I’m on the phone with my mom. We’re screaming at each other. She wants me to have a secure job, I want to learn marketing.
For as long as I remember, my mom has been a hustler. Always working insanely long hours at multiple jobs. She always wanted to provide for me and for me to have the best and brightest future. For her, the only way to achieve that was to work harder and longer.
I never knew what I wanted or who I wanted to be. Always sort of went with a flow.
Because of that, we always fought.
Eventually, she funded my studies abroad. That’s where I really tasted the freedom and independence.
And then the COVID pandemic sweeps across the globe…and I’m stuck halfway through writing my bachelor’s thesis.
I’m an immigrant, have no ‘proper’ job (I was a waiter), and I have no idea what to do with my life. My degree was in International Business. Does that mean I’ll work as an international businessman?
(I’m sure my grandma would approve).
My mom wanted me to work at a factory or as a delivery man. Anything to make ends meet.
I had a very different idea.
One morning, I sat down, Googled “top in-demand careers” and spotted marketing. “Hmmm, that’s something I was always curious about”, I thought to myself.
Shortly after, I came across a course on Facebook Ads for a mere $30…I took it immediately.
After a few unpaid and poorly paid freelance gigs, I finally landed my first marketing job.
It was great: the company, the trust in my work, and the freedom to explore.
Until Dec 14, 2022, when, after months of frustration, I pleaded with my friend saying “I’m struggling to understand if quitting my job and doing my own thing is the right choice.”
Her response?
“Do you want a call to kick your ass into gear and figure out if that's the right thing for you right now? I have a winning format.”
I was desperate for change. And to finally take charge of my own life.
The idea of being in charge, not in control, of how my days look like, without having to report to a boss or being forced into “conditions” thrilled me.
I never wanted to live a lifestyle my mom did. So I did the complete opposite….
And so today I write on behalf of some of the coolest people out there. By bringing their voice to life I’ve also amplified mine.
I love my current life. The greatest moment I enjoy now is when I work on my own terms yet still make an impact on someone’s life through writing. Nothing beats that feeling.