RightOffTrack Entrepreneurship Connection Purpose by Anya Smith

Rachel Harvey

Rachel Harvey Profile Photo


Hi, I'm Rachel!

I've always had big dreams but I used to be besieged by negative thoughts.

And no matter what career I switched too - from teaching to running my own 6 figure tutoring franchise to social media to Facebook ads, I never found the right one for me.

That was when I realised there was one common denominator ...


Or, rather my negative thoughts.

I didn’t feel good enough.

I worried that I was going to be found out.

I worked my butt off and went the extra 10 miles for clients because I thought I needed to prove myself.

And I knew my life would never change unless I changed my mindset. So I tried:

Gratitude lists

All of these helped temporarily but then I’d go about my day and the same thoughts would swirl around my head. So it was just like peeling an onion, even though I’d removed a layer, there were still many more to go, I needed to go deeper and rewire those beliefs otherwise I going to be playing whack a mole my whole life.

And now I can grow my business and achieve those big dreams without the negative backchat that was making me doubt everything I did.

You can do this too!

Dec. 14, 2023

How to NAVIGATE the GAP Between SUCCESS and HAPPINESS - Rachel Harvey…

🤔 What do you do when hitting your goals or achieving that six-figure business doesn't bring you happiness? Join us in this eye-opening episode with Rachel Harvey as she shares her journey of finding true fulfillment beyond conventional success. Disc...

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