Dec. 14, 2023

How to NAVIGATE the GAP Between SUCCESS and HAPPINESS - Rachel Harvey is RightOffTrack | Anya Smith

🤔 What do you do when hitting your goals or achieving that six-figure business doesn't bring you happiness?
Join us in this eye-opening episode with Rachel Harvey as she shares her journey of finding true fulfillment beyond conventional success. Disc...

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RightOffTrack Entrepreneurship Connection Purpose by Anya Smith

🤔 What do you do when hitting your goals or achieving that six-figure business doesn't bring you happiness?

Join us in this eye-opening episode with Rachel Harvey as she shares her journey of finding true fulfillment beyond conventional success. Discover how she transformed her mindset to overcome limiting beliefs and embrace a life of purpose.

🚀 In this episode, we dive into:

  • 🌟 The surprising truth about success and happiness.
  • 💪 Tackling self-doubt and limiting beliefs for a fulfilling life.
  • 🧠 Effective strategies to rewire the subconscious mind.
  • 🏆 Rachel's personal transition from chasing figures to finding real satisfaction.
  • ✨ How Rachel helps others redefine success and achieve their true dreams.

🌱 Takeaways:

  • 🌈 Uncover the real impact of mindset on achieving happiness and success.
  • 🔒 Learn to challenge the beliefs that prevent true fulfillment.
  • 🧘‍♀️ Explore the role of gratitude and visualization in transforming your life.
  • 💡 Embrace the power of taking radical responsibility for your happiness.
  • 🏆 Understand the value of a CEO mindset in achieving personal and professional satisfaction.

📚 Chapters:

  • 01:52 Introduction
  • 03:56 Rachel's Journey of Self-Discovery
  • 06:30 The Limitations of External Validation
  • 08:00 Overcoming External Gratification Addiction
  • 09:15 The Power of Subconscious Shifting
  • 11:41 Using Visualization to Rewire the Subconscious
  • 14:34 Identifying and Overcoming Limiting Beliefs
  • 19:42 Breaking Generational Cycles
  • 20:18 Recognizing and Shifting Limiting Beliefs
  • 20:57 Taking Radical Responsibility for Personal Growth
  • 22:25 Creating the Life You Want
  • 23:21 Changing Belief Systems
  • 24:20 Practicing Gratitude and Appreciating Abundance
  • 25:50 The Importance of Slowing Down and Reflecting
  • 30:54 Rachel's Subconscious Shifting Process
  • 33:59 The Impact of Mindset on Business Performance
  • 39:29 Transforming Money Mindset
  • 46:03 Looking Forward to 2024
  • 48:17 Helping Ambitious Women Overcome Limiting Beliefs
  • 49:23 Rapid Fire Questions
  • 50:16 Following What Lights You Up
  • 50:57 Reflection and Taking Action

👉 If this episode strikes a chord, share it with someone on their journey to finding real happiness and success.



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what has LED you to where you are now
what really changed was life's not happening to me
I have control over my life
I felt so many years that life was just happening to me
that I was a victim of circumstances
it was all out of my control
so having that realisation with that I'm not a victim
I do have control
it's up to me how I respond rather than react
and actually
you know I can create what I want
and so once I'd accepted and acknowledged
and taken that radical responsibility for myself
then I was able to find
ways to create that life that I wanted
hey friends
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and embracing our unique
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and let's go on this adventure together
right off track
enjoy this episode
going off track is taking a chance in yourself
following your poles of curiosity
it's making your own decisions
the most wonderful adventure
hey friends
I'm your host Anya Smith
and today's chat is all about turning negative
into your biggest wins
we're diving to a story of self doubt
career hops and the ultimate mindset shift
that LED to a six figure success
it's a journey from teaching to entrepreneurship
battling inner critics
and discovering the power of positive thinking
stay tuned for real
actional insights that could be your game changer
excited to welcome our guest
Rachel Harvey
Rachel welcome
thanks so much for having me
I'm excited to be here
I'm excited
I love to use like cross world conversations
where in the world are you
just so audience gonna
so I'm very near London in England
beautiful beautiful
I bet is it gorgeous around this time of year
over there it's cold
it's cold and pretty rainy
as you can see
Rachel's gonna be
authentic throughout this conversation
haha well well hey
we are in Seattle area
so I know something about the rain too
but besides all that
I am excited to get some cheer and some
energy from your story
so can you give us our audience a little bit Baxter
about how you found yourself here
that we mentioned
there's been a lot of like
the self discovery happening through his past
and like why did you find that path
interesting or relevant for you
well I think it goes back to about 2,012
really ha ha ha
so it's been a while
but it really started when I had my franchise business
so I had an education franchise
which I did grow to six figures
and but I was struggling for a while
and really not enjoying myself
and I was struggling with a lot of self doubt
and really being in victim mode
to the point where
I was complaining a lot to a colleague
and eventually she said to me
you need to stop complaining
read this book
it's called The Secret by Ronda Bell
and so I was like okay ha ha
so I read the book
and it was a bit of a revelation for me
and I was like
wow okay yeah
I can see that you know
more of attraction
that will make sense you know
where your energy goes and your attention flows
you get more of that coming back to you
and so you know
I am sitting here
I am complaining about things ha ha
I'm being very negative
and so you know
I need to make a change
and really that book
was kind of the beginning of everything for me
and it LED me on to um
signing up to work with Bob Proctor in that one
this month masterminds
and in that mastermind you know
I was really awakened to
to the power of your mind
ha ha and the fact that you know
the way you think about things
and you know
the lens and the perspective through which
you know you
view life your personal life business is
you know is everything and you know
you get more of what you think about
and so I was like okay
I clearly need to make changes here
so that's how it came about
I I love kind of the the the journey you went on
and if you're so a lot of people think they will hey
when I make six figures
then I'm gonna be happy right
like here you are you
I'm sure you worked really hard to get to that place
why do you think that unsettled feeling sunk in
because we all seem to want to have a lot of money
why was money not the answer
so for me and you know
I talk quite a lot about this now
and it's something that I didn't really
know about or realise at the time
but when you place conditions on your happiness
is it bit like you know
when you have that picture of a donkey with a carrot
on a stick ha ha ha
the standing just in front of the donkey
and it just keeps moving
so it's like
you think okay
I'll be happy when I have this house
or I earn this much money
or I'm taking these holidays or I've got this car
these shoes
and even when you achieve those goals
you don't even stop to appreciate it most of the time
before you're on to the next thing thinking actually
that hasn't made me happy
so this will make me happy
and and it's you know
that constant carrot being dangled
but just always slightly moving
so you is a big lesson to learn
that actually placing conditions on your happiness
and expecting to find it externally
is never gonna be the answer
it has to come from
you know an internal place
so you have to go inwards to find your happiness
that is a huge lesson that I've learnt so yeah
I love that
I hope everybody's listening to this and can identify
but you know
what a chuckle was like
I knew that this is not quite working
but I couldn't figure out like
how do I motivate myself enough to change that
right so like
what's like
is he like he sometimes need that the catalyst like no
I I'm not gonna take it anymore
because it's so easy to get back like okay
I realize logically haha
it needs to be internal
and yet I get cup and like oh
I should be doing seven more million things
and then like
once I get little money
things will get easier um
and yet coming back to oh no
it's still internal thing can be really challenging
so from your perspective
like now that you started to self discovery
how did you start unpacking this
like this you know
constant addiction to external gratification
and then we channel it to an internal focus
yeah so you know
that's been a long journey and a long process
and it took me really until about a year and a half ago
when I really found what the answer was for me
and that was through a process of subconscious shifting
so what I came to
realise and to learn was that actually you know
we've got all these programs
running in our subconscious right
and so we try a lot of surface level mindset work
and you know
you're busy saying affirmations in the morning
and your subconscious is like no
this is bullshit actually
sprinkle on top
I don't believe what you're saying
you know it's not true
and so until you actually
change your subconscious beliefs
then the other surface mindset work
it won't work for you
not in the same way
it's much more powerful
if your subconscious is on board and actually believes
what you're saying to yourself
so a couple of years ago
I came across a modality which
taught me how to work directly with my subconscious
and that was
that was the
the transformation and the catalyst for the real
permanent changes that I've been searching for
for quite some time
so I had a big understanding of the different paradigms
and the fact that you know
I needed to be supportive in my thinking
but it's easier said than done when your
subconscious just doesn't believe what you're saying
so with this validity that I came across and that um
I now use with my clients
what we are able to do is pinpoint the roots
causes behind these negative limiting beliefs
when they occurred
which is generally in your childhood
and actually go and work with the memory and experience
where you have
like a trapped in negative emotion
in order to release that emotion
and reprogram new positive beliefs in place
so that was the key
to really unlocking
in a work that actually worked
on a more permanent basis
and a lot more rapid than trying to rewire your brain
from saying endless affirmations
day after day after day
um or you know
a meditating EFT
they're all great modalities
but they don't necessarily bring that
permanent change that you're looking for
and maybe not as quickly as you'd like
either so yeah
learning to actually do these subconscious shifts
and actually really go in and heal
those root limiting beliefs
that's what turned it all around for me
no I love that
in what it reminds me of is like
the concept of neuroplasticity
where every time we do something right
we build a habit
and it's like building this highways in our mind
right where sometimes
like a lot of us can relate to the concept
like when you're going somewhere
you don't even remember
your other issues are getting there
because you are so programmed to get that
you're driving
you have to even think about it
right or you're going on the subway
and you just don't have to think about the path
because you've done it so many times
and what you mention
the affirmations
like when you try to say
it's like you had a highway
you taking a shovel and trying to rebuild
high of a shovel
thinking how long that's gonna take you
it might do a little bit right
but this might take you forever to rewrite that
so here you're thinking about
how do I bring in more powerful tools to create change
right that's easier
more sustainable
and can you guide us a little bit more
like if somebody is saying okay
that's how it's interesting
maybe I failed at meditation
maybe like I've tried all this
but just wasn't sustainable
didn't give me the invite I wanted
what can I do differently
you think you described it a little bit
but practically
if somebody's like
I I'm curious
how do I start
what advice would you give them
so I think you know
the first step is having an awareness
so quite often
you know clients come to me and they say
oh you know
I know I could be playing bigger in my business or I've
I've got stuck at a certain level
and I don't know how to grow and expand that
and I know there's just something in the way
but they just don't know what that something is
and so the something is the limiting beliefs that
you know that you've got that
really stopping you from taking the actions that you
want to do and you need to do to you know
to have that expansion that you're looking for
so the first thing is to have that awareness okay
there there's something in the way here
and it's a sit and maybe journal on it
meditate you know
just think what is it exactly
that is stopping me from doing what I want to do
you know if this is the goal I want to achieve
why don't I have it yet
and that why
is the limiting belief that is getting in the way
so being out to actually identify that limiting belief
is is your first step to being out to overcome
that limiting belief
sometimes it can feel like a bigger area
like you might think oh
okay imposter syndrome
but that's big area
and that is not specific enough to work on
so within that imposter syndrome
there's going to be some specific symptoms of that
that will have the underlying
limiting beliefs that you need to work on
in order to clear that feeling of being an imposter or
not feeling good enough
and I don't know enough ha ha
I need to go do another qualification yeah
so having an awareness
identifying the root limiting beliefs
are the starting points
I love that
okay you know
if I could share one thing
recently I realized for myself
I can have mentioned that I
had this really big struggle of being here
now I was like
I was you know
just that you just gotta be present
you just gotta follow your breath
and yet when I was trying to do that
I was like well
I have 5 million things I need to do right now
so how the heck can I be
I didn't even wanna be present honestly
I wanted to be in my head chasing
doing what not
and through a little bit more of that
reflection and having that presence
you know like awareness of like
this is not serving me
I realized that the reason
I was doing that is because I wanted to feel valuable
that I felt like if I complete my big checklist
then I can be worthy
then I can be valuable
and then a lot of what I'm doing is with as like
how will other people approve it
give it some kind of validation
so it was very external seeking
and I realized that that really is not serving me
you know that voice is like
you have to do do
do it want to protect me from maybe like feeling like
oh I this is how I earn some kind of self foundation
but it really isn't serving me because it's endless
like there's never gonna be
enough validation to sustain this inner thirst
there's never gonna be enough you know
external praise
it's gonna be long term
sustainable energy for myself
so I had this
really strong realization that this like
inner voice
it's like do
do do is really not serving me
to put like
I really wanna be present now
cause I realized
the best way I'm gonna show up in this world
is by being present
even in the boring
shitty moments of life right
because that's how I can actually
have higher intuition
have a higher sense
like hey my
how am I feeling
what's actually right for me
what do I actually wanna do for myself
gosh in this moment
like what is on
you wanna do
and that's been really interesting
and all of it has come from
like realizing
why am I do something
what's motivating it
and is it actually really serving me or
or those just like
fears that are guiding that action
yeah absolutely
and I think one of the
the biggest things for all of us is to get clarity
on what we actually want
so a lot of the beliefs that we take on are not
our beliefs
they're societal beliefs
they're the beliefs of your parents
or the other adults that you grew up around
and socially accepted norms about
how your life should go
you go to school
you go to college university
as we say over here
you know you get a job
you get married
you buy a house
you have kids
and you know
that's what
society expects of you
and the thing is
we get so caught up
and lost in
what we think we should do
that we don't even know what we really want
a lot of the time
and so you know
gaining clarity
and really thinking and feeling into Ashley
what lights me up
you know what brings me joy
what do I want to do
rather than what
should I be doing no
keeping yourself happy has to be
your No. 1 job
like they say
when you're on a plane
you put your own
oxygen mask on first
right yeah and
because if you don't
you just end up burnt out
a bit more of
an empty vessel
and then you can't give
to you know
everyone you want
to your family
your clients
friends loved ones
it's really
about you know
really knowing yourself
knowing what makes you happy
knowing what you want
and then going from that foundation
and I think it's also
it helps with
breaking cycles of in
within generations
as well it's like
the more we understand
our belief systems
and how we're controlled by
all of these
subconscious thoughts
which you know
95 of our percent of our
decision making
is unconscious
and we have these same
repeat thoughts
everyday like
tens of thousands of them
and mostly they're negative
so you know
being able to change those thought patterns
and change those beliefs from negative
limiting ones into
you know supportive
positive beliefs
you become really aware
as well of how
you talk to people
and how you talk to yourself
and that awareness means that you
speak differently to other people
so you know
if I knew what I know now
when my son was young
I would have spoken to
him in a totally different way
because now I realise
a lot of the well
meaning things I said to him
will have created limiting beliefs for him
so with our awareness
we get to be
those cycle breakers
and have the next generation
grow up without
the low self
esteem issues
that many of us have
which we're now
trying to unpick
ha ha ha ha ha
so true you know
it reminds me of my I
I have a habit of saying
sorry too much
right that the
people pleasing desire
and when my son
now says sorry
I tell you no
don't don't say sorry
unless you really mean it
right because I
I realized like
I was saying that
and that was
coming from my childhood
and I don't want
him to pick that up
like he's such a rebel
he's a four year old
who just you know
draws on walls
break stuff
and it's easy to be frustrated that
but the same time
the inside of music
I'm proud of who he is
he's such a rebel
because in the world
I know that
when he's growing up
that's gonna be
a strength of his
not a judgment
like I have to
survive it for sure
but but I want to
think again
long term like
how am I maybe
limiting him
you know and
and saying like
oh you have to
you know apologize
you have to do this
you have to listen
it has to be a middle ground
like that not
he needs to be an anarchist
but the same time
like that like
spirit of his
I don't wanna break that right
so that's a
very beautiful thing
and for you
you mentioned um
there's quite a journey
what change for you
once you start
discovering this
you know subconscious
like so you
unhappy in the
one end while
making good money
what has LED
you to where
you are now
like what was
the process
and if you wanna share
anything that
you had to overcome
like to showcase this
uh you know
your own work
and by that example
if you want to do that
sure thank you
so for me what
what really changed was
I realised that all the careers that I had
and the businesses that I had built
and then moved on from
the common denominator was me ha ha ha
so through all of that
understanding that actually
life's not happening to me
I have control over my life
so that that wasn't another really massive realisation
cause I felt
so many years that life was just happening to me
that I was a victim of circumstances
and you know
it was all out of my control
so having that realisation with that
you know firstly
I'm not a victim
I do have control
it's up to me how I respond
rather than react
and actually
you know I can create what I want
so it doesn't mean it's gonna happen overnight
but it no we all want things to happen instantly
but as we know
it's a process
but you can create the life that you want you know
even if it takes you a few years to
to reach what it is that you actually want
it is within your control
and so once I'd accepted and acknowledged and
taken that radical responsibility for myself
then I was able to
you know ah
find ways to create that life that I wanted
and it took me a few years to
move out from the space I was in with the
the franchise business that I owned
for instance like
it took me a couple of years to sell that and move on
but in the meantime
I was busy building up um
new business to take its place
and yeah so
anything's possible
when you can change your limiting beliefs
it is it's opening doorways and
opportunities come to you
this opportunities were probably there the whole time
but you couldn't see them because of the let
through which you were viewing the world through
and you know
if you expect things to be hard as well
then they will be
so a lot of time it's it is
it's just changing your belief system
changes everything
so even if you
spend everyday just
doing a little bit of work
on changing how you view the world
but that's keeping a gratitude journal
and being out to look
things to be grateful for
it really does help
and make a change
so I found for me
gratitude journaling every morning
really helped me look for things to be grateful for
and see the abundance that's actually all around us
it can be hard sometimes when you feeling in lack
to notice that abundance
so by keeping things like gratitude journals and
at night time
and evidence journal of what went like that day
so you start to look for the good things
it's like Abraham
Abraham Hicks says
the better you feel
the better you feel
so ha ha ha ha
for that evidence of things that are going right
and the abundance that is all around you
like the natural world
the fact that you've got a gorgeous
cozy home to live in
you've got water
you've got food
you've got I mean
there's so much abundance around us
that we can't forget about
and just having that reminder
all of that
I found really
really helpful for
you know helping me to see that I am able to create
the life that I want
and it doesn't just have to happen to me
absolutely that's so powerful
as often times we have this negativity bias also
and I see you like
they're not quite comfortable
but they'd rather not expose us of the
something a little bit challenging
to be uncomfortable for a much longer time
she look like
you know I'm not quite where I wanna be
and I'm gonna push that discomfort
because I know that's gonna be worthwhile
meaning like rewiring your subconscious
like working through that reflecting
be like hey
this is worthwhile
Eva's gonna take me longer
like having that patient is gonna lead
you to much better life specific
oh if it's instantly
not instantly not working
then I'm not gonna bother
but I'm gonna be so much uh
unhappy for much longer
because I'm not creating any path for something better
that interesting
the trade offs that we create for ourselves
and I'm curious
so now say people will start working for you
and now they have a little bit of awareness
they've done exercise where they write in that key
why am I not getting to that goal
what do they do from that point on
like anything you wanna share
exercises thoughts
and how people now work um
maybe immediately or longer term on their subconscious
yeah so when my clients work with me
um I work with them in one of two ways
so when I support people on a 1 to 1 basis
I facilitate their um
subconscious shifting
so we'll have a session and we
will pinpoint a root
limiting belief and we will go in and
and heal that
so that's quite a rapid transformation
and when I work with groups
I actually teach my groups how to use this um
method for themselves
so they actually learn the process of going in
and working with their subconscious
to make those shifts
so that's really exciting
um thank you
ha ha ha and
and really it it kinda
it just makes you limitless
because every time there's a trigger
you know you get upset by something
that negative voice pops up in your head and says
who do you think you are wanting to do that you know
that you can go and use this very specific technique to
turn those beliefs around
for other people um
that don't have access to this methodology
one of the really
good ways of starting to make that sort of
rewiring process happen is to use visualisation
and everyone can do that
and if you spend 10 minutes a day
really going into you know
what it is that you want to bring in for yourself
with intention
and it's all about really
feeling those feelings that you already
got what it is that you want
whether that's something in business
or personal life or relation
relationship that you want
so really going in with intention
and feeling those feelings like it's already happened
and that will start
the rewiring process
is a slower process than when
we go directly to the subconscious to change beliefs
but it will work over time
and everyday you do it
you get closer and closer to creating that vision
from the inner to the outer
I like to call it manifest action
so there's there can be a bit of a misconception that
manifesting is just about sitting there
and thinking of something for long enough
and it will turn up
but yeah you don't have to take the action
so right the thing changing your beliefs is
instead of thinking you can't do it
you're like
yes I can do this 100%
I effing do this
ha ha ha and I'm gonna go and do it so yeah
manifest action
it's about you know
creating that um
belief system and thought patterns that
are like your inner cheerleader
so it's like
it's with pom poms
ha ha ha okay
yeah you can do this
go and do it now um
you're you're fabulous
you're worth it
you know a lot of
our beliefs are kind of based on that root belief of
not feeling good enough and not feeling worthy
so being out to reprogram those really
really important beliefs in
can have a cascading effect as well on
you know other more surface beliefs that you
use as excuses not to do things
absolutely absolutely and um
one thing that I was thinking about is how it's um like
we underestimate how powerful our minds are to a point
right we can be
you know um
thinking oh
well this is like
how is this gonna help me right
but if you even like your brain doesn't differentiate
like the reality versus something that's not real right
if we think about it long enough
our brain takes it as it's real
and it's quite astonishing right
so if you're just like thinking out here listening
think about your favorite meal
like in the most like details possible
like what does that smell like
what does that look like
and you'll notice your mouth starts to salivate right
because it doesn't differentiate it quite like it
you think it would
and so with this practice in mind right
if you're going through your limiting beliefs
and you're breaking it down
like your mind again
doesn't differentiate
this is real right
if I visualize it well enough
I am gonna make myself feel like this is like who I am
right so then like the energy that you bring to life
like you choose to uh
vibrate energy and that will check other energy like I
I really find it so fascinating
and one thing
one of my coaches said a little bit ago is that um
the energy that you bring to something
when you're doing it is the energy you're gonna have
and I was like oh
that is not good for me right now
because I'm like hustling
I'm burning myself out to get to a goal
if that means that when I get there
it's gonna be in the same state
that's not good
and that's what like really made me shift my mind
I'm curious um
I know you mentioned you have your
you know process
can you share a little bit with that
like process of changing sub project looks like if not
that's okay
um and if not
can you maybe just even get a second
what changes has I had for somebody else an example
if it is a proxy
yeah so the process
it's a combination of quite a few different modalities
that we use
so there's positive psychology and there
there's NLP
neurolinguistic programming
use a little bit of EFT
emotional freedom technique
at some inner child work so oh
we also use kinesiology as well
so what we're doing is
asking questions of your subconscious
and your subconscious
answers more quickly than your conscious mind
so we use something called this way test to get some
yes and no answers that enable us to pinpoint exactly
when the experience that tracks a negative emotion and
and cause this memory um
so we have to go directly and have a conversation
with that um
version of you
if you like
so it's almost like a third party
conversation with you when you were 5
and healing that experience in that moment
and then recoding in positive
beliefs in place and it's
it's quite simple
but really really effective
and it's quite rapid as well because it's
all healed and reprogrammed within that one session
so that's why it's really exciting
it's it's a little bit different to hypnosis and
but along those lines of working with the subconscious
so for clients that have worked with me
and there's a lot of um
fairly common beliefs
that quite a lot of people have when they come to me
so you know
working around
feeling good enough
feeling deserving
and having the confidence to say
raise prices when people are in business for themselves
that's quite a big one
and you know
really being out to
to feel worthy of
the transformation that they bring to other people um
in order to be able to attract
the particular clients that they want to work with
and really stepping into a CEO mindset as well
of you know
this is my business um
I know I help people
I have impact
and it's just really
being out to step into that with confidence
and just 100%
I am absolutely fantastic and fabulous at what I do
you know I am the expert
it's really just um
embedding those beliefs
that will give them that complete confidence
to step up and step forward to
to build businesses that they want to
quite often when clients come to me
they're feeling quite stuck
because they're really letting the negative voice
get in the way of them
having that this CEO confidence
if you like
to really build and expand
that business that they've been dreaming of
understand what's interesting is
I think sometimes people underestimate how much your
mental state affects your business performance like
okay it's comes out to your CRM
right or your
your email pitch or whatever is like
those are all things that
are probably important to some degree
but what's in here
in your head is gonna drive everything
you can accomplish and how far you're gonna go right
even if you have the best product
best strategy
best interest in the world
and internally
you have a lot of doubt and strife and like
just lack of desire to keep going
lots of questioning
like you're gonna feel a lot faster right
unless something internally is gonna get figured out
so I love like how we prioritize this
because again
I want everybody to hear that what's gonna stop you
primarily is gonna be what's inside
even if your business fails
I've seen so many entrepreneurs who keep going like
okay it failed
I'm gonna keep going
because they had the internal endurance
you know it's like the external things
can be controlled if your internal state is there
but not the other way around
yeah absolutely
and I think
you know when we first get into business
we go and think right okay
I need a business coach
I need to do business course
cause I need to learn strategy and you know
all of the ins and outs of running a business
and what we don't realise is that without that
I can do it mindset
you're only gonna get so far
before those doubts kick in
and you're not going to implement
all of those strategies that you learn
so really the first thing we should be working on
is our belief systems and our mindsets
but it's not until we get stuck
that we realise that
that's actually what we need to work on
and it's quite fascinating because you come across some
really big creators and CEOs and and that's
the one thing they always say
I wish I'd worked on my mindset first
because I got to certain point and I got really stuck
or I was working with
so many clients trying to pay the bills and not
charging them enough that I was
just run off my feet
burn out didn't have time to try and build my business
but did not have
the belief in myself to actually raise my prices
and you know
follow through on the strategies that they'd learnt
because you know
most of us will have
lots of strategy that we can implement you know
we know all the things that we need to be doing
we just not doing them so
true and I think that also what's
important about this is that you
you come more tuned to your own needs right
not just for business
but when you are in business and you're tuned to needs
then you figure like what actually is right for me
right because as you know
with business
there's a million different options
how you go about everything from like your logo to
email strategies
social media
and that's overwhelming
and you can
if you don't have an internal compass
you're gonna be swayed around like a big Gus
you're just like
you have no sense like what's actually right for myself
for this business
but when you create the compass
like you grow in your roots
right your roots become thicker
you have a strong stance
so if the wind sway
you're gonna
you know fluctuate
but you're not gonna sway as much right
you're gonna be flexible
it's like no
this is what's right for me
this is what's right for my business
this is what's right for me in charging the prices
because I know I'm gonna be exhausted if I
charge this rate and so many people come
but it's not rewarding
so I love that this internal canvas gets created
and it's really gonna be that
root foundation for your business to where
you function better
and is gonna be better for you internally as well
and I'm curious
do you have maybe an example or two of a client that
you've gone through just like
the transformation that has happened through it
yeah absolutely
so I had one of the clients
that was in my programs this last year
she'd had some sort of issue
family issues really
and they'd really got the better of her confidence
and she's like a beautiful healer therapist
and she just wasn't working with any clients because
she started to really doubt herself
and so by identifying
you know all of the root
limiting beliefs that had come up from
the issues with her family
she then went on
so she put herself back out there
she started doing these beautiful women's circles and
offering her healing services again
and she went and bought
uh a caravan
we call them in the UK uh
I don't know
your equivalent might be like an RV kind of thing
god yeah and something that she'd always wanted
but before her money mindset wouldn't have let her
her buy it right
she would have been holding on to her money and not
not wanting to let it go
but with all the work
done around her confidence and money mindset
her and her sister
they bought this caravan
and they're off going on holidays and yeah
she built her clients back up
she created these lovely in person women's circles
and you know
it was all stuff that she just wasn't doing anymore
so complete turnaround for her oh
I'm so happy for her
that sounds beautiful
like that transformation
and one thing people may not realize
that money part
like so what works have you seen
have you done around money
like why what transformations have been important
because people think like okay
I'm just doing things internally
but that doesn't necessarily
they don't see that that's a character
like their mindset around money could also be really
limiting them
can you touch on that point
yeah absolutely
most of our money beliefs
we have taken on from the adults in our life and again
from society in general
so you know
one of the big ones is that
I have to work hard for money
and you know
there was a time when that was probably true
you know many decades ago
last century
and especially after
you know things like world wars
when you know
people did have to work hard to rebuild
and there wasn't a lot
of resources around
and so but those beliefs
they get handed down
and money doesn't grow on trees
and you know
there's just
um you know
definite common beliefs that we take on
and so that's why
often we're putting in all of the hours and thinking
I've got to do more
I've got to do more
I've got to do more
because in order to earn this money
I have to work hard
mm hmm you know
reprogramming that actually
it gets to be easy
it gets to be joyful
you know I get to do what lights me up hmm
and that way
you know it's
like you said before
about trying to be present and enjoying the journey
rather than just focusing on
you know that end points
and placing that condition on your happiness if
when I earn this much money
but yeah I really
really tuning in
and understanding
you know what lights you up
I'm so like
I think taken it attractive
and yeah I think
in what helps me on this journey is also
seeing other examples of others right
you see other people who
have made something happen where they've grown
you know their financial standing
while enjoying the process right
and it's not just like one person or like
it's many people
and yet then you see people who are like millionaires
have a lot of money
and yet they feel like that's never enough
what's the difference there
it's really their mindset right
people like
no matter how much money they have
they feel like it's not enough
they can't spend on themselves
versus their people who like hey
I trusted there's abundance right
I trusted I can make money
in an easy way
the way that's the force me
and each one is right
each one makes it right for them
because like
that's what they're gonna see
and reconfirm through their action
because the mindset is the root of it
and they keep reaffirming it
so to me everything back like hey
even right now
when if something
starting something new
I still should have the balance
you know like
not excessive spending or excessive
you know conservation
but there should be a balance where I still can
enjoy entrusted
there is an abundance and like
still spend on things that matter to me
because if you just hold up money
you are also can limiting yourself
you're getting
their mindset becomes very limiting
like there's scarcity
there's fear
you're drive
you're then driving
your actions through the lens of like
what's fear
supported and motivated
versus like
what's best for me
it's like everything is correlated
if you think
you wanna make more money
and your motivation is very fear based
that's gonna hinder you
so it's very
interesting transformation
really that
the things that I was driving were actually limiting me
and re evaluating them um
made me think like
what's what
how do I actually wanna show up and live
and that's actually gonna serve me better
but it's a very tricky
like you said
process because
our old kind of
the things that we're taught
are often not serving us
the best way
yeah absolutely
and you know
energy it it is a very
subconscious thing
isn't it like
people's energy draws
you to them
or repels you away
and so that energy
which you approach things
whether like you say
whether it's
it's gasty and lack
and people really pick up on that
so the energy
that you approach things with is
really important
and I have little things that I do to change my
energy state really
quickly like um
I like to call it kitchen dancing
so I just on a track that's really uplifting
and dance around my kitchen
and you know
immediately you can feel your energy change
um or I have a
a quick 5 minute meditation in the quantum
so I can let go of anything that's not serving me
right at that moment
it can be alright
just like lighting a candle and just um
getting your crystals out
if you're like me and ha ha ha ha
you have a love of crystals
I've got them all over the place
oh yeah 100%
100% got mine on my desk
we're showing our crystals
just so if anybody wants to look at YouTube
you can see our crystals beautiful
yes so yeah
um anything that has a quick
change of state is really helpful
and I think it's important to
recognize as well that there's no good or bad emotions
they just emotions are different frequencies
and vibrations
and you know
we have the whole human experience and that
have all of the
the range of emotions
but being able to move more quickly
through the lower frequency
emotions by being out to change states such as
you know having a
quick dance or a singer
uh you know
whatever helps you is
is you know
important for you to discover
like what are those little
methods and techniques that you can use when you're
having a bit of an energy dip
where you could
even be to sit down and read for half an hour
you know anything that really serves you right
what I Learned is that what's important is also
to slow down
like when I go oh my gosh
I need to go faster
faster faster
but slowing down gives you that specific hey
how am I feeling right now
like what is my energy looking like
am I ever just been like go
go go and my energy is like that
that's the state that I'm at
or can I slow down like hey
like breathe in
like feel that
you know presence
feel like more of that like
just power coming into your body
like that takes space
instead of learning that the best way to actually
get farther ahead
is to slow down
versus thinking that the faster I go
the more I grind
that's actually gonna serve me
that it's not
because if you
if you keep it
you're not gonna have the time
and the space and awareness to realize like hey
how am I feeling
what's best for me right now
how can I show up in the world
with that whole takes space
and reflection capacity that
you can't have if you're just grinding effortlessly
and going as fast as possible
so if you're hearing this and feel like hey
I'm not where I wanna be
how much time are you creating for yourself
for reflection
and the space to kind of like connect with
yourself and see where you're at throughout
the day that's been a big change for me
and it's all
you've been so jealous for time
I want to wrap up
of anything you want to add
but also like
what are you excited for
for 2,024 now that we're wrapping up the year
oh my goodness well
just before we move in I you know
I would like to add that
those periods of stillness that you mentioned
that's a total gift
and the wisdom
so when you do get in those lower frequencies
when you ask yourself why
that's when you get to
to heal and expand
so so they're an actual
they're a gift
it might not feel like it at the time
what a gift
ha ha ha ha
and once you passed away
then you can
use the techniques to move through it
but for 2024 I'm yeah
really excited for a new
new start New Year
it always feels really exciting
doesn't it when you move into January
um and your big plans for the year
so I'm gonna be launching my
group program again in January
and taking on small 1 to 1 clients
which is exciting
and I'm also considering
a podcast of my own as well
ha ha I'm excited
I'll be rooting for you
ha ha fuck you
and I'd love to get you on as my guest
oh I'm there and I'll help you anyway
can anything can share
I'm here sincerely
ah that's amazing
thank you and yeah
it's just um
I feel like this has been a big year of Grace to me
because I had this pivot
into coaching this time last year
so I'm really excited to be able to expand in 2024
so yeah it's the year of
I want to call it the year of fun and gross
oh I love that
fun is so important on the growth path
like if you're not
so many people that I interview
that entrepreneurs are doing like
are you having fun
like what that's
that's a question we ask
it's so important
like people at the highest level are like
am I enjoying this
and that's helping them perform of their best
so if you're not enjoying it
that's maybe a sign that
some reflection needs to happen as well
yeah you're not quite following what lights you up
ha ha yes yes
100% okay um
and also who is your ideal customer
like who ideal client
who should be
who are you excited to work for or like
who could be getting the most out of your program
so I love to help ambitious women who
maybe just feeling a little bit stuck in their business
and they need to help to transform
the limiting beliefs that are getting in their way
so I help with clarity on what
what is it that they actually want
not what other people say they should want
what they want
then we have a look at you know
why they haven't got that yet
and then we work on turning around those beliefs and
really stepping into that CEO mindset
um to grow that business that they absolutely dream of
that's inspiring
because we need more strong women taking over the world
like there's no lack of need for that
so if you're in that space would be like hey
I feel like I'm capable of so much more
but something is stopping me
please reach out to Rachel
I'll share all the information
and details on how to connect the first soon
and like 2,024
let's make it a fun year for you
where you're accomplishing everything
that's truly aligns to your personal needs and desires
okay Rachel
here at Right Off Track
we wrap up with three rapid fire questions
so when you're ready
let me know
okay ha ha ha I'm ready
let's do this
okay what's your favourite kitchen song to dance to
oh that's a good question
I've been on a real 80s vibe lately and club counter
Wham yes yes
love it okay um
what's a common misconception
people have about mindset coaching
okay so I think
people don't understand that it's actually
your belief system that you need to work on
rather than surface level mindset work
which has a temporary relief
rather than really reprogramming and
using that neuroplasticity to
build new neural pathways that are supporting you
beautiful okay
last but not least
in the positive sense
going off track is
following what lights you up ha ha
even if that takes you
on a path that you weren't expecting
follow what lights you up
cause that's where your alignment lies
100% beautiful
well to all of our listeners
I hope you found some inspiration on here
some reflection points like hey
are you having fun
are you having the space for reflection
like are you doing things that you should be doing
or the others what you do
or is it something that's truly aligned to you
and if there's some kind of hesitation around that
reflects on that
like Rachel said
like have a gratitude practice right
to give you the openness to think about things that are
abundant and going well in your life
like journal to ask
to ask yourself
what do I want and why am I not here
and also if you want a little extra help
reach out to Rachel
she's a great resource on this
has so much wisdom to share
so much passion for this so Rachel
thank you so much for joining us
and as always
let's take over the world together
right off track
until next time
every time everyone
thank you Rachel

Rachel Harvey Profile Photo

Rachel Harvey


Hi, I'm Rachel!

I've always had big dreams but I used to be besieged by negative thoughts.

And no matter what career I switched too - from teaching to running my own 6 figure tutoring franchise to social media to Facebook ads, I never found the right one for me.

That was when I realised there was one common denominator ...


Or, rather my negative thoughts.

I didn’t feel good enough.

I worried that I was going to be found out.

I worked my butt off and went the extra 10 miles for clients because I thought I needed to prove myself.

And I knew my life would never change unless I changed my mindset. So I tried:

Gratitude lists

All of these helped temporarily but then I’d go about my day and the same thoughts would swirl around my head. So it was just like peeling an onion, even though I’d removed a layer, there were still many more to go, I needed to go deeper and rewire those beliefs otherwise I going to be playing whack a mole my whole life.

And now I can grow my business and achieve those big dreams without the negative backchat that was making me doubt everything I did.

You can do this too!