between 2 x goals
and 10 x goals
if you haven't checked it out
please go for it
but what he mentions is that when we set
incremental goals
so our goals are just slightly bigger hey
I wanna make a 10% increase in my salary
I wanna just get
you know 20%
uh better on my pull up
whatever that is
our way of getting there logically
cause doing more
why is it we need to do more
work harder
but the challenge is that we're already
usually at capacity
this takes mentality is actually
harder on us
physically mentally
because it requires us to strain our system more
while doing things
pretty much similarly right
we don't have to redefine yourself well
if we think about an impossible goal
means that we're so audacious
we have this hunch
we wanna get somewhere
but it feels quite impossible
to look at the next goal
we have to redefine the way
we think about this whole approach
we have to look at the parade a lot at 80
20 and we define what's actually working at it
we have to be very
scrutinizing at the time we put into things
and what we get out of it
it's like hey
a lot of what I'm doing is actually not working for me
if I really wanna get this impossible goal
how am I gonna get there
and the cool thing about it is that
you have to think so differently
that your inhibitions
your judgments
of playing it safe
have to be lost
and you have to think about okay
well if I have to do this crazy new thing
I have to think about completely differently
so here your mind gets a chance to wander
to think a new
to challenge itself
to go for something new
and that inspires you
that motivates you
that forces you to change
and of course
that can be really scary
but again to me
the biggest fear is not changing
cause change is gonna be inevitable
and you choose to
define your quality of life
by how much you take risks or not
but how much you choose to live fully or not okay
so I do wanna challenge you to think of
what could that impossible
goal be for you
and it's not quite an impossible goal
if it's like three years out
four years out
let's have an impossible
goal that actually is three months out right
goals don't quite have that power
with it to fire us up
if they seem too far out
wait what can be an impossible goal for you
in three months
in six months
so the second part of this is
I employ you to set smaller goals
don't have goals so far out like okay
I'll start them tomorrow
never worry
next week next year
it always drags on
so find impossible goals that inspires you
and then set
shorter increments of time
to achieve it
and the focus is really not on just achieving
it's also just a journey at thinking differently
you may not
actually achieve that impossible goal
and that's okay
but if you really
lean into it
your process of
having to go about and achieving
is gonna change
you significantly more than if you were just
going for the 10 x goal
so lean in for the impossible
and see what happens
the next thing
I wanna talk about is space
here we are thinking
we're gonna go to these amazing goals
our life is gonna change
but in order to create change
we also need to create
space for that
we fill up our time
everybody has the same amount of time
so what are we gonna say no to
to create the yes for the
we want the yes in time
and that can be tricky
cause like oh
I'm so busy for everything already well
a lot of times
we're busy and things that are not serving us
so this is the point
where you have to be very candid with yourself
very honest with yourself
and say doing more
is not getting you what you want
and it's not about how much harder you work
or how much
smarter you are
it's just your flaw
it's just the fact that
doing more is not the solution
and so it takes
looking into sake
what do I wanna do less of
where do I need to create boundaries
and slow down
so that I can
so that I can actually
do more with less time
with less effort
and that just takes
reflection in
space so again
with your big goals in mind
now you're gonna be thinking out there
how are we gonna create the space for that right
if you have a goal
you need to
create space for
you need to think about okay
if I'm gonna stick to it
it's not gonna
just be automatic
without any effort
it's gonna require that you have some
consistency to
plan to think
to create action around this
and space is also really cool
because it's not a one size fit all
it also takes this
sense of honesty like hey
when do I actually
perform better
when do I create better
when do I think better
if you have the honesty
then you realise
there's a beautiful process where you can honour
how you work
and when you work best
not everybody
works best in the mornings
or in the evenings
or during lunchtime
or even the same person
may not be set up for do creative tasks
at one time the day
versus doing
more logical
tasks at a different part of the day
so examine yourself
and figure out hey
what do you need to do
what do you need to create space for
and when is the best time in your day
in your plan
in your life to do that
right and then
book that down
make that a consistent
dedicated time for you to do that best task
so reflect on it and sure
you know Anya
I'm so busy
and I get that
I'm a mom of three kids
I was working full time
while going to school
getting two master's degree
I'm no stranger to being busy
but life is always gonna be busy
it's never gonna be the right time to do something
you have to create space
for what matters to you
and for a better life
and honestly
I don't want you to think that hey
your life is gonna be all about achieving a goal
cause that's silly honestly
will we program
mine to always be
in the future
chasing goal
we're never happy
even if we achieve it
I really like this powerful statement
that energy
put into a goal is energy
gonna have when you get it
and that is so true
and honestly
it made me really sad
when I heard that
because I realized
here I was always working so hard
always grinding
always just trying to do more
being stressed to my kids
at the end of the day because oh
I need to work more
guys and you're
distracting me
and I realize that
if I am miserable
trying to achieve a goal
I'm gonna be
miserable when I achieve it
cause my brain
just programmed to
to follow the same path
I've always been on
so when I heard that
the energy you put into
achieving goals
gonna be the same energy
you can have when you achieve it
that made me scared
cause here I was
grinding away
all this time
thinking oh
I'm gonna get that goal
and then once I get a little more money
once I get the promotion
then I will be happy
and the thing that sucked is that
that didn't work
once I achieve something
that same mentality
kept me thinking okay
well that's not good enough
I just need to achieve
something in the future
it was always
future focused
you have to realize that
this isn't gonna work
if you don't enjoy the journey
if you're miserable
trying to achieve something
that means that the way you're going about it
isn't working for you
it needs to be
a change of focus on
also having a journey that you enjoy
having a foundation of
not just goal
oriented living
but also a journey
worth living too
and so you have to define yourself
what is the space
you need to have
a journey that you can enjoy
that's worthwhile
so that way
when you're not
just achieving a goal
you're actually also not
miserable you
fuel yourself
you feel capable
you're having a higher
capacity of what
you can achieve
and so here you are
you've created the space
you were intentional about
what serving you
what's not you realize that
here you are
gonna not just have a goal
that you're excited about
but you're also gonna create the
foundation for the journey
that day to day
you're gonna enjoy
and that's where
Step 4 comes in
about goals
often times
we just have a goal in mind
but we don't think like
how can I actually make this
goal easier
here we have a space
but what is my strategy
and by strategy
if we think that something
you know you
have in corporate
to get things delivered
or a business
project has strategy
but our life can also have a strategy
how can it make it
easier for us to do what we wanna do
and harder to say
no to those things
how are you
making it easier for you
to move forward with your goals
versus creating
all these obstacles
for yourself
and when you have
strategies that like
for example
your strategy
conclude like
oh you know what
I need time
I need 30 minutes everyday
I need an hour
everyday to focus on the high price thing
and that will
be a key part of my strategy okay
sometimes we started
and just think ah
it's gonna suck today
oh this week is gonna be hard
as if we have no
agency over
how we show up in life
as if we have no agency
and how we respond to things
so when it comes to creating a strategy
you have agency
and not to say that
everything is gonna
go according to plan
but if you consistently
put in the effort
to make it easier to
lean into your goals
versus just letting life happen at you
you're more likely to achieve them
you're more likely to get closer and then again
because you create that space
you can reflect
cause it's gonna be consistent process
it's never gonna be done
you can reflect them
what actually worked
which strategy worked for me
which one did not
how can I adapt
but have fun of it
get curious again
these goals are meant to give you inspiration
because you are capable of more
than what you think is possible
you are meant to learn and grow and search yourself
you are never stagnant
you are never done
you were never meant to be stuck
and since you've been so patient listening this
I wanna share two bonus tips of you
one is also from Doctor Benjamin Hardy
shout out to him
and that is on focusing on comparing yourself
not to your future self
but to your past self
instead of always thinking about the delta between
where you should be
how you measure up to your future expectations
what if you measured ourselves back to
where we were before
how we have grown from last week
from yesterday
from 10 minutes ago
we're all growing and evolving
and if you look at it that way
you can be have a much healthier perspective of
how much you have changed
how you've grown
look at where you were a year ago
five years ago
see the difference
and just imagine where you could be
if you set these big goals for yourself
and keep going there and again
looking at the little successes
is gonna give you more strength and resilience
on this incredible journey
so thank you so much for listening
I'm so excited for 2,024
please let me know what your goals are
I would love to support you and root you on those
I am so grateful that you chose right off track
and here this is a resource for all entrepreneurs
people who want to go on this journey
and find their purpose and find inspiration
we have podcasts of interviews
people who are on this journey
we have this new huh
part of our podcast where we share this practical tips
uh for my learnings along the way too
and this is just a great resource for people
so if you have anything you want to uncover
any topics you want me to dive into
I so welcome your suggestions
and as a blast bonus here
I wanna share my goals for 2,024
a big goal for me for 2,024 is to work on monetizing
this podcast
and I've made some progress in terms of growing
our following
which is a big part of it
and please subscribe to help with that
but I'm also uh
wanting to get beyond just to add money and get into
so that's my big goal for this year is to
improve and lean in that direction
if you know a sponsor
if you are a sponsor
please reach out to me
I'd love to connect
and also I want to do more speaking engagements
I'm really excited to start this year
with an opportunity to be speaking at the evolutions
conference in March
I'm so thrilled to be sharing my experience about
podcasting and I'm also currently
as we're filming this uh
being considered for a Tetix opportunity
you dub so I'm gonna go for it
there's still interview process
but gosh months ago
this wouldn't even seem possible
and so here I am this year
leaning into more speaking opportunities
I'm leaning into monetizing my work
I'm creating some coursework with my friend
Earl Talbot
where we talk about what it means to be a solo premiere
or how to grow yourself from inside and out
meaning what are limiting beliefs and the mental side
things are limiting you
and then I'm sharing
practical growth strategies as well
so if you're interested in that
please follow me
and I'll share more resources as they come
and I'm also really excited to create my own course
there is years of um
it's something that I'm doing in the works right now
and then maybe even towards end of the year
there's a retreat idea I have in mind
so those are things that scare me
excite me but I'm just gonna go for it
cause that's what life's about
those are the goals that really bring me to life
and I know that
if I can think of them
why can't I do them
and if I don't necessarily
achieve them
just as I think they're gonna be
I'm surely gonna get a lot better
and grow a lot more than if I didn't even start
so I'm employing all of you
to dream big
to go for it
to grow and learn
and believe in yourself
and help others
and let's make 2,024 the best year yet
I love all of you
and as always
let's take over the world together
right off track
until next time
take care my friends