Jan. 23, 2024

How a Near-DEATH Experience INSPIRED a Path in HEALING Innovation - Dr. Dawn Ella is RightOffTrack | Anya Smith

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How a Near-DEATH Experience INSPIRED a Path in HEALING Innovation - Dr. Dawn Ella is RightOffTrack | Anya Smith

💫 How did a near-death experience fuel the healing mission of this entrepreneur? Tune in to uncover Dr. Dawn Ella's extraordinary journey! 💫
Join us as Dr. Dawn Ella shares her transformative story, beginning with a life-altering near-death experienc...

💫 How did a near-death experience fuel the healing mission of this entrepreneur? Tune in to uncover Dr. Dawn Ella's extraordinary journey! 💫

Join us as Dr. Dawn Ella shares her transformative story, beginning with a life-altering near-death experience that propelled her into the realm of healing and wellness innovation. This episode delves into the creation of the Soul Link app, her adventures in sound healing technology, and the pioneering use of virtual reality in meditation. It's a captivating tale of personal growth, entrepreneurial spirit, and the art of healing.

Dr. Dawn Ella is the CEO and Founder of Supernal World Creations, Soul Link & The Soul Medic, is a highly accomplished expert in Complementary, Integrative & Alternative Medicine, holding accolades as a Soul Physician, Doctor of Divinity, Doctor of Metaphysics, and Ordained Minister.

Her's is a fascinating story you wont want to miss!

🌈 Takeaways:

🌱 Embrace personal transformation and trust your inner journey.

🎵 Discover the profound impact of sound healing.

💡 Understand the importance of valuing oneself in entrepreneurship.

🕶️ Learn about the revolutionary potential of VR in meditation.

🙏 Utilize gratitude as a tool for personal growth and success.

📱 Explore the intuitive functionalities of the Soul Link app.


🕒 Chapters:

02:10 Introduction

03:26 Dr. Dawn Ella's Life Transformation

05:50 Journey to Becoming a Spiritual Healer

07:06 Overcoming Skepticism in Alternative Medicine

10:17 Embracing the Power from Victimhood to Empowerment

12:30 Viewing Challenges as Opportunities for Growth

14:10 The Importance of Trusting the Inner Journey

20:03 Starting the Soul Link App

21:31 The Healing Power of Sound

26:27 Soul Link App: Features & Benefits

30:26 Soul Link's Nonprofit Vision

37:44 Entrepreneurial Lessons from Dr. Ella's Journey

41:12 Understanding Transmutation

42:48 The Future of Healing: VR & Beyond

45:32 A Deep Dive into the Soul Link App

46:25 Rapid Fire Questions: Insights into Dr. Ella's World

47:36 Positive Perspectives on Going Off Track

47:56 Closing Remarks and Takeaways


Don't miss out on experiencing the Soul Link app 📱 – a unique healing meditation experience like no other. 

It's a journey of discovery, transformation, and peace, designed to connect you deeper with your inner self.

Check it out today!


💡Don't forget to follow us on social media for more empowering stories and tips! 💡



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▶︎ Soul Link's TIKTOK | https://www.tiktok.com/@soullinkapp 

▶︎ Dr. Dawn Ella's LINKEDIN | https://www.linkedin.com/in/drdawnella/

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one thing I Learned greatly
from leaving this world and coming back is
everything's an inside job
and what does that mean
I was asking questions like
why did this happen to me
how am I supposed to help heal others
if I'm so broken myself
and I was told that I wasn't broken
it was directed by attention to my soul
which is actually whole and complete within itself
which I felt okay
that's true
but then why do I have so much disruption
why do I have to relearn how to walk again and why
why am I experiencing what I'm experiencing
and what I Learned was
the soul is this similar to the ball of light
and when we come into this world
we have these fragmented
pieces that are blocking our soul
and so then when our soul shines
the light that shines out has a shadow effect
as a fragmentation that reflects into the world
and those show up as our blockages or lessons from
everyday experience
so I think each individual person can understand that
we have lessons
we have troubles
we have things that happened
nobody's without that
those aspects of those
lessons or troubles that we have are opportunities
and those are the fragmented pieces blocking our soul
so once you have that inward understanding
then we can help with those inner fragmented pieces
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enjoy this episode
going off track is taking a chance on yourself
following your polls of curiosity
it's making your own decisions
the most wonderful adventure
hey friends
it's me Anya Smith
Today we've got something really special
imagine meeting someone who not only heals of her heart
but also innovates for a future
that's exactly who's joining us today
she's not just a doctor
she's a soul healer
an author whose turn lives
curveballs into a journey of discovery and healing
through her unique journey in alternative medicine
and the groundbreaking Soul Link app
she's changing lives once all at a time
stick around as we chat with the amazing
Doctor Don Ella
the heart and brain behind Supernal World Creations
Doctor Don I'm so excited to have you here
thank you for having me
it is my pleasure
before we dive in
um we know there's this wonderful
after work in the discuss
but when you reach out to me
I was just blown away by the story of your life
transformation in this past
so can you start by sharing like
how the heck did you get into this interesting space
and like personal exploration
soul healing
and then having this
grand mission of helping others in this space
yeah no problem
so 17 years ago
I was in a tragic
accident that left me in a coma for three days
uh here's what I remember
uh when I left this world
I remember going down a dark tunnel really fast
and then popping out and seeing a bright white light
I was told it's not your time yet
you need to go back
because you're supposed to help heal people
um so I was like okay
what do you want me to do
it was very interesting too
because I could see
my eyes were open
I saw the light
but I did not see my body
um but the communication was happening telepathically
and it was very natural
you know it's very open to this discussion
and I was shared a bridging technique
so you bridge one aspect with another
that allows for transmutation
and I was told to utilize that
and I thought
okay that's it
you know I was pretty young at the time thinking
this is all I've got
and it's kind of funny
cause part of your personality is in
you know the discussion that you're having um
but I was told no
you're gonna make it your own
there's gonna be many more things to come
you need to go back because you're supposed to do that
and I'm like
oh okay you know
thinking everything's very peaceful and calm
and then shush
really fast back into my body
what it happened here was
I was in a coma for three days
and coming out of that coma
I had a severe head injury
that left me bedridden for a year um
to deal with this healing
you know this
this head injury
so that began my journey in complimentary
integrative and alternative medicine um
trying to discover ways to help myself in healing um
because the process of the healing was very slow
and it was even determined
at one point after the year that I could be um
disabled and considered for disability
because of my lack of um
being able to still do certain things at that time
so that's when I knew I needed to utilize
some of the sound healing techniques that I
you know was tapping into
and create something
in the realm of mental health support
for myself first
and then obviously
to share with the world
because that was what I was told on the other side is
you're supposed to go back to heal people
so first it began with myself
and then I've turned it to bring this to others
so there began my journey
that's incredible
and I'm curious
were you a spiritual person before this happened
yes I was I would say to the level of my perception
um it was very limited and small
comparatively to
um my perception
after I've left and come back
uh one thing I have Learned is that
once you have a near death experience
um your connection to the other side continues
uh some people tap into it and utilize it
some people don't
um but in my year bedridden
that's where I was asking
you know questions
how can I help myself
what can I do
when I was steered towards directions of sound healing
and every aspect that I've got in my modalities
of how I heal people today
for something I was guided towards
that's amazing
and can you speak to people who maybe are skeptical
right that they're like
oh I don't know
that sounds really woo
woo we're so
as a society
we're so focused on doing more
on climbing the ladder
on working super hard
so when we talk about oh
look off in yourself
do sound healing
like listen to
you know your guidance
that sounds really woohoo for some people
how have you seen like
the development in your body
in your healing
maybe examples of others
cause I think that's sometimes what we need
if we're a little skeptical or developing that trust
it's helpful to see like
how it actually changes people's lives when they are
let's say themselves to
a higher power than just
you know trying to
endure it all
do them all themselves
crush it in their work life
and like yeah
they're struggling on themselves
yeah well one thing I Learned greatly
um from leaving this world and coming back
is everything's an inside job
and what does that mean um well
with this direct connect that I had to the other side
I was asking questions like
why did this happen to me
like how am I supposed to help heal others
if I'm so broken myself
and I was told that I wasn't broken
and I was directing
it was directed by attention to my soul
which is actually whole and complete within itself
which I felt okay
that's true
but then why do I have so much disruption
why do I have to relearn how to walk again and why
why am I experiencing what I'm experiencing
and what I Learned was
I can explain it in this way
like the soul is this similar to like a ball of light
so we have this ball like this
our soul and when we come into this world
we have these fragmented
pieces that are blocking our soul
and so then when our soul shines
the light that shines out has a
like a shadow effect
as a fragmentation that reflects into the world
and those show up as our blockages
or lessons from everyday experience
so I think each
individual person can understand that we have lessons
we have troubles
we have things that happen
nobody's without that
those aspects of those um
lessons or troubles that we have are opportunities
and those are the fragmented pieces blocking our soul
so once we um
can maybe have that inward understanding
then we can probably
utilize some tools that may help with those inner
fragmented pieces
so if everything is a projection of our internal
focused on what we see externally
look at the world today
yeah so if we take a minute to just envision this
we can have a better understanding
that we each have a soul
we each have a soul print
um that's our unique aspect of our own self
and we're here to remove those blockages
cause we can shine
I feel we each have this desire to be that
authentic part of our inner self
um and that's where
you know whatever modality you would like to utilize
I've created Soul Link
so that it can
be more helpful in that transmutation process because
it's not the easiest to get rid of those fragmented
pieces of those blockages
oh absolutely
like you said
like this the world we look at
there so many challenges
so many suffering
and when I start this process I was like
I was thinking
how can I trust something that's higher
and that wants to love me and be supportive when
say I had you know
challenges or even childhood trauma
and I was talking to my dad
actually about a bit
cause he started this path
and you know
like all you gotta trust your
your dad and he was talking about
look at it from the framework of learning
right if you look at your soul is here
and it's learning
then it takes away some of that to me
even though I had my own childhood trauma
it took away some of the pain
it's like yes
that was challenging
and I wouldn't wanna wish that on anybody
I didn't know any challenges on anybody
but it did make me learn something
it did make me stronger
it was a lesson that my soul had to undergo
and so recently
especially as entrepreneur
I've been changing this for a second
like it's not like challenges
like grind and why me
it's a challenge is an opportunity to grow
there's always a gift inside a challenge right
and if you lean into the shadow
in the fear
that's where the gift happens
well and also one thing I teach my clients
is that there's two states of consciousness
you either have love based consciousness or fear based
as a young child
we might be in love based
you know and happy and joyful
but as we get older
we have fear based consciousness
which can go into victim mentality
and when you're a victim
you really aren't being you know
in a place of being able
to overcome your challenges
so we wanna take accountability for everything as an
opportunity and allowed us to be the cause
not the effect
that was one of the greatest lessons I Learned
is if I'm being a victim of poor me
this happened to me um
I'm not gonna get through it
like I've got to take ownership of it
this is what's happening
might be the cause
not the effect
when you're a victim
you're the effect of it
and I don't wanna be the effect of it
it's already happened
there's nothing I can do about it
I can just try to make myself better for where I am now
and learn from this as an opportunity
so being the cause of it takes accountability
and what can I do from here with this
and that's what
you know I did
cause again
being bedridden for a year
not going out in society
it was a real game changer
it changes you on a lot of levels
when you are you know
isolated for a year
um you know
you see the world differently there
there's a lot so I
I Learned not to be the victim um
and to allow my opportunities to be just that
opportunities to grow
as it was the best outcome of what I wanted anyways
I wanted things to be better
so this actually helps in that journey uh
in that perspective too
that's amazing cause it
it's not just you know
it's not just a physical transformation
but you transform your life
and here you are creating an app that's helping others
um you know what's funny yeah
oh around the suffering
one quote I remember
I think it's from Sonia Chauquette
I might be portraying her last name
so if you don't want to
if you wanna help the miserable in the world
if you wanna help the miserable in the world
don't be one of them
and one thing
yeah exactly
like that's how you're helping
and the other thing about victim put
I just realized that um
being a victim isn't just complaining
it's whenever you give your
it whenever you say like oh
something upsets me
whenever you let your energy be taken by something else
external uh huh
you're saying that it has the power over you
and therefore yeah
and I didn't realize that
I was like oh
victims I'm yeah
I'm not complaining
but if you're giving your energy away
you are victimizing yourself
and I was like what
yeah that perspective again your
your perceptions
your reality
so when you have that perspective of oh
I'm playing the effect
not the cause like no
I'm the cause
we have free will
we have the ability to choose
so when you come from that perspective
you feel stronger
and that allows you to you know
be able to face life's challenges
um you know
and supportful teams are always helpful too
you know I had my family by my side
so I'm grateful for that
um but you know
in every facet of
of things there's always opportunities
if we just look for them
and that's that love based consciousness
you know find what is there for you
even if it's a surrogate family
or a connecting figure that's in your life
um we always have something
there's always opportunities
absolutely and doctor
uh Doctor John
here you are at an entrepreneur
podcast wondering
like oh what
what's happening here
but I wanna talk about this
fear that we have
maybe as entrepreneurs
that if again
we don't lean in
we work hard
like we're not gonna accomplish anything
so can you talk about your journey of actually
going within
and how that helped you be more impactful
or grow this effort
because you focused inward
as opposed to just focusing externally
right well when you tune to that aspect of your soul my
um core piece that I discovered about myself was value
and I valued my own healing process
I valued what I was told
you know people ask me
how do you know you were on the other side
it's like once you experience something like that
you don't question
and that's how you know
because you have no question
there's no part in you that can question it
um and I don't wish people to experience it
to understand that
um cause it was still a very daunting physical
thing that took place that gave me that gift
however um understanding the value that I heard
you know what I heard resonates as I
I just heard it today
even though it was 17 years ago
um that doesn't leave you
I value that truth
I value that mission
and because I value something
I don't ever give up on it
you know when I've got the core piece of
I value this
I know that this can help people cause it helped me
I mean I could have been disabled
and look at me now
this is definitely far from where I was 17 years ago
and so I am a testament to my work
and because I value that
I know there's so many people hurting in this world
that my love for what I value doesn't let me give up
um I know there's a way
where there's a will
there's a way
and I have never um
forgotten that
so I allow that part of my core piece of my inner
aspect of self to be my foundation that I stand on
and if I value it
it's interesting how the whole
universe feels like it goes behind you and support you
and everything works with you
not against you
because if you're coming from the inside out
it's almost like a fountain
where then it just flows out
and then it's working in harmony with that
which is around it
so when I focus
on that core aspect of my inner self
that I understood for my inward journey
it allowed me to lay a foundation of truth
that I could make everything else
um align with
and then things started working with me
and you don't always know every step of the way
that was something that was very confusing to me
you know where am I gonna be 20 steps from now
or like I just kept asking
just tell me what to do
and I'm gonna do it
they don't and I wondered
I said why can't you just tell me what I should do
and it's because there's opposition in this world
you know if all the truth was given to you
opposition in this dualistic world
would actually oppose it and keep you from
so therefore
you only necessarily know one step
in front of you at a time
so you have to have trust
you have to have faith in your inner self
to be your foundation of your strength and your truth
um that allows you to continue to move forward
from what I've experienced
that's beautiful
and you've had this experience
but I know you worked all around a lot of people
you're helping a lot of healing happen
do you have any advice for people who are saying hey
I want to trust this
but I'm not quite there yet
how can people start
giving into the trust that there's something higher
that they can you know
follow the inner journey
is there any advice for somebody
starting that journey
wanting to be there
but just feeling not quite ready to fully trust
well you know
I would look at the aspects of
why don't you trust you know
do you trust yourself
you know where does your foundation lie
you know where does your fear based consciousness
have cracks in it
that you could work on within yourself
because everything is a reflection of that inward piece
like I told you
with those fragmented pieces
so if we have trust issues
if we have those aspects of our foundation
that have cracks in them
you know explore those
because that's what's keeping you from believing
and that's actually where you should focus on
so that you can
take a look at why
like you know
you can ask the question like
if you have this fear based consciousness
is this something you got from your
one of your parents
is this something from a sibling
that always said something
because we do have aspects of our subconscious mind
that are programmed
so sometimes these belief systems are just programming
and you know
how do you really feel
do you want it to be better
you just don't know how to get there
you know so
I would take a look at the um
the way we think and um
is this a subconscious
you know thing that you can relate it to
that your parents have always said
or your family or somebody else has said around you
so that you're kind of just repeating
that's kind of called a program
so there might be a program state of consciousness
that you're basing things on
but deep inside of you
you have a different inner truth
so you gotta be honest with yourself
and be truthful with yourself
and if a part of you says
well I don't really believe that
I believe there's something better
but I just haven't had any experience in it
well then you know
Soul Link might be helpful for you
because Soul Link actually helps reprogram
the programs in the subconscious mind
that clears away those blockages
allowing you know
whatever your soul print of your light is to shine
and then you're more closer to that part of yourself
that you relate to
that can help you
start to go down that path and feel more
secure about it
because you've you know
tapped into that self exploration
within the self
that's beautiful
you know what I think about on my adventure
I think very recently
have I started being an entrepreneur
as I became an entrepreneur
I realize how much of an inner journey it is
like a lot of things that will stop
you're gonna be internal
then external
and that's where honestly
my path to focus on
like the trust
the inner knowing has deepen
and I'm surprised by that because I was never religious
I've been spiritual
but I never really
I was never like able to meditate
consistently or find that peace
and yet recently
just because I've dove into this journey
I found a way to make it my own
like instead of worrying that
I don't have a set religion or a set path
I'm like just feel my body and like
trust me that there's higher wisdom
like we don't think about breathing
you know we think oh
we have to figure everything out of our brain
but if we really had to control everything our brain
we would die
like you'd think oh
I forgot to breathe right
three seconds
yeah exactly
ha ha so remembering
like the times when we actually have to surrender
and that there's something keeping us
alive and created our life without our hiring
like that gives me a high sense of trust
and then I even had like a challenge
like this month
I'm just gonna give into trusting
like I feel like that's where it's calling me
and what if I
let the fear down in a controlled way
quote unquote
and just trust for a month
what happens
you know I'm not gonna die if I just fully surrender
and so if you're listening to this
you know this sounds interesting
but I'm not quite there
what if it's many steps in that direction
just honoring your intuition
see what happens
how does your body feel
without even wondering like dogma
stigma religion
just feel what's right for you
give it that space
and see how a difference does that make
without any judgements to it
and on that note
let's talk about Soul Link
it's amazing
it's a new app coming out
how in the heck did this whole concept come out
like what was calling you say hey
let's make this happen
well you know
is really into the sound pieces
so understanding
um all of the sound formulas that are out there
uh with binary beats
chord progression
and sacred geometry
isochronic tones
like all these different sound pieces
kept coming to me
and I would utilize them individually
but they have
like such a unique piece within each of them
and I thought
if we could just put all these together
I could actually
do this transmutation process with all of these pieces
incorporated with one another
and there began my journey
really because um
within my own healing
I needed more
I needed a lot
I didn't need just one
safage frequency to kind of
help me feel good for those 20 minutes
like I really needed to change
the way my brain was working
and how I was perceiving reality
based on such a
condition of you know
that I was in
so when you combine all those
aspects into music
it can be somewhat difficult
because it doesn't sound pretty
you know like
binary beats are kind of like
annoying and
and loud and so
I'm thinking
how do you put all these together
so that you can have the experience that you want
and have the healing
for your mind and body that you want
but make it sound beautiful
and you know
there was really the artistic
aspect that um
I was really loving
because I like to be
a problem solver
so I had to solve this problem
you know and you can take certain
sounds and be able to tone
certain pieces down
put other um
sounds in the foreground
so you barely hear them
but yet your brain still
recognizes them
so that was you know
the most exciting
thing for me
um working with a sound composer
basically saying
this is what I wanna do
can you do it
you know and you really can
but it does take some work
and then also
people like you
that are having trouble meditating
I noticed that also too
a lot when I was working
with individuals
um cause everything that I've created
has come from my work with others
and seeing where every
where's everybody at
and how can I help them
and one of the things is
when you close your eyes
to go inward
to meditate
those fragmented
pieces that are blocking your soul
seem to kind of
be screaming
or they're right there
or like things I need to do for myself
or what am I supposed
to do about this
and that seemed to
be a problem
because we yes
I understand
we have those
fragmented pieces
but when you
close your eyes
and you go in
those fragmented pieces are at the forefront
so what can we do to bypass that
and that's where I really um
came up with
you know something I used to do
when I was a
teenager um
I used to go to
um the peer
and I would go all the way down to the end of the peer
and I would sit on the ground
and lean over the railing
and I would stare
at the ground
and then lift my head up
and it felt like I was floating on the air
and that to me
was somewhat of a meditative experience
so I thought
we could have drones
flying through nature
um and be able to
you know give somebody a beautiful
visual experience
because nature is you know
one of the most beautiful things
we all love to look at
so let's give them
you know something to look at
and you know
when you listen to certain guided
they say imagine
you're going down this beautiful path
and you have this waterfall
next to you
I'm thinking
well why don't we do a visually
guided meditation
why don't we just not do the audio of it
and visually
take them on that journey
wow and so there
began the visual
aspect of it
um which I feel really
some of the
formula pieces
because there is
quantum theory
and sacred geometry
and there's different
aspects of epigenetics
that talk about how
when you are
looking at something beautiful
you actually feel
that beautifulness
in yourself
and there's actually things that take place
that show that
so why not incorporate these two
to bring us back to each other
and you know
you don't have to
play the video
if you don't want to
you can close your eyes
if that works better for you
but I found a lot of people have trouble meditating
and this was an
to make it different
with eyes open
that was similar to my eyes open
when I left this world
cause it wasn't closed
and I can actually see things
so I thought
well maybe I can bring that
experience to others
and maybe it can be a helpful tool
I love that
I haven't heard of a tool quite like this before
where you have these different sensory experience
and so versatile
and we talked about the sound
and for somebody who's non
expert like me
why is sound so
healing you know
we talked about all these different approaches
but if you're non expert
why is sound so healing to us
well to me sound comes before form
it's something I've seen in the ancient text
you know even when the body is developed
sound is one of the things that's developed first
so even when a child is in the womb
you know what it hears from the mother
and the sounds that you can actually play
will actually affect
um the child
so the sound compositions
you know each of them have their own
scientific evidence in each different piece
and that was really what we utilized
in our patented formula
so we have a patent pending in 49 countries
with all of these scientific aspects of sound
so we were able to take um
all the scientific evidence from each of these
individually to show that it has a holistic approach to
you know healing
um and be able to incorporate that into
our patented formula
it's beautiful
and when I looked at the app
you can go in and you can focus
like what you want the sound to be focused on right
like there's an healing explanation for it
until you focus on this and this and this and this
can you share maybe an example
and I don't know how much you know
the case studies already have happened with the sound
like how somebody has maybe
transformed an issue using sound
or somebody you worked with
where incorporating one of these must have helped them
maybe heal through some kind of circumstance
well you know
and again I work with clients
so I can't tell too much of my
personal journey with what they share with me
but I do have somebody right now
that's going through a very life changing experience
and because of that
there's a lot of moving parts within the family dynamic
within the parents
you know as the family is shifting
um as those tides are shifting
it seems to be having an effect on the family
so there are many opportunities
that are presenting themselves
that is like
it almost feels like a shifting of the foundation is
is happening
which this person knows this is their souls journey
and they're very hundred percent
you know in tune with it however
it's very difficult to navigate those changing tides
and with that the app
even like a five minute piece has been life changing
to where you can be in the hospital
and be able to go in this corner for 5 minutes
and get Wi Fi connection
and just tune back into your center
so you can feel like you can breathe again
because there's just so many
things happening in their life that um
this has been a tool that multiple times a day
not just like oh
I'm just gonna wake up and meditate in this
this is where there's life changing things happening
that if you utilize a tool like this
you can feel the difference
and just you know
just thanking me tremendously because um
she doesn't know how
she would have been able to get through
these transitions
um without something to be so supportive
and so much bringing you back to center so effortlessly
because the sound is formulated
in such a way
very scientifically
that actually opens up your brain for
different states of consciousness
so that the reprogramming
so it really helps bring you back to you
simply by just listening to it
so it's something that I really feel
everybody should experience
because they might be able to understand better
just by listening and feeling
what they experience by listening to it
rather than just me explaining it
but I've had you know
lots of people
you know tell me how it's really helped them
um as much as myself
and I believe there's a free meditation
they can also try out with it right
when I went on there
you can sign up and do that
yeah um but there's a free meditation
people can also give a try
if they're curious about the sound
like I'm not sure
yeah they can hear for it from self right
well we also
we have a seven day free trial
and you know
some people don't like the seven day free trial
so we just have a free version
where you have full access to the entire app
but only one of the audio is
one of the videos
and one of the frequencies is available for you
and it is a 22 minute
so that you can actually
experience it to a higher degree
if that's something that you desire
so yes there is a free version out there
and you can listen to that one
multiple times
you know you can do it 21 day
listening to the same one to really kind of
see if you get the effect
or you know
maybe do 30 days with it
and see if how
see where you are from the beginning to the end of it
and if you're different in 30 days well then
maybe you wanna start with the seven day free trial
and then start to explore all the different options
that are there for you
yeah that's beautiful
there are a lot of really cool options to explore there
and one thing I was surprised
but it's also
is it your non profit
is that right
it has like a yes
can we talk about that
that's amazing
sure yeah so when I um
started this journey
I knew that my um
my calling was to be in service
so to be in service to humanity
I really felt it was
fundamental for my foundation to be a non profit
so you know
you know what could a non profit do
can you have a non profit for this
and humanitarian
innovations is what I got qualified for
because I'm an innovation
that's for humanity
which was so much an intimate with my soul
so then I started the process of starting
the nonprofits
and you know
opening that up
and then so link is the app that is
has come from the nonprofit of Supernova Creations
and also part of my journey
um in my healing
so I work with uh
helping people
as a soul physician
a lot of the people that would show up to me
were philanthropist themselves
so I was very inspired
by those that I was helping
you know again
just because we're doing great things in the world
doesn't mean we don't have issues of our own
so in helping them
I feel like they helped me
so it was a win win
I Learned from them
as much as they Learned from me
and they really
inspired me
um that we can do really great things in this world
as a philanthropist
so um it was
it was part of my
foundation and my mission
that this is a nonprofit
everything that we receive
from any of the profits
goes right back into the science of it
to create more sounds
to create more visuals
and even right now
we're creating
a VR experience so the
yes a virtual reality
meditation app
with the Apple Vision Pro
so we're in the process of development
with that right now
so again as the funds come in
we put them right back into technology
and what can we do to make this
experience um
even more um
you know because I know
when I've used
virtual reality
with this meditation
I'm blown away
you know not only do I get the experience
but I just went to a whole different world
like I literally
felt like I was actually somewhere else
and when I take the VR
goggles off
when I finish it
I look at the world differently
I feel differently
you know on such a different level
that I thought
we really need to take the
this direction
and really invest in
the digital
because again it's um
virtual reality
allows you to really tap into
um therapeutic that can be digital
um which the FDA
actually has that
category now
wow so we look forward to
you know producing that
and doing clinical
trials and um
making this
something that is really going to help more people
that's amazing
you know it's interesting
on my podcast
one of the first episodes
I had a friend
who's an expert in
VR and Web 3
and he was talking how
to your point
we perceive things differently
like we learn quicker in VR
because the
environment is
I don't know why
it just does something
yeah and and
you know again
we're wanting to meditate
so we're not journeying
in the virtual
like it's still taking us on a journey
however but you're able to like
turn your head and
explore and again
it just the 1
80 you know
video it's like
when you go to a movie theater
too you know
you're just
you have a different feeling with it and um
putting that into meditation
with the eyes open again
it all works and again
this is where you
feel like the universe is working
with you um
and you know
hopefully younger people would even explore it
too you know
I wanna be able to really reach the masses
and you know
the patent pending of 49 countries
I wanna go global with this
it's all audio
and it's all sound
so I don't have any language barriers
like everything that
I formulated
this was very specific
so that I could reach the masses
and really help humanity
on a whole another level
wow this is incredible
I'm so excited for you
I'm so excited for your team
I'm so excited for this effort
because we need more
innovation in the world
and with that in mind
here you are
you know here you are
as a healer
here you are
bringing this incredible up
but you are
at the core
like also an entrepreneur
a soul preneur
uh change what advice
would you have for
or maybe could you share some of the struggles
you had on this journey that
gave you this real
element of you know
like top wisdom
around this you know
inside the soul
you're also again
an entrepreneur really
and you're making this great
innovation yeah
have you Learned
on this journey
around that space
well one thing I Learned was you know
before my accident
before I became
you know a sole physician
and got my doctorate of divinity and metaphysics
I was a graphic designer
you know I was an artist
and so one thing I've Learned um
as an entrepreneur
is to never lose your own spark of your own light
mine was creative
mine was you know
I like to design things
so I went from being a graphic designer to
designing something for humanity based on my experience
so I didn't lose that common thread of my own true self
and you know
when we're younger
we understand our true self and so
or maybe not or maybe
we're still trying to learn about our true self
but tie into those key pieces that
you know within you
that you love me
I'm an artist
so this is my creation of my art
um it just isn't different way
it's in a more um
holistic way rather than as a graphic designer
but I think your common thread of your own essence
of your own soul
will be tied into everything you do as an entrepreneur
and to really follow your heart
follow your soul
follow that part of you that makes you happy
you know what makes your heart happy
you know doing this
it was very challenging to do the sound piece
I mean it was almost like
can this even work
you know I had this idea for it
but I don't even know
like nobody's done this
like can this even work you know
but I believed in it
so because I believed in it
where there's a will
there's a way um
so never give up on those things that make you joyful
um within yourself would be my advice
usually put in
how do you go
could you give me practically
is there a strategy that you had you
you had this firm belief
you weren't sure how to make it
how do you go from
I believe it
but I'm not sure how to
now you have an app and a team and it's patented and so
oh pending patenting
um in so many countries
yeah well you know again it's
you're only gonna know the next step in front of you
and that's what
you know can be very confusing
because I knew
I was supposed to do great things for the world however
I needed to start with individuals
one by one you know
I knew that I was supposed to help people
so I started where I was at
I had to create a formula in order to help myself
so then I took that formula to help myself
and then I started sharing that with others
and then in sharing that with others
I could see problems
like people have trouble meditating
and just because I've left this world and came back
and I've got this direct connect
nobody's got this
how do I get
you know how do I help them get to it
and understanding about
you know um
the different
aspects of the brain and programming of the brain
and how do we reprogram the brain
we have to be an alpha state of consciousness okay
that's a sound piece
and all these pieces start to come together
so it's really never giving up
because it took
you know the past 17 years to really put this together
step by step by step
you know and then my clients were philanthropist
so it's like looking on profit yes
that resonates with me
you know and
and believe in yourself
because you know
I didn't have the financial
aspects that I needed to do this
but I didn't let that change my system
because I valued it
so in value is your foundation
and you don't change that
what happens is the universe starts to work with you
and when the universe starts to work with you
things start to show up
and then opportunities show up
it's like okay
here it is you know
and you don't
have expectations
cause if you have expectations
it's almost like it takes longer
so you have to just trust the process
and keep doing your best
everyday and keep moving forward
and allow the universe to work with you
which is again
something that when you are working on sound healing
you're changing your vibrational frequency
and when you resonate
with a higher vibrational frequency
that's attuned to higher vibrational things
everything works in harmony
it's like attracts like
so wherever you are is what you allow to become
and that allows things to work with you
um but it's
you only gonna know every step
and then it's putting the pieces together
and starting one step at a time
and then over time
it just kind of starts moving like this wave
and then it's moving faster than you
and then it's like
oh my God now
there's the app and the technology
there's so much
it goes into apps and right
um you know
I'm just grateful for every experience
and every person that showed up
and every lesson I've Learned along the way
that's brought me to where I am now
to be able to share this with the world
um and bring healing to others
ah that's amazing
I love you but I think there's so much wisdom to learn
for everybody on their
unique journey
on their soul journey
on their entrepreneur journey
trusting the process
one step at a time
having that patient
I heard really beautifully
that the universe needs space
you know if you are always
and rushing
you're not giving the space for this beautiful
thing to happen behind the scenes
and say God
when is it happy
you're not giving it space
and that's when I'm saying you
I'm talking about me
all the time
this is all yeah yeah
I'm the biggest artist
so very beautifully put
and I also wanna reflect
you said three times on this podcast
which is a beautiful number
the word transmutation
it's only very recently come into my life
and I was like
what the heck is that
so now I'm newly
aware of it
but can you share others
what is it what does
transportation mean
yeah so it's transmutation
is when you change something from one form to another
so if you have something that is disruptive
and you make it an opportunity
so it's changing the frequency
the perception
of what it is into a broader perspective
and just as you were saying
with giving the universe space
to me I visualize that as an emptying your cup
because if you have a cup that maybe is closed
and you have a cap on it
how can you expect it to have the light pour into it
so you've gotta take the cap off
you gotta be open
and then it's almost like you have to empty your cup
empty out all the stuff that you know
so that it can be filled
because we think we know everything
but do we really
you know that was one of the vast changes
I Learned when I left and came back
is that I really know nothing
like I went to the other side and back
I never imagined
I mean this
so many things really changed my perspective
to have a broader perspective
which means as much as I think I know
I really know nothing
and with that
it allows me to be open
and that's what gives it space
so just imagine
your cup and make sure your cap is off your cup
so that it's open to receive
and then also let go of what you know
so you can be filled with all of the great things
that we don't know
that was what we're seeking to have
um and that involves transmutation
because when you're changing
something from one form to another
that that it itself is transmutation
that's so beautiful
thank you so much for explaining that
I have loved it
I feel like time flow by
and I wanna wrap up and feel fitter
add anything we miss
like what are you most excited for
for this year
here we are starting 2,024
this episode is gonna come out right at the beginning
so let me know
what are you really excited about
well I'm excited about the VR experience again
we are doing um
calls with our app developers
seeing what it's like you know
in the Apple Vision Pro hasn't even come out yet
hopefully it'll be coming out soon
but we're right alongside of it
creating the development of it
so we're actually able to see inside what apple
has done and then taking our app and replicating
it for the virtual reality experience again
it's just blowing my mind
and I'm so super excited about it
because I feel like it's gonna be a real game changer
in the meditation space
because it gives you again
that I open experience
that I think will be very helpful to most people
um and so I'm just
I'm just grateful for the opportunity
I'm grateful for all the
wonderful new adventures that we're doing
we have an affiliate program that
where we've also started
so there's just so many different directions
um the things are multiplying
and I'm grateful for
for every aspect of it
uh love anything gratitude
such a powerful gift of like
power right
and I just hear your sincere love
for what you do and the
opportunity here and helping the world
we need more of that
so thank you so much for shining brightly
I'm so excited for the VR work
I have a VR headset
so I'm gonna be checking it out for sure
as soon as it comes out
new testers
I'll be on it
and for all listeners
I just want you to feel like
if you're curious about this
like I mean
something's calling you to explore this
so jump in like
there's really no
like this is really the right time
I feel like when you would say that when teachers
when the student is ready
the teacher appears
and so if you are here
listening to this
maybe this is your higher teacher
just saying hey
you might be ready for this
and you know what
when I first started
like I listened to Joe
Dispenza years ago
and it was interesting to me
and I listened to it and I
and I let it slide for about like 2
3 years it's settled
so even if you're okay
I'm not quite ready
that's okay too
let this be a planted
this is planted seed
at your own maturing time
to get you to like
live your full life when you are ready
but I so invite you and encourage you to take that step
because it will take you to incredible places
and Dr Dawn
feel free to add anything else
and then we'll go to our three rapid
fire questions
to wrap up yeah
no problem um
well so link we are
we are available on the web
and we also
available on um
the apple and also Google
so we have all three
platforms uh
for you to check out
so give it a try
I thought no one's gonna show it
very quickly on here
if you are on YouTube
will it load
has this beautiful purple
icon over it
the link here we are
I'll pull this up
and maybe you'll see it
oh oh maybe
maybe maybe
I'll edit this out
but yeah yeah
we are showing
a little bit at the top so anyways
I'll edit that
perhaps this whole link
check it out
it's super intuitive
has so much functionality and again
you have a free meditation
you can try it as long as you want
and then there's a free trial
so there's zero risk involved
and why not
if there's something for the better I look at
there's so much out there
to be transparent right
but you have to test things out
you know even if the
one thing doesn't work for you
it doesn't hurt to give it a go
and see what really resonates
cause the upside
is huge okay
that's my final note
and after that
let's jump to the three rapid
fire questions
when you are ready
okay okay hmm
first one what is the most surprising
lesson you Learned from a patient
hmm the most surprising
lesson that I've Learned from a patient is
understanding that the brain is programmable um
cause I've seen it within
you know the context of what they desire
and what has been the challenge so um
that the brain is programmable
beautiful okay
what is one destination that rejuvenates your soul
nature anything in nature by the water I love um
you know the trees and the water
so anything in nature really wonderful beautiful
and last but not least in the positive context
going off track is
well I think that your soul is um
like you have a soul print
just like you each have a fingerprint
we each have a soul print
so I would say going off track is to
in tune with your own soul print
um and that's off track from everyone else
because it's unique to you
I love that thank you
that's a beautiful way to put it
so thank you so much
this is awesome
I enjoy just the light of your spirit
I love the light of your lessons
I love you sharing your gift of us
so thank you so much for being here
and for everybody listening
thank you so much
let's make 2,024 amazing
check out different resources
make this year something where you are an adventure
finding ways to grow
and definitely check out Solink as a way to be
growing at in this year
and definitely check out Solink as another
way to grow this year
so thank you everyone
and as always
let's take over the world together
right off track
thank you Doctor Dan
it was a pleasure
thank you for having me

Dr. Dawn Ella Profile Photo

Dr. Dawn Ella

CEO and Inventor of Soul Link

Dr. Dawn Ella, CEO and Founder of Supernal World Creations, Soul Link & The Soul Medic, is a highly accomplished expert in Complementary, Integrative & Alternative Medicine, holding accolades as a Soul Physician, Doctor of Divinity, Doctor of Metaphysics, and Ordained Minister. Guided by divine intervention, her mission began with the birth of her son, Michael, leading her on a profound journey to understand the formative years' impact on the subconscious mind. In 2006, a near-death experience gifted her a deep understanding of the soul's higher vibrations, explored in her memoir, "The Energy Tree, The Reflection." Undeterred by challenges, she directs her expertise towards holistic well-being and humanitarian innovations through Supernal World Creations, including the groundbreaking Soul Link application, driven by her belief in transformative potential, transcending boundaries and paving the way for a brighter future.